pulled a lever and the submarine slowed down just in time. The submarine went into the cave. Professor Tangle put the new fuse in. All the lights came on. The cave shone and sparkled. There were diamonds all over the walls. “Diamonds! I’m rich!” said the Professor. “But you can’t get at them,” said Biff. “Oh bother!” said Professor Tangle. Suddenly the walls of the cave began to shake. Rocks and stones fell all around them. “We must get out,” said the Professor. “Full speed ahead.” “Oh no! We aren’t going to make it,” said Wilma. The submarine got out just in time. “Phew! That was close!” said Biff. “We’re sorry you couldn’t get the diamonds, Professor,” said Chip. Just then the key began to glow. The magic took them back to Biff’s room. “That was a good adventure,” said Chip. “We must go home for tea,” said Wilma. “What’s that?” joked Wilf. “You want to go back to sea?”
7-7 The Motorway
Biff and Chip went to stay with Gran. Gran lived in a little village. Biff and Chip liked staying with Gran. She was good fun. She made Biff and Chip laugh. Gran took Biff and Chip to the shed. She had a surprise for them. “Open the door,” she said. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” “What is it?” asked Chip. Biff and Chip opened the door and looked inside the shed. They had a big surprise. “Oh no!” said Biff. “There’s a dragon in the shed!” “It’s not a real dragon,” said Gran. “It’s a kite.” Biff and Chip looked at the kite. “It’s a Chinese dragon kite,” said Gran. “It’s wonderful,” said Biff. The children wanted to fly the kite. “It’s a good day for a picnic,” said Gran. “And it’s a good day to fly the kite. It’s quite windy.” “Can I fly it first?” asked Biff. Gran found a good place for the picnic. It was near her house. “This is a good place to fly the kite,” she said. She let Biff fly the kite first. The wind took the kite up in the sky. It went higher and higher. “It looks wonderful,” said Chip. Suddenly the wind got stronger. “Don’t let go,” called Gran. The wind pulled the dragon kite out of Biff’s hand. It blew away and landed in a tree. Biff was upset. “I couldn’t hold on to it,” she said. Chip climbed the tree and pulled the kite, but it wouldn’t come down. “Be careful,” said Biff. “Mind you don’t tear it.” “And mind you don’t fall,” said Gran. The kite was stuck in the tree. Chip couldn’t get it down. In the end, someone got the kite down with a long pole. “Thank you,” said Biff and Chip. Biff and Chip went to fly the kite again. Chip saw some .wild flowers. “Mind those flowers!” he said. “Don’t step on them.” Gran looked upset. “What’s the matter, Gran?” asked Chip. “They want to build a motorway. They want to put it right here,” said Gran. Biff and Chip were upset, too. They didn’t want a motorway there. “We won’t be able to have picnics or play in the wood,” said Biff. “And we won’t be able to fly the kite.” A woman pointed to the wood. Then she pointed to the village. “This is where the motorway will go. It will go between the
wood and the village,” she said. Gran was very upset. She looked at the village and she looked at her house. “We don’t want a motorway here,” she said. “We must stop it.” Gran told people in the village about the motorway. Everyone was upset. “We don’t want a motorway here. We must stop it,” they said. Everyone wanted to stop the motorway. “We don’t want it here,” said Gran. “It will spoil our village.” ‘It can’t be helped,” said a man. “We can’t stop it.” People came to Gran’s house. They made banners and posters. Gran made a big banner. Biff helped her. The banner said, “Stop the motorway”. Chip was good at painting. He made a poster. The poster said, “Save our woodland.” “The banner looks good,” said Biff. “And Chip’s poster looks good too.” Everyone went to a meeting. An important woman was there. The woman pointed to a map. “We have to put the motorway here,” she said. “We don’t want the motorway here,” said Gran. “It will spoil the village.” “It can’t be helped,” said the woman. “It has to go somewhere. I can’t stop it.” Soon, big lorries and bulldozers came to the village. Nobody wanted the motorway. Everyone wanted to stop it, but the bulldozers began to dig. Gran looked at the bulldozers. “The motorway will spoil the countryside,” she said. “Now we won’t be able to walk in the woods and go on picnics.” The children watched the bulldozers. Biff looked at the wild flowers. “Oh no!” she said. “The bulldozer will dig them up soon. Let’s pick some for Gran.” Biff and Chip made Gran a cup of tea. They gave her the flowers. “We picked these flowers for you,” said Chip. “The bulldozer will dig them up soon.” Gran looked at the flowers. “I think these flowers are very rare,” she said. “I’ve never seen them before.” She jumped up and ran inside the house. Gran looked in a book. She found a picture of the flowers. “This is wonderful!” shouted Gran. “These flowers are rare. Now we can stop the motorway.” People came from everywhere. They looked at the rare flowers. “This is amazing,” they said. “We’ve never seen these flowers before. They must be saved.” “Hooray!” shouted Gran. “These flowers will stop the motorway. They can’t put a motorway here. They can’t dig up rare flowers.” The rare flowers were saved, and so was Gran’s village. The bulldozers and lorries went away, but they left a big hole in the ground. “Thank you for helping us stop the motorway,” said Gran. “What will you do about the hole?” asked Biff. Gran smiled. She had an idea. The big hole was made into a lake. Ducks came to live on it and wild flowers grew round it. “The children will like this,” said gran. “It’s better than a motorway.”
7-8 The Bully
A new girl came to the school. She was in Biff and Chip’s class. The new girl was called Rosie, and she didn’t look very friendly. She pulled a face at Anneena. Rosie sat next to Chip. Chip didn’t like her. She took his pens and
scribbled on his picture. So Chip scribbled on her picture. Rosie got Chip into trouble. She went to Mrs May. “He scribbled on my picture,” she said. Mrs May was cross with Chip. She told him off. Nobody liked the new girl. She was a bully. She called everyone nasty names. She called Chip a motor mouth, and she called Wilf a parrot face. Rosie was nasty to Biff. She took her crisps and called her a toffee nose. Biff was frightened of Rosie. Everyone was frightened of her. Rosie was nasty to Anneena. She called her a good-goody and pulled her hair. “Ow! Stop it!” said Anneena. “Leave me alone.” Wilma was bigger than Rosie, so she ran to help Anneena. But Rosie was a bully. She called Wilma a dinosaur brain and she pushed her over. Rosie pulled Chip’s ear and she wouldn’t let go. “Tell me a secret,” she said. “Go on!” Chip didn’t want to tell her a secret. “Go on, Motor Mouth,” said Rosie. Rosie pulled Chip’s ear even harder. “Tell me a secret,” she said. “Go on!” Chip didn’t want to, but he told Rosie about the magic key. Rosie wanted to see the magic key, so she made Chip take her home. “Let me see this key,” she said. “I want a magic adventure.” The children went to Biff’s room. Rosie looked at the magic key, but it wouldn’t glow. “It’s just an old key,” she said. “It isn’t magic at all.”The magic key wouldn’t glow when Rosie was holding it. But, as soon as Chip took the key, it began to glow. “It’s a trick,” said Rosie. The magic key took the children on a new adventure. It took Rosie,too. “Help!” called Rosie. “I don’t like this. Make it stop!” The magic key took the children to a school playground. “This is just a playground,”said Rosie. “This isn’t a magic adventure.” “How do you know?” asked Chip. Rosie was cross with Chip. “This is a silly adventure, Motor Mouth,” said Rosie. “The magic key is silly.” The magic key began to glow, but this time it glowed red. The magic turned Rosie into a motor mouth. “What’s happening?” shouted Rosie. “I don’t like this.” “You’re a motor mouth,” said Nadim. Rosie tried to grab the magic key, but Chip threw it to Wilma. “Give the key to me, Dinosaur Brain,” shouted Rosie. The magic key glowed red again. The key turned Rosie into a dinosaur brain. “Help!” shouted Rosie. “I don’t like this.” The children began to laugh. “Give me the magic key!” shouted Rosie. Wilma threw the key to Wilf. Rosie tried to grab it. “Give me that key, Parrot Face,” she shouted. But the key glowed again. The magic key gave Rosie a parrot face. The children laughed and laughed. “I don’t like this,” said Rosie. “It’s not fair. Give me the magic key.” Wilf threw the key to Nadim. “Give me that key!” shouted Rosie. She tried to grab it, but Nadim threw it to Anneena. Rosie got very angry. She tried to hit Wilf, but the key glowed red again. The magic made Rosie hit herself. “Ow!” she said. “That hurt.” Rosie began to cry. She wanted the magic adventure to stop. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. This time, it took the children home.Biff and Chip looked at Rosie, then they looked at the magic key. “This key is magic,” said Biff,
“and it doesn’t like bullies. Nobody likes bullies.” Rosie ran home. The children were glad, but Biff felt a bit sorry for her. “That was a strange adventure,” said Biff. “The magic was different this time.”The next day, two big children saw Rosie. The big children were bullies, too. They wanted Rosie’s sweets, so they pushed her against the wall. Then the bullies pulled Rosie’s ear. “Help!”called Rosie. “That hurts. Let me go!” she shouted. Chip and Wilma saw the bullies. They didn’t know what to do. Wilma had an idea. She ran and told Mrs May about Rosie and the bullies. “Come quickly, Mrs May,” called Wilma. “Rosie needs your help.” Mrs May went to help Rosie. She told the bullies off. “Nobody likes bullies,” said Mrs May. “Bullying is nasty. Don’t bully people again.” Mrs May spoke to all the children. “Nobody likes bullies,” she said. “Wilma was right to tell a grown-up. Always tell a grown-up about billies. We don’t want bullies in this school.” Rosie was glad that Chip and Wilma had helped her. “Thank you,” she said. She was sorry she had been a bully, and she didn’t bully anyone again. The next day, a new boy came to the school. His name was Sam, and he didn’t look very friendly. “Oh no!” said Chip.
7-9 The Hunt for Gold
Wilma’s mum had a charm bracelet. It was made of gold. The bracelet had ten charm on it. The charms were made of gold too. “It’s a beautiful bracelet,” said Chip. Wilma’s mum was washing her hands at the sink. She had the bracelet on. One of the charms fell off the bracelet, and it went down the plug hole. Wilma’s mum was very upset. “I hope I can get the charm out of the plug hole,” she said. Chip ran and got his mum. “She can get the charm out,” he said. Mum put a plastic bowl under the sink. Everyone looked in the bowl. “There’s the charm,” said Mum. “Yuk!” said Wilma. “It’s got dirt on it.” Wilma’s mum was glad to get it back. Mum found something else. “Yuk!” she said. “Look what I’ve found.” It was Wilf’s old chewing gum. “What a place to stick old chewing gum!” said Wilma’s mum. The children went to Biff’s bedroom. Wilf had three packets of chewing gum. He gave some gum to Chip. “This is my bedroom,” said Biff, “so mind where you put the old chewing gum.” Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children on a new adventure. “Help!” said Wilf. “I don’t know what to do with my old chewing gum.” The magic took water. The boy and the girl had big pans. They scooped up little stones from the river. Then they looked for tiny bits of gold in the bottom of the pans. The boy and girl got angry when they saw the children. They didn’t want them to look for gold. “This is our bit of river,” they shouted. “Go and look for gold somewhere else!” Wilf gave the boy and girl some gum. They hadn’t seen chewing gum before. They didn’t know what to do with it. “You just chew it,” said Wilf. “Chew it, but don’t swallow it.” The boy was called Luke and the girl was called
Alice. They lived in a hut by the river. Alice and Luke looked for gold every day. It was a hard life. The family hadn’t found any gold, and Luke and Alice were always hungry. “Looking for gold is hard,” said Luke. “Do you want to help us?” The children helped look for gold. Wilf and Biff helped Luke’s father. Wilma and Chip helped Alice and Luke. “I’m glad I brought the gum,” said Wilf. “This is hard work.” It was cold in the river, and the children soon got tired. “We do this every day,” said Luke, “and we still haven’t found any gold.” Suddenly, Luke’s father shouted. “Gold!” he yelled. “We’ve found gold.” He picked up a big nugget of gold and jumped up and down. Everyone ran to see. Everyone looked at the gold nugget. It felt heavy and cold. “Hooray!” shouted Luke’s mother. “We have found gold at last,” she said. “I thought we’d never find any.” The children went to town with Luke’s mother and father. Luke and Alice were excited. “We can sell the gold,” they said, “and we can buy some food.” “We can buy new clothes,” said Luke’s mother. “And a new spade,” said Luke’s father. “And some chewing gum,” said Luke. “What’s chewing gum?” asked Luke’s father. Some men were waiting in the road. “Oh no!” said Luke’s father. “Robbers! They will steal our gold nugget. What shall we do?” Wilf had an idea. He spoke to all the children. “Give me your chewing gum,” he said. “Give me all the old chewing gum, and give me the gold nugget.” The robbers wanted gold and money. “But we’re just a poor family,” said Luke’s father. “We haven’t got any money and we haven’t found any gold.” The robbers looked everywhere. They searched everyone. “We’re only children,” said Alice. “We haven’t got any gold and we haven’t got any money.” The robbers couldn’t find the gold. They let everyone go. “Hooray,” said Luke. “Wilf’s chewing gum saved the gold.” “Is that chewing gum?” asked Luke’s father. “Luke’s father and mother got some money for the gold. “I can have a new dress,” said Alice. “And I can have new boots,” said Luke. Luke’s father bought a new cart. It was bigger than the old one. “We need a new cart,” said Luke. “There is so much to take home.” The children helped them put everything on the cart. “This is hard work too,” said Biff. “These magic adventures are not all fun.” They all went back to the river. The family put on the new clothes. Wilma and Biff looked for gold. “I hope we find some,” said Wilma. “I’d love to find a gold nugget.” Suddenly, Biff saw a little yellow speck in the pan. She had found some gold. “It’s very small,” she said. Just then, the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. Biff looked at the gold. “It looks really tiny, now,” she said. “It looks like a speck of dust!” Suddenly, Chip sneezed. The speck of gold blew out of Biff’s hand. It blew on to the carpet. “Did you see where it went?” asked Biff. “Oh no! Sorry!” said Chip. The children looked and looked. They couldn’t find the little speck of gold. “I don’t think we ever will,” said Biff. “Oh no!” said everyone.
7-10 Chinese Adventure