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????????????????????????????? ?

?? AA;then;consequently;also;too;often not translated in English;也;就;然后;结果;都;用在复杂的


?? frog;carpenter's plane;full;filled;overbrimmed蛙;青蛙;刨;一种榴连;蛙鱼;以?, ?, ?,

?, ?结尾的閉音節,稱焉?????或 ?????

????? N;a mirror;a sheet glass;a glass panel;镜;玻璃 ??????四处涣散;涣散零乱

?????? N;a small bell (usually one rung by hand) a handbell;a doorbell;a cow bell;小铃 ?????? N;a button;a coat button;a stud;钮扣

?????? V;to jump;leap over;move by bounds;pounce upon;hop;skip;spring;跳;蹦 ??????? N;a rabbit;a hare;a kitchen tool for grating coconut;兔子

?????? [?????????] small tree with feathery leaves;Acacia farnisiana金银合欢树 ???????? garlic大蒜;蒜头

???????? porcelain;ceramic;or earthenware tile瓦片

??????? N;a can;canister;tin;tin dipper;tin pail;tin can;empty tin;罐

??????? N;a pocket;a suitcase;a purse;a handbag;a tobacco pouch or belt pouch;皮包;提


??????? N;a skirt;the hood of a car;裙子 ?????? N;a squirrel;松鼠

???? V;to fear;be afraid of;to dread;Adj;fearful;timid;afraid;frighten;害怕;畏惧 ???? Adv;more;more than;-er than;till;until;N;colloq;(and a) remainder;余;多;超过

??? V;to embrace;to caress;to hug;to enfold in the arms;搂抱

???? Adj;Adv;Prep;before;previous;previously;in advance;past;last;prior;先前;预先 ?? V;to calculate;to estimate;to guess;with (variant of kab);计算;估计;猜测 ???? coconut milk椰奶

??????? basin;enamelware盆地;搪瓷器

??? V;to bite;nip;nibble;to grind;gnash;to corrode;eat away;harm;attack;咬

??? Adv;each other;mutually;together;to protect from;prevent;I;me;一起;互相(表两人的关系) ??? Prep;with;together with;accompanied by;and;as;N;food eaten with rice;和 ?? N;the crow;teakettle;pot with a spout;乌鸦;茶壶 ??? V;to spread out;to stretch out;to hang out;伸展;打开 ?????? N;pants;trousers;裤 ???? N;coffee;咖啡

??? N;the body;physical form;physique;身体

???? N;a step;V;to step;to take a step;to advance;go forward;progress;向前地去;进步 ??????? [formal;written Thai] to be born;to bring forth;[formal;written Thai]

birth;origin;parentage;race[正式又书面的泰国语] 出生;往前带来;[正式又书面的泰国语]出生;起源;亲子关系;比赛

?????? AA;indicates action going on or state prevailing at a given time;N;energy;正在 ??? V;to eat;drink;consume;to take;require;draw;consume;吃

?? N;a loom;Adv;how;how many;how much;多少;几;多少;N;一台织布机;Adv;如何 ??? shrimp;prawn;lobster虾

??? spurious;fake;false;counterfeit假

???? V;to be expert (in doing something);be good at (doing something);expertly;劲;能干 ???? V;pick up;collect;gather;to keep;store;put away;confine;摘;捡;保存;储存 ??? N;game;游戏;运动会;局;结束 ???? [is] mischievous淘气;捣蛋

????? N;a basic salt;sodium chloride or table salt;盐;氯化钠或食盐; ?????? chair椅子

???? V;to cling to;fix;clamp;hold on to;perch;summon;subpoena;N;island;粘着;岛;攀;栖息 ???? V;to be born;to rise;to happen;to occur;to produce;to conceive;出生;发生;产生 ????? V;to hook;to reap;to catch;to be related by blood;to involve;regarding;V;钩住;收获;捕


?? Pron;he;him;she;her;they;them;you (superior to intimate or inferior);他;你

??? V;Adj;old;aged;ripe;matured;grown up;full-fledged;intense;dark;apt to老的;成熟的;使;成

熟 长大

??? N;curry;curried food (half-way between a soup and a stew);N;咖哩粉;用咖哩粉调味了食


???? N;name of a character;crystal;glass;precious;intimate;best;杯;玻璃

??? V;to pick;lever out;remove;slip out;take out;to engrave;etch;N;sheep;绵羊;摘;撬开;除去;


???? V;to be near;close;approach;Adj;near;close by;adjoining;adjacent;近;将近;濒临 ??? N;a chicken;a fowl;fowls in general;鸡

??? Adj;far;distant;remote;greatly separated;far off;far away;long;lengthy;远

?? V;to transfer (from one place to another);transfer;N;hair (of body/ animal);搬;毛;挖 ??? trash;garbage;rubbish;refuse垃圾 ??? N;Adj;Adv;right;to the right;右;右边

?? V;to ask for (something);to beg;to request;to hook;N;a hook;谦词;索取;请求;祝;钩子 ??? N;thing;something;article;possession;Prep;of;owned by;belonging to;的;东西;事物;某事 ??? V;to shut up;pen up;confined;detain;caged;jail;to be confined;caught;监禁;积存 ??? N;a bowl;V;to crow;to tighten;to turn;to compete;to wager;to gamble;舀水器;啼叫;好笑 ??? N;a bottle;a flask;classifier for things in bottles;瓶

??? V;to drive;to eject;to expel;to recite;to sing;to tease;to banter;驾驶;驱;开除 ?? N;a leg;a limb;one leg of a journey;a member;a partner;one of a type;脚;腿

??? galangal;galanga;China root;or kha (Alpinia officinarum);a relative of the ginger plant;The

root is used used to add flavor in Thai cooking and some Thai style soups;The flavor is more

lemony and more peppery than that of common ginger;and it has a richer aroma;The skin is pale yellow;with pink-tinged knobs;the interior is cream-color;Kha is not eaten alone—large slices are floated in soups or the root is ground into curry paste;[??????] a tribe of Mon-Cambodian descent residing on mountains良姜属

??? Pron;I;me ( superior to inferior or intimate );代词;我;(长者对后生的;或亲密的) ???? above;below;in front;at the rear;side;旁边;方面;一只

??? N;to be lacking;missing (from);to be broken;severed (from);finish;off;破;缺;中断;断绝 ???? V;to cross;cross over;step over;skip;越过 ??? V;to sell;to discard;to reject;卖 ??? V;to be white;白 ???? N;news;新闻;讯息

???? N;rice;饭;米;稻 ?? V;to ride;骑

?? feces;waste;excrement;snot;dung;turd;[idiomatic usage implying] a bad or negative

character trait;to shit;to crap粪便;废物;排泄物;鼻水;放在前缀表示嗜好

??? V;to scratch;to draw;to trace;to make lines;N;limitation;boundary;划;擦;删去;程度 ??? climb onascend;raise;rise;go up上;登上;上升

???? clasp;brooch;safety pin;needle;sewing pin;[???????] lxora coccinea;[???????] the wrestling

halfbeak (a fish);Dermogenys针;徽章;方针

??? Pron;he;him;she;her;they;them (third person pronoun);他;他们;人家;角;山 ???? N;knee(s);膝盖

???? V;to enter;insert;sympathize;join;come in contact with;in;into;进入;就位;融合;表示催促 ????? chopping block;cutting board切菜板; ????? V;to write;to draw;写

????? eyeteeth;fang ;protrusion eyeteeth;尖牙 ;推出 ???? V;to be hard;firm;strong;stiff;sV;well;ably;firmly;硬坚

???? V;to compete;to race;to contentd with;to contest for;V;竞争;比赛;到 contentd 由于;竞


??? N;arm(s);sleeve(s);手臂

??? egg;[sexual;colloquial slang] a man's testicle (ball)蛋;[性的;白话的俚语] 男人的睾丸 (球) ??? N;a fever;illness (characterized by a fever);名词;发烧

?? V;to dish up;take out with a spoon;to bend;turn;meander;curve;crooked;弯曲;舀;奸诈



