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Written Practice for Qualification and Certification of NDE Personnel

1 Scope

1.1 This written practice provides guideline for the qualification and certification of NDE personnel who are engaged in ASME Code products manufacturing.

1.2 This practice shall be in compliance with the requirements of SNT-TC-1A (current Code accepted edition).


2.1 Terms included in this practice are defined as follows:

1)Qualification: Demonstrated skill, demonstrated knowledge, documented training and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job. 2)Certification:Written testimony of qualification.

3)Training: The organized program developed to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for qualification.

4)Experience: Work activities accomplished in a specific NDE method under the direction of qualified supervision including the performance of the NDE method and corresponding working scope but not including time spent in organized training programs. 5)Certificate: Certified document.

3. Nondestructive Testing Methods

Qualification and certification of NDE personnel in accordance with this practice is applicable to the following methods:

1) Radiographic Testing (RT) 2) Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

3) Liquid Penetration Testing (PT) 4) Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

4.Levels of Qualification

4.1 There are three (3) basic Levels of qualification for NDE individuals in accordance with SNT-TC-1A(current Code accepted edition).

While in the process of being qualified and certified, an individual shall be considered a trainee. A trainee shall work with a certified individual and shall not independently conduct, interpret, evaluate, or report the results of any NDE.

4.3 The three basic Levels of qualification are as follows:

(1) NDE Level I: An NDE Level I individual shall be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations and evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to written instructions and to record results. The NDE Level I individual shall follow the necessary instruction or supervision of a certified NDE Level Ⅱor level Ⅲ individual.

(2) NDE Level II: An NDE Level II individual shall be qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications. The NDE Level II shall be thoroughly familiar with thescope and limitations of the methods for which qualified and shall exercise assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and guidance of trainees and NDE Level I personnel. The NDE Level II shall be able to prepare the instructions, organize NDEexamination and report the results of NDE.

(3) NDE Level III: An NDE Level III individual shall be capable of establishing techniques and procedures, interpreting Code, standards, specifications and procedures and designating the particular NDE methods, techniques and procedures to be used. The NDE Level III individual shall be responsible for the NDE operations for which qualified and assigned and be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing Code, standards and specifications. The NDE Level III shall have sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication,

and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria in case of other criteria available. The NDE Level III shall have general familiarity with other appropriate NDE methods as demonstrated by the ASNT Level III Basic examination or other means. The NDE Level III, in the methods in which certified, shall be capable of training and examining NDE Level I and II personnel for certification in those methods.

5.Education, Training and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification

5.1 Personnel applying for certification in NDE shall have sufficient education, training and experience to ensure to understand the principle and operation methods of the certification for which they are applying.

5.2 Prior to the establishment of this written practice those whose training term and experience are equivalent to that of level, I, II, III personnel and are of verified may be considered of satisfying the criteria of Par. 5.3.

In consideration for certification, a candidate shall satisfy one of the following criteria for the applicable NDE Level: 5.3.1 NDE Level I and II

Table 1 lists the training and experience factors required for initial qualification of Level I and Level II individuals.

Required Education, Experience and Initial Training time (hours) for NDE Level I and II Examination Method Grade Completion with a passing grade of at least 2years of engineeringof science study in auniversity,college or technical school High school graduation or equivalent Notes:

RT I 29 39 II 35 40 I 8 MT II 4 8 I UT II 40 40 I 4 4 PT II 4 8 30 40 12 Work Time Experience (months/hours) 3/210 9/630 1/70 3/210 3/210 9/630 1/70 2/140 (1). For Level II certification, the experience shall consist of time at Level I or equivalent. Ifa person is

being qualified directly to Level II with no time at Level I, the required experience shall consist of the sum of the times required for Level I and Level II and the required training shall consist of the sum of the hours required for Level I and Level II.

(2). Initial experience may be gained simultaneously in two or more methods if the candidate spends a minimum of 25% of his work time on each method for which certification is sought, and the remainder of the work time claimed as experience is spent in NDE-related activities defined in the ABC’S written practice. 5.3.2 NDE Level III

(1) Have graduated from a minimum four-year college or university curriculum with a degree in engineering or science, plus one year’s experience in NDE in an assignment comparable to that of an NDE Level II in the applicable test methods. or;

(2) Have completed with passing grades at least two years of engineering or science study at a university, college, or technical school, plus two year’s experience in NDE in an assignment at least comparable to that of NDE Level II in the applicable NDE methods. or;

Have four year’s experience in NDE in an assignment at least comparable to that of an NDE Level II in the applicable NDE methods.

6.Training Programs

6.1 Personnel applying for initial certification shall receive sufficient organized training to

become thoroughly familiar with the principles and practices of the specified NDE method related to the level of certification desired and applicable to the processes to be used and the products to be examined.

6.2 The training program shall include sufficient examinations to assure that the necessary information has been comprehended.

6.3 ASNT recommended training course outlines for NDE Level I and II personnel are used as reference materials for this written practice.


7.1 Administration and Grading

NDE Level III or his designated representative shall be responsible for the administration and grading of examinations. 7.2 Vision Examinations

1)The examination shall assure natural or corrected near-distance acuity in at least one eye such that the applicant is capable of reading a minimum of Jaeger 2, or equivalent type and size letter at a distance of not less than 305 mm on a standard Jaeger test chart.

2)The examination shall demonstrate the capability of distinguishing and differentiating contrast among colors or shades of gray used in the method. 3)The vision examinations shall be conducted annually.

4) Examination results shall be kept on file during the period of certification.

For Level I and II personnel, a composite grade shall be determined by simpleaveraging of the results of the general, specific and practical examinations described below. 7.3.1 General Examination (Written)

1) The general examinations shall address the basic principles of the applicable method.

2) In preparing the examinations, the Chief Examiner (Level III) or his designated representative shall select or devise appropriate questions according to the applicable method and the degree required by this written practice. The minimum number of questions are as follows:

Number of Number of Test method Level I Questions Level II Questions RT 40 40 MT 30 30 UT 40 40 PT 30 30

7.3.2 Specific Examinations (Written)

1)The specific examination shall address the equipment, operating procedures and NDE techniques that the individual may encounter during specific assignments to the degree required by this written practice.

2)The specific examination shall also cover the specifications or codes and acceptance criteria used in NDE procedures.

The minimum number of questions are as follows:

Number of Number of Test method Level I Questions Level II Questions RT 20 20 MT 20 15 UT 20 20 PT 20 15

7.3.3Practical Examination

1) Proficiency shall be demonstrated in performing (for levelⅡselecting and performing) the applicable NDE on one or more samples approved by the NDE Level III and in evaluating the results to the degree of responsibility as described in this written practice.

2) Prior to examination, the Chief Examiner (Level III) or his designated representative shall prepare a checklist of at least ten (10) different checkpoints requiring an understanding of NDE parameters and the company’s procedural requirements shall be included in this practical examination.

3) The candidate shall demonstrate skillful operation of the necessary NDE equipment, record, and analyze the resultant information to the degree required.

4) At least one selected specimen shall be tested and the results of the NDE shall be analyzed by the candidate.

5) The description of the specimen, the NDE procedure, including check points, and the results of the examination shall be documented.

7.4For Level III personnel, the composite grade shall be determined by simple averaging of the results of the basic, method and specific examinations described below.

7.4.1 Basic Examination (required only once when more than one method examination is taken).The minimum number of questionsis as follows:

1) Fifteen (15) questions relating to understanding the SNT-TC-1A document.

2) Twenty (20) questions relative to applicable materials, fabrication, and product technology. Twenty (20) questions which are similar to or selected from other NDE Level II questions. 7.4.2 Method Examination (for each method)

1) Thirty (30) questions relating to fundamentals and principles, which are similar to or selected from published ASNT Level III questions for each method. and

2) Fifteen (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and procedures which are similar to or selected from published ASNT Level III questions for each method. and Twenty (20) questions relating to capability for interpreting Code, standards, and technical specifications for the method.

7.4.3Specific Examination (for each method)

1) Twenty (20) questions relating to technical specifications, equipments, techniques, and procedures applicable to the ABC’s products and methods employed and to the administration of the ABC’S written practice.

2)The QAD Manager may delete the specific examination described in Par 7.4.3 1) if the candidate has a valid ASNT NDE Level III or ACCP Professional Level III certificate in the method and if documented evidence of experience exists including the preparation of NDE procedures according to code, standards, or specifications and the evaluation of test results.

7.4.4 A valid endorsement on an ASNT NDE Level III or ACCP Professional Level III certificate fulfills the examination criteria described in par 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 for each applicable NDE method.

7.5 All Level I, II andⅢwritten examinations shall be closed-book except that necessary data, such as graphs, tables, specifications, procedures, Code, etc. may be provided with or in the examination. All questions used for Level I and II examinations shall be approved by the responsible Level III.

7.6 Grading

1)The NDE Level III shall be responsible for the examination and actual grading of NDE Level I , II and other level III .

For all Levels, the examinations administered for qualification shall result in a passing composite grade of at least 80%, with no individual examination having a passing grade less than 70%.

7.7 Re-examination

Those failing to attain the required grades must wait at least 30 days or show the evidence of receiving suitable additional training as determined by the NDE chief Examiner (NDE Level Ⅲ) before re-examination. 8.Certification

8.1 The QAD Manager shall be responsible for certify the certificate of all Levels of NDE personnel.

8.2 The examination records and evaluation reference shall be archived by QAD. 8.3 The qualification records of the certified individuals shall include the following: (1) Name of certified individual.

(2) Level of certification and NDE method.

(3) Educational background and experience of certified individuals.

(4) Statement indicating satisfactory completion of training in accordance with this written practice.

(5) Results of the vision examination described in paragraph 7.2 for the current certification period.

(6) Current examination copy(ies) or evidence of successful completion of the examinations. (7) Other suitable evidence of satisfactory qualifications when such qualifications are used in lieu of the specific examinations described in paragraph 7.4.3 2). (8) Composite grade(s) or suitable evidence of grades.

(9) Dates of certification or re-certification and the dates of assignments to NDE. 8.4 Re-certification

8.4.1All Levels of NDE personnel shall be re-certified periodically in accordance with one of the following criteria:

(1) Evidence of continuing satisfactory performance.

(2) Re-examination in those portions of the examinations in paragraph 7 deemed necessary by the NDE Level III.

8.4.2 NDE personnel may be re-examined at any time by the QAD Manager, NDE Level III or Authorized Inspector and have their certifications extended or revoked.

8.4.3 All Levels of NDE personnel must be re-examined and re-certified if they do not work in the method in which they are certified for 6 months or more. 8.4.4 Maximum re-certification intervals are: (1) Level I and II: 3 years (2) Level III:5 years

9 Termination

9.1 The certificate shall be deemed revoked when he is not engaged in NDE job.

9.2 The certificate of NDE individual of any Level shall be deemed revoked when the employment is terminated.



