命题人:颜闯 时间:100分钟 分值100分 第I卷(选择题,共80 分) 第一部
分:英语知识运用(共两节 , 满分 60 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 30 小题,每小题 1. ---Is that 110 I need help! A thief is found 1 分,满分 30 分)
---Ok, don ' t be afraid, help is _______ in my house …
A. in the way B. in its way
2. It will be three months __________ the C. on the way D. by the way normal
situation returns to since the tornado
has caused so much damage in this area.
A. since B. that C. after D. before 3. ---What are they doing over there
---They are arguing ___ each other what caused Bird Flu.
射阳县盘湾中学 2007 届高三周末检测英语试卷
A. with; for B. with; about C. to; about a good D. at; on 4. It is foolish of you to ______ such chance of a further education. getting
B. give out A. give in D. give up C. give away
5. Henry set up a club for football fans, ____ he invited all his friends.
A. to which B. to whom D. from which C. for whom
6. We ' ve been looking for houses but haven we like yet.
' t found ___ A. one B. ones
D. them C. it
7. --- David has made great progress recently. , and
B. So he has; so have A. So he has; so you have
you C. So has he; so have you
D. So has he; so you have
8. If you have _good knowledge of _English language, you will have no difficulty
_with the foreigners.
A. a; /; communicating communicating
C. a; the; communicating communicate
D. a; the; 9. ---Shall we go outing this weekend
' t know if I ' ll have time to go out. ---Oh, with all this work ___ , I don
C. done D. do A. to do B. doing
how it that you did so much work within 10. I simply couldn 't understand a short time. B. came back D. came along A. came about C. came up
11. The country life he was used to ______ greatly since 1992.
A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed
12. _____ there many times, but he still got lost soon.
A. Having been B. Though he had been C. He had been there D. To have been there
the; the; to
13. ---Where did you meet the pop star
---It was in the hotel I stayed that day. B. A. that
A. experime nt
B. experie nee
C. where D. whe n
14. You must try some of her home- made wine. It
' s quite an unforgettable
C. effort
D. skill
15. The passe nger was tired and walked slowly but he got home _____ .A. after all B. at all C. above all
—What about bike
——Do you think it all right to buy him that bike as birthday gift A.
the ;a 17.
B. a; a
about it .
C. had forgotten you
say but
D. have forgotte n you
it that
C. a;不填
D. i n all
D. the ; 不填
—May I remind you that a Mr. Wang is wait ing outside , sir —Oh, that ' s right . I _ A. forget
B. forgot
18. It ' s an old saying that “ It is not matters ” .
B. that ; what A. how ; what C. what ; that
—What terrible weather !
19. —Yes . It ' s been raining for two weeks , completely
A. ruined
D. what ; how
our holiday . to
B. to ruin D. ruining
C .
The weather in the south is gen erally warm , but it 20. sometimes .
B. can A. must
—Why are you look ing pleased 21.
—Oh, I just had a job for next year . —Would you like ano ther san dwich —Another sandwich I my first one yet . ' t had 22. A. hadn 23 .
B. haven' t had
be very cold
D. ought to
C. should
C. didn ' t have
D. don' t have
24. 25. 26.
28. 29.
A. being offered B C. to offer .offering Please a situati on where you can use the daily expressi ons . B. take out A. come out C. make up When 1 retur ned
trees .
to my hometown
D. offered
D. turn up to find all the apple
,I was shocked
A. had been cut down B . being cut Everythi ng is ready ,
A. aren ' t they B. is it
C . are cut
dow n D . have cut dowi
C. isn ' t it
D. are they
She is in a poor A. state
It will be quite with her . A. that
of health , which worries her pare nts much . B. situation a long time
C. positi on she is back again
D. con diti on
don' t be too cross ,so
B. since
C. before D. until
The goals he fought all his life no Ion ger seemed importa nt to him . A. for which
B. with which
C. against which D .
about which
—Will you serve me ano ther coffee —
! Black or white .
A. For pleasure B. With pleasure C . At your pleasure D . My pleasure 30. I am concerned , some other arran geme nt would have bee n better .
A. So far
B. As for
C. so far from
D. As far as
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling door to door found that he only had one dime left __31__ a meal at the next house .
However, he lost his _32_ whe n a lovely young woma nopened the door. In stead of a meal he asked for a drink of water . She thought he looked _33_ so she brought him a large glass of milk . He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you
“ You don' t oweme _34_ , ” s he replied . “ Mother has taught men ever to accept _35_ for a kindness .” He said, “Then I _36_ you from the bottom of my heart .” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stro nger __37__, but it also ______________ in creased his faith in God and the huma n race this point
_39_ later the young woma n became critically __40_ _______ . They fin ally sent her the big city, where specialists can be __41__ to study her rare
now _ 42,
,was called
in for the「 con sultati on a strange
When his
. He was about to give up and __38 _ before goods
. He was hungry so he decided to
disease . Dr . Howard Kelly, he
the n ame of the
tow n she came from,
eyes . Immediately, he rose and went downthrough the hospital 45 her at once and determined to do his best to save her life on, he gave special atte nti on to her __46_
After a long struggle, the battle was office __48 the final bill to him for approval _____ .
47 hall into her room. He
From that day
. Dr . Kelly requested the bus in ess
. He looked at it and the n wrote
someth ing on the side . The bill was sent to her room . She was afraid to ope n it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to __49_
she looked, and the n ote on the side of the bill __50__ her attention these words ...
“ Paid in full with a glass of milk (Sig ned) Dr . Howard Kelly
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed sile ntly: love has spread through huma n hearts and hands 31. A. care for 32. A. nerve 33. A. mad 34. A. anything 35. A. gift 36. A. owe 37. A. physically 38. A. leave
____ . Fin ally
. She read
\. Your
B. beg for B. heart B. polite
B. everything B. present B. thank B. carefully B. work
C. wish for C. way C. cold C. nothing C. pay C. praise C. emoti on ally C. stay
D. hope for D. meal D. hungry D. something D. milk D. appreciate D. spiritually D. quit
39. A. Mon ths
B. Centuries
C. Years D. Weeks