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1.上午好good morning 2.下午好good afternoon 3.晚上好good evening 4.晚安 good night 5.见到你很高兴Nice to meet you 6.你好吗?How are you? 7.我很好谢谢你I am fine,thank you! 8.真漂亮!How beautiful 9.你叫什么名字?What’s your name? 10.我叫···.I am·· 11.上课class begins 12.起立stand up 13.请坐 sit down,please 14.过来come here 15. 不用谢 You are welcome 16. 谢谢你 thank you 17.你多大了?How old are you? 18.I am 7/8/9··· 19.车来了Here comes the bus. 20.在汽车上on the bus 21.你好hi / hello! 22.对不起sorry 23.That’s all right. 身体部位

头head 肩膀shoulder 眼睛eye 鼻子nose 耳朵ear 嘴巴mouth 膝盖knees 手hand

儿歌:Hand,shoulder,knees and toes,knees and toes,knees and toes. Hand,shoulder,knees and toes,mouth and ears.


蓝色blue白色white 黑色black 红色red 绿色green 黄色yellow 粉红色pink

童谣:小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。画个天空是蓝色,blue, blue是蓝色。画个太阳红彤彤,red,red是红色。画片云朵是白色,white,white是白色。画串香蕉是黄色,yellow,yellow,是黄色,画片草地是绿色,green,green是绿色。最后拿起黑色笔,black,black黑黑黑。对着镜子画自己,画了一个小黑熊,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着闹着找妈咪。 水果类fruit

苹果apple 橘子orange 香蕉banana 桃子peach 葡萄grape 草莓strawberry 西瓜watermelon 游戏:蹲蹲乐 动物类animal

狗dog 猫cat 鸡chick 鸭duck 牛cow 猪pig

熊bear 泰迪熊teddy bear 老虎tiger 狼wolf

猴子monkey 狮子lion 兔子rabbit 长颈鹿graffe袋鼠kangaroo 青蛙frog 海豚dolphin 老鼠mouse 马horse 河马hippo 狐狸fox 大象elephant 儿歌:Look, dolphin, look, bear. Dolphin and bear are over there. I like dolphin, I like bear. Sing a song for my honey bear.配上动作,还可用其他动物名词替换dolphin和bear.

童谣:Wolf,wolf大灰狼,耳朵尖尖牙齿长。吃了小红帽,真是坏心肠。Tiger,tiger,大老虎,开车爱当大哥哥。想带白鹅去旅行,吓得白鹅直哆嗦。Tiger,tiger大哥哥,实在不敢坐你的车。仙人掌,长满刺。Mouse老鼠把它吃,吃得满嘴都是刺,忙找医生把嘴治。 职业类

教师teacher 警察policeman 消防员fireman 医生doctor 农民farmer 画家artist 清洁工cleaner 儿歌:We say hello,hello to the policeman. 家庭成员称呼

父亲father 爷爷(外公)grandpa或者grandrather

母亲mother 奶奶(外婆)grandma或者grandmother叔叔伯伯和舅舅英语全叫uncle 哥哥(弟弟)brother 阿姨、婶婶叫untie 姐姐(妹妹)sister 蔬菜类

青菜greens 白菜cabbage 生菜lecttuce

黄瓜cucumber 土豆potato 蘑菇mushroom 花菜cauliflower 辣椒pepper 胡萝卜carrot 洋葱onion 葱green onion 西红柿tomato 葫芦gourd 姜ginger 蒜garlic



2.葫芦架,挂葫芦,大宝小宝抬头数,一二三四五,one,two,three,four,five,一共五个圆葫芦。葫芦,葫芦gourd. 其他

数字1-10:1.one, 2.two, 3.three, 4.four, 5.five, 6.six, 7.seven, 8.eight, 9.nine, 10.ten 鱼fish 树tree 花flower 游泳swimming



儿歌Twikle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky;

Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are。

儿歌:小蜜蜂Flying,flying,little bee. Flying,flying,little bee.Zi````little

bee,Zi````little bee.

蝴蝶Flying,flying, butterfly. Flying,flying, butterfly. Zi````butterfly,Zi````butterfly.

小鸟Flying,flying, little bird. Flying,flying, little bird. Zi````little bird,Zi````little bird.

儿歌:让座Come here,littlecat,come and take my seat. Come here,littlecat,come and take my seat. Come here,littlecat,come and take my seat. Thank you, thank you,littlecat,little cat.

开车Drive, drive,drive a car. The car is running fast. Running,runny,runny,runny,the car is runny fast. Row, row, row a boat. The boat is going slow. Rowing,rowing,rowing,rowing,the boat is going slow. 我能I can,Ican,drive a car.Drive,drive ,drive a car. I can,I can, ride a bicycle.Ride,ride,ride ,ride. 儿歌:你是谁?Who are you? Big animal. Treading,treading.Hong,hong,hong. Who are you? Big animal. Treading,treading.Hong,hong,hong.

儿歌:划船Boating, boating, boating to a funny park. Rowing, rowing, rowing to a funny land. Marry, Terry,come and join in me on the boat.

OK, OK, could you wait for me? 星期天,真愉快,我和爸爸看比赛。 手拍篮球跑又跳,篮球,篮球basketball. 脚踢足球快蹦跑,足球,足球football 表扬:Good,good,very very good 指令:One,two,three.(教师说) Four,four,four(学生答,并坐端正)





