Shell Pledges Huge Annual China Investment
Li Jinchao
【期刊名称】《中国油气(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(019)004
【摘要】Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe's largest oil company, recently expressed that it will invest around US$1 billion annually in its upstream businesses in China, a move based on the country's surging natural gas consumption. \gas market in China,\according to Peter Voser, the company's chief executive officer. He said the company's investment scale will change depending on how successful its current projects are in the following years,
【作者】Li Jinchao
【作者单位】PetroChina West Pipeline Co.,Ltd. 【正文语种】英文
【中图分类】F416.22;F426.22 【相关文献】
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Shell Pledges Huge Annual China Investment