6.Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Currently, the discussion about whether to close zoos is becoming popular. Some people proclaim that zoos are cruel and all should be closed, on the other hand, towards the same issue, some others are confident that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.
People,who advocate that caging animals in zoos are cruel and therefore all of them should be closed, have their sound reasons. The main reason is that keeping animals in captivity goes against animal rights. In addition, man should not believe that he has the disposable power of treating other species. Moreover, it will give bad influences to animals’ evolution if we keep them in cages for their whole life
and they will lose the ability of seeking food themselves.
To begin with, caged animals may lose their natural instinct to seek food, to protect them against natural predators, and to solicit breeding partners. Accordingly, this will lead to a miserable life that they are compelled to accept, rather than willingly to lead. In addition, because bared animals are carefree, they would again lose their in-born abilities that would otherwise enable them to survive and thrive at a natural habitat. Consequently, even when they are freed after being kept in cage for some time they will probably drop the ability to undergo a natural evolution.
There is no denying that there is some truth in the above point of view. However, to some people’s mind, it is useful to protect rare animals of using zoos. Above all, although man is the dominant species on the planet, all species enjoy the same right to survive here, we should respect other life forms by taking every effort we can to prevent the extinction of existing species. For another, zoos are suitable habitats for some species which are on the verge of dying out due to hunting. Finally, in fact, farming animals is much less brutal than the pain and hardship that animals inflict on each other in the wild.
To sum up, we cannot deny that both sides are well-grounded. In my opinion, the best way is building natural protect area to replace zoos. Then, we can protect every species no matter they are in extinction, and children can see the vivid life to expand their knowledge, also
can keep the ability of animals of seeking food.
If there are more natural protect areas, that will be the perfect way for our sustainable development.
7.Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things. Why do you think this is the case? Suggest some ideas to solve the problem. 这篇文章的思路:
首段: 交代背景,提出问题,表明写作态度。 第二部分:分析这个现象的原因。
1 从电视节目自身的发展角度上分析——电视节目的发展比过去更吸引人,更能满足孩子的需求。比如说电视的种类,内容更丰富;各种选秀节目;各种偶像剧等。而过去电视节目比较单调,不足以吸引孩子。
2 从社会的发展角度上分析——现代科技的应用使生活变得快捷方便但同时也使人们失去了思考的欲望,变得过分的被动和依赖。这一点在孩子身上体现尤为明显,比如互联网。
3 从教育的目的上分析——高度竞争的社会使学校老师更加关注孩子的学习成绩,教育变得更加“功利”,而忽视了孩子创造力的培养,而且也很少组织有意义的活动能激发孩子的热情。 第三部分:给出解决方案
其实无非是家长,学校和社会的正确引导;创造条件激发孩子的创造力;组织有意义的活动;另外对于孩子看电视的问题进行合理的控制。 第四部分,总结全文。
8.We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist. What do you think? What qualities should a journalist have? Nowadays, we are filled with so much information, the majority of which comes from journalists. But whether we should believe the news presented by the correspondents depends on the actual
situation involved. We have to throw our own thoughts on the news we heard and find the authenticity in it.
I will present three reasons why we should not trust the news thoroughly. Initially, everyone has his own views over a news story, for we have different educations backgrounds and upbringing environments. Journalists judge things by what they experienced; therefore, prejudice can not be avoided. Moreover, Medias are always controlled by the government. Newsman need to present the news to the public under certain rules created by the government, otherwise the published news will be cut down. Finally, the most important trait of news is promptness. Journalists have to report the news to the world within hours even minutes, thus, their action time is too limited to get the whole picture of the emergencies, which leads to the imperfect in the reporting.
In order to be an outstanding journalist, as far as I am concerned, one must learn to be neutral, by which I mean the main duty for the journalism is to present the facts, so journalists shouldn’t instill what is right and what is wrong on audiences. They should conceal their own feelings while doing their jobs. Then, a journalist ought to have the courage to break through the rules which prevent the public from learning the truth. The strong will to pursue truth proves to be more vital than any other qualities. Ultimately, journalists, while the news events occur, have to act quickly. They must forget the food and
sleep temporarily and rush to the primary scene. During this process, they may get involved in dangers, which test their nerves, but that may be the pleasure to be a journalist.
In a nut shell, being part of the journalism, one should sacrifice a lot but receive a little, if you want to realize your dream to be a journalist, you have to undergo everything I mentioned above.
9.Today, people can work and live in anywhere they want, because of the improvement of communication technology and transport. Do advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? ①How telework benefits the individual, business, economy, environment and society There are many definitions of ‘Telework’ and ‘Teleworker’ and we are often asked the question “How do I become a Teleworker?”. Our view is that ‘Telework’ is like ‘Television’ or ‘Telephone’, it is any work carried out at a distance. One common form of telework is working at home, but working in any location away from the employer or manager or colleagues can be included. The term ‘Teleworker’ can apply to someone who is an employee or self-employed and covers people in a wide variety of occupations. So teleworking is a way of getting work done not a job or occupation or career. It doesn’t even have to be dependent on the use of technology although most teleworkers take advantage of IT to enable