【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)025
【摘要】对66种鱼类肛门的位置与形态进行观察,结果发现:肛门位置可以分为前位型、中位型和后位型,肛门与生殖孔间的距离可分为紧紧相邻型、间距型和紧邻间距型,肛门的形态可以分为椭圆形、圆形、凹陷型、花瓣型、泄殖腔型.另外还观察到1尾胭脂鱼肛门异位个体.%The position and shape of anus in 66 species of fish were examined, it was found out that the positions of anus in these fish were divided into anteposition type, midposition type and postposition type, and the distances between anus and gonopore were classified into close-neighbour type, spacing type and close-spacing type, and the anal shapes were divided into ellipse, roundness, umbilication, petal-type and cloaca-type. In addition, an ectopic anus was observed in one individual Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asuiticus). 【总页数】3页(15382-15383,15386) 【关键词】鱼类;肛门;位置与形态 【作者】金丽;赵娜;张耀光