8-D Correction Action
8DNo: 15BN8D05003 进料/IQC﹕□ 制程/PQC﹕□ 客诉/COMPLAIN﹕√ 内稽/INTERNAL AUDIT﹕□ 其它/OTHER﹕□ 发出单位/From: 贸易部/sales 发出日期/Date:5月8 日 收文单位/RECEIVER:品管/QC Team 机遇问题/ accidental problem: 非机遇问题/Non- accidental problem: 责任单位/ Resp Dept: □ □ 第一步问题描述/Problem Description: BND-60/SU74(TEMP-08)产品不良/ BND-60/SU74 /STEP1 (TEMP-08)have following problems (1) 电池充电二极管虚焊/Diode welding not well;(2)焊接不良/poor soldering;(3)稳压二极管损坏/zener diode is broken; 请分析原因并制定纠正预防措施。Please check and study the reason and make the correction action. 二极管虚焊 焊接不良 稳压管击穿 拟定/Prepare: John Chow 审核/Review: Colin Hu 第二步(团队成员: 该栏目由相关单位填写) (团队组成日期): 5月8 日 /STEP2 (运用团 (协作人员): John Chow /Colin Hu /Alice /Huang xiaofeng/Mao Huaping 队方式解决问题) (团队领导): Zhu Mengjie / Wu yusong /Liu chunlin /Teams 第三步临时围堵解决方案/ Temporary solution: /STEP3 1.内部邮件转发,通知到开发、生产和采购协助处理; Pass above information to R&D, production Dept and Purchase team and ask them to pay much attention about these problems. 2.核对现有生产工艺,检查工艺完整性。 Checking all guide file again in workshop and make sure the processing tehconology required information and key QC points are showed in guide files. 拟定/Prepare: Huang xiaofeng 审核/Review: Zhu Mengjie 批准/Approval:Wu yusong 第四步原因分析/ analysis of causes: /STEP4 1. 针对二极管虚焊、漏检原因,品管检查到2014年11月份客户有过投诉并提供两只样品分析,经查,是我们SMT外加工虚焊,流程上未设置电池回路检测,导致不良品的流出; For the poor Soldering, QC has analyzed the two failed samples supplied by Steren in November, 2014. After checking the samples, they found the SMT Outward Processing was insufficient solder. QC checked the SMT without the process of the battery circuit detection which lead the timer failing. 2. 焊接不良,经对比图片红框部分,此处是手工焊接处,原因是继电器进、出导线采用人工焊接,员工缺少品质意识,且对焊台烙铁头缺少高温海绵的定期清洗,导致焊盘假焊、虚焊,焊盘周围残留焊渣等不符合焊接要求的现象; For the poor welding marked red, the inlet wire and outlet wire are both welded by hands. But the Welding Operators do not clean the solder tip regularly by High temperature sponge which lead the bonding pad in bad quality. 3. 产品是通过两道全检验证的,在线100%功能检和100%老化24小时测试。百年分析,产品内部稳压管击穿是在用户端产生。因为所用市网电压为120VAC/60HZ,频率较国内50HZ高,电路冲击相对较大,若结合当地电网电压波动和用户选择感性负载,原设计预留的0.4-0.5W(电路内部消耗0.5W,稳压管使用1N4749A 1W),在峰值电压可能出现击穿。这种情况产生只是一瞬间,用户体会感觉插上去就不会工作。 The whole quantities’ timers are checked by function test and 24 hours aging test. QC analyses the timer’s damaged Diode came into being in customer’s side. As the customer’s local voltage is 120VAC/60HZ, our frequency is 50Hz which is lower than customer’s. Our original design was reserved 0.4-0.5W (Circuit internal consumption 0.5W, diode use 1N4749A 1W). If customer’s power grid has the voltage fluctuation and when it is inductive load, it would have a breakdown when it is crest voltage. The breakdown happen when customers plug in the timer. 拟定/Prepare: Mao Huaping 审核/Review: Zhu Mengjie 批准/Approval:Wu yusong 第五步/ 长期解决方案/Long term solution: STEP5 1. 对电路回路的检测,我们通过自制工装测量,现有工装增加了电池充电回路的检测,涉及此回路上的电阻、二极管和电池,焊接可靠性、极性均能得到识别。此工装已在2014年11月投入使用; 图中所示,对PCB侧试,元件正确焊接、连接的,万用表显示电压为1.6V,当二极管虚焊、焊反及损坏时,显示电压为0V。 To detect the circuit loop, we had made a measurement tooling to test the Battery’s charging circuit. The measurement tooling could judge the resistance, diode, battery, the soldering reliability and polarity whether are in good quality or not. This measurement tooling had came into use in Novermer, 2014. But these failed timers could not get the testing as they are made in June and July. As shown in the picture, when testing the PCB, if the component connected correctly and sufficient, the multimeter would show the pressure is 1.6V. When the diode is insufficient solder, damaged or welding in the opposite direction, the multimeter would show the pressure is 0V. 2. 对焊接操作工培训,通过看板管理明确焊接质量,新进员工通过技能考核方可上岗操作。对导线的焊接要求,作业指导书明确,线头折弯处理后焊接。焊台配备高温海绵,要求焊接人员清洗烙铁头,内观检验100%全检手工焊接点,对有锡渣、焊接不饱满的予以挑出处理; Train the Welding Operator how to charge the quality and put the picture on the operation board. The new comer has to pass the skill evaluation to operate the welding. To the wire’s welding, the standard operation procedure should be more clear and with more pictures to guide. Soldering Station has equiped the High temperature sponge for Welding Operator to clean the solder tip. The Vipassana inspection would Full review the Manual welding point one by one. When there has a tin slag, welding insufficient, they would pick it out. 3. 与研发确认,考虑目前客户反馈状况,稳压管改用1N5934B(1.5W /24V),增加稳压管耐抗冲击性能,并更新BOM。 Considering the present state of customer feedback, QC & development department come up a solution to change a new diode 1N5934B(1.5W /24V)in order to add the shock resistance performance. The new diode would update in the new bom. 4. 如果客户对上述意见没有其他建议,准备新的样品给客户参考。 Offer new s amples for customers reference if not other comments. 拟定/Prepare: Mao Huaping 审核/Review: Zhu Mengjie 批准/Approval:Wu yusong 第六步/ 效果验证/ effect verification : STEP6 拟定/Prepare: 审核/Review: 批准/Approval: 第七步/ 防止再发生对策/ Preventive Actions): STEP7 拟定/Prepare: 审核/Review: 批准/Approval: 第八步/ 祝贺团队取得成功/Close the issues: STEP8 经理审核/Engineer 部门主管/Manager of 副总经理核准/Vice-GM 结案提出者/ Prepare: Manager prepare Dept. ZJ20015-17