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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)

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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)

语法专题 主谓一致




主谓一致是指主语和谓语要保持人称和数上的一致,主语的“人称”和“数”决定谓语动词的变化。 一 主谓一致原则一览表 原则 概念 例句 语法一致原则 指主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数 Steve Ember is a good player. 形式;主语是复数形式,谓语也用复Children like toys. 数形式 意义一致原则 指主语形式上为单数.但表示复数意 My family are having lunch 义,谓语动词用复数形式;或主语形now. 式上为复数.但表示单数意义,谓语动News is travelling fast nowadays. 词用单数形式 就近一致原则 谓语动词用单数形式还是用复数形 There is a knife and two forks on the desk. 式取决于最靠近它的主语 Either you or he is to go. 二、语法一致 1. 不定式、动名词、从句作主语,用单数

Going to a British high school (be) an unforgettable experience. What he said (be) true. 2. Either, neither, each, the other, another, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, something, everything, nobody, nothing

作主语用单数 Nothing (be) impossible. Everything (be) possible. 3. 主语后有 with, together with, as well as, along with, like, as, except, but, more than, rather than , other than, no less

than 等词或短语时,谓语动词与主语一致。 A library with five thousand books (be) offered to the nation as a gift.

The monitor as well as his classmates (be) given a reward for working hard yesterday. 4. and 连接的并列主语

(1) 由 and 连接的两个不同概念的名词作主语时,动词要用复数:

Both you and I (be) going to attend the meeting. 但是如果指一个事物用单数

bread and butter knife and fork

(2)有 each, every, many a , no 修饰并列主语,用单数 Each woman and each man (have) a chance to win. Every boy and every girl (know) that each day and each hour brings its duty. (3) and 连接的两个名词只有一个冠词用单数,有两个冠词用复数 The professor and the write (be) visiting our school now. A singer and dancer (be) visiting our school now. (4).从句,不定式等由 and 连接做主语,完整式用复数,缩略式用单数 What he said and what he did agree. What I say and do (be) my own business. When and where to build the new factory been decided yet. 1 / 10

牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)

5. 以 S 结尾的词常用复数的情况: trousers, belongings, possessions, scissors 等

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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)

但是有些词是单复同形的,如 means, series, species A series of accidents (happen) every year. The glass works (be) set up in 1980. Every means been tried. All means been tried. 6. 许多的表达

只能加不可数名词: deal 和 amount , 且 amounts 修饰用复数 只能加可数名词:number, many a (单), a good many(复), more than one (单), more(复) than one a number of...谓语动词复数 the number of...谓语动词单数

可数不可数均可:quantity, variety(和名词一致) ,quantities, varieties 后用复数 As a result of destroying the forests, a large quantity of desert (have) covered the land. As you can see, the number of cars on roads (keep) rising these days.

It is reported that many a new house (be) being built at present in the disaster area. 7. 定语从句 one of … 用复数, the only one of …用单数

He is one of the students who (be) late. He is the only one of the students who (be) late.


1. 时间、金钱、重量、距离等复数名词当整体看 600 miles (be) a long distance. 20 years (be) only a short span in human life. 2. 以“S”结尾的学科名,杂志名,地名等用单数

New York Times (be) popular. Politics (be) one of the hardest. 3.集体名词 family, crew, population, team, class 等表示集体概念用单数,表示具体的人用复数 people, police, cattle,用复数 (注意: a people 表示民族)

The whole family (be)watching TV now. Family (be)more important than work. What (be) the population of China? 4.有 kind, pair type,则与 kind,pair, type 一致 This pair of glasses (be) yours. These two pairs of glasses (be) yours.

5.the rest, most, half, all, a lot of, some,百分比,分数加名词,谓语动词与名词一致

The rest of the students Two thirds of the water (be) in the classroom. (be) polluted.

四、 就近一致

1. there be 句型

There (be) a pen, a knife and several books on the desk.

2. either… or,neither… nor,not only…but also, not …but, whether…or Either you or she (be) to go. 不是你去,就是她去。 3. 由 here, there 引导的倒装句 Here (be) a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you. 给你笔、信封和纸

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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)


1.(2019·甘肃兰州一中月考)Each student of their compulsory education.

2.(2019·湖南益阳箴言中学模拟)He has donated some money to those who live in poverty, which of great help.

3.(2019·四川部分名校联测)At the foot of the mountain view.

4 .(2019· 湖北八校第一次联考)The publication of Great Expectations, which reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens’ status as a leading novelist.

5.(2019·浙江金丽衢十二校联考)She took the lift to the eleventh floor, and the secretary showed her where her desk and her computer (be).

(be) money while what we need most

(be) both widely

(lie) an old village which has a beautiful (be)

(learn) a foreign language, mostly English, from Day One 6 .(2019· 吉林长春外国语学校质检)What they need most (be) textbooks.

7 . (2019· 湖南怀化一模)More than one doctor earthquake.

(be) involved in the rescue that took place after the

8.(2019·湖南师大附中月考)Professor James will give us a lecture on Western culture, and he as well as his assistants exercise a week (be) to arrive by air. 9.(2019·河南部分重点中学联考)A survey of the opinions of experts (be) good for one’s health.

(be) a dog and three ducks in the yard, in the middle of

(show) that three hours of outdoor 10.(2019·河北武邑中学第二次调研)There which (be) two tall trees with great shade. 二、语法填空

People release balloons for special occasions like memorial services and grand openings. It is fun and exciting. But it really causes great destruction to the environment and threatens the 1. When a balloon 2. places. More 4. often mistake balloons 5. (fly) into the sky, it doesn’t end up 3. (life) of our wildlife. (stay) there. It eventually bursts and returns to the earth as ugly litter. Balloons can even travel thousands of miles and pollute the most remote and pure

(sad), they can present a threat to many animals. Birds, whales, turtles and other animals food, which can do damage to them because balloons contain 6. (harm)

chemicals. Balloons even kill animals. When an animal swallows a balloon, it can block its intestinal tract(肠道) resulting in starvation.

Part of the reason why releasing balloons 7. down eventually. However, it takes about four years 8. (permit) in so many places is that some balloons do break (break) down completely.

is it we should do is get Watching hundreds of balloons slowly going up into the sky might give you a five-second thrill, 9. worth a bunch of dead animals and so many places full of rubbish? Absolutely not. 10. creative and come up with alternative ways to celebrate.



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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)

“Ready?” “Ready.” “Now?” “Soon.”

“Do the scientists really know? Will it happen today, will it?” “Look, look; see for yourself!” It rained.

It had been raining for seven years; thousands upon thousands of days filled from one end to the other with rain, with the drum of water, with the sweet crystal fall of showers and the continuous storms so heavy that huge waves over the islands. A thousand forests had been destroyed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be destroyed again. And this was the way life was forever on the planet Venus, and this was the schoolroom of the children of the rocket men and women who had come to a raining world to set up civilization (文明) and live out their lives.

“It’s stopping, it’s stopping!” “Yes, yes!”

Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could never remember a time when there wasn’t rain and rain and rain. They were all nine years old, and if there had been a day, seven years ago, when the sun came out for an hour and showed its face to the stunned world, they could not remember.

Sometimes, at night, she heard them stir, in remembrance, and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold or a yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with. She knew they thought they remembered a warmness, like a blushing in the face, in the body, in the arms and legs and trembling hands. But then they always awoke to the endless shaking down of clear bead (珠子) necklaces upon the roof, the walk, the gardens, the forests, and their dreams were gone. Now the rain was getting lighter, and the children were crushed in the great thick windows.

Margot stood alone. She was a very frail girl who looked as if she had been lost in the rain for years and the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her mouth and the yellow from her hair. Now she stood, separate, staring at the rain and the loud wet world beyond the huge glass.

“What’re you looking at?” said William. Margot said nothing.

“Speak when you’re spoken to.” He gave her a shove (推搡). But she did not move; rather she let herself be moved only by him and nothing else.

They edged away from her, they would not look at her. She felt them go away. And this was because she would play no games with them in the echoing tunnels of the underground city. If they tagged her and ran, she stood after them and did not follow. When the class sang songs about happiness and life and games her lips barely moved. Only when they sang about the sun and the summer did her lips move as she watched the windows.

And then, of course, the biggest crime of all was that she had come here only five years ago from Earth, and she remembered the sun and the way the sun was and the sky was when she was four in Ohio. And they, they had been on Venus all their lives, and they had been only two years old when last the sun came out and had long since forgotten the color and heat of it and the way it really was. But Margot remembered.

1. By “a coin large enough to buy the world with”, the author suggest . A. the coin used on Venus B. a child’s colored pencil C. the high price of Venus D. a child’s drawing of the sun 2. The children disliked Margot mainly because she . A. was older than they were B. liked the continuous rain C. knew what the sun look like D. had brought the rain with her

3. The underlined phrase “Margot stood apart from them” suggests she stayed away from them. All the following sentences suggest the same thing EXCEPT “ ”. A. she felt them go away. B. Her lips hardly moved.

C. she stood after them and did not follow. D. she would play no games with them.

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牛津必修三 Unit3 Grammar 导学案设计(主谓一致学案设计)


