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(3) that's good reason to celebrate (4) symbolize a family reunion

(5) to be together and share a huge dinner

(6) Just thinking about all that food makes my mouth water Model 3 (1) Are you OK?

(2) People in funny costumes and masks everywhere

(3) dressing like witches and ghosts

(4) A crowd of children followed me, shouting (5) They were hoping you'd give them candy (6) it 's a funny kind of holiday

V Let 's talk

(1) - e(2) - b(3)- g(4)- d (8)- c(5) - h(7)- f(6) - a

VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1

2. D)3. C)1. A)4. B)5. C) Task 2

(S1) celebration

(S2) popular

(S3) American

(S4) died

(S5) remarrying

(S6) daughter

(S7) 1900s

(S8) the tradition was born, on the third Sunday every June, close to the

anniversary of Sonora's father's death

(S9) The card probably has a nice message on it

saying what a great dad their father is

(S10) British people might give their dad a bit of a rest-make him a cup of tea, or even

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wash his car and mow the lawn

Task 3

1. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army.

So he passed a law to forbid any more marriages. 2. He kept on performing marriage ceremonies, secretly.

3. They came to the jail to visit him. They threw

flowers and notes up to his window.

4. She was one of those young people and the daughter of the prison guard.

5. Before he was killed, Valentine left the girl a little note thanking her for her

friendship and loyalty. He signed, “Love from your Valentine. ”That note started

the custom.

Viewing and speaking (2) headache1. (1) fun(3) 150

(6) atmosphere(5) feeling(4) two million (9) regulations(7) traditional-looking(8) lights (12) children(10) family(11) translates (15) spreads(14) different

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Unit 6 Here are tips for finding a job.

II Basic listening practice

4. C)3. A)1. C)2. D)5. B)

III Listening in

Task 1


Task 2

4. A)2. C)3. C)1. B)5. D)

Task 3

4. C)3. A)2. A)1. C)5. B)

IV Speaking out



