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II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20% Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

News From The World of Medicine


In a Pennsylvania State University study involving more than 20,000 participants, people who said they got only six hours of sleep regularly ran a greater risk of dehydration (脱水) than ___1___ who got eight hours. The reason might lie with a hormone (荷尔蒙) called vasopressin, ___2___ helps control the body’s fluid levels. It’s let out in larger quantities later in the sleep cycle, ___3___ people getting less shut-eye might not have the best amount of it. If you know you’re short on slumber, ___4___ (make) a point of drinking water.


Australian researchers have developed a test ___5___ can discover cancer cells in ten minutes with 90 percent accuracy. Healthy DNA and cancer DNA, it turns out, stick to metal surfaces differently. When cancer DNA ___6___ (add) to water mixed with gold nanoparticles (纳米颗粒), the water remains its rosy color, when healthy DNA is added, the water turns blue. ___7___ the test is cheap and simple, it could be used at your primary care physician's office, with follow-up if necessary.


Each year, at least a third of people ___8___ the age of 65 fall downwards. Research found that there's one factor related to notably reduced risk: exercise. People who took part in Tai Chi fell 19 percent ___9___ (often), while those who did balance and functional exercises, such as step-ups, chair rises, or standing on one leg, fell 24 percent less often. Most useful of all was ____10____ (combine) different types of exercise, including lifting weights and balance


Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The Floating School

Life on the islands can feel a bit isolated due to a lack of electricity and internet connectivity.

Although some of the islands have primary schools, most young people must travel to the larger islands or to the mainland to attend high school. Schools on the islands follow the ___11___ curriculum (课程). They don't teach subjects such as maritime skills, swimming or local fishing traditions, and so the curriculum isn't always ___12___ with students' everyday life.

So, we ___13___ the Floating School after winning funding through a US State Department grant competition called Seeds for the Future. Before we started the school, we spoke with young people, community leaders and teachers on the islands to find out the topics young people are most interested in. We also learned about the various ___14___ of students and young people who don't go to school. Thus, we ___15___ our own non-formal educational programme that fits with the context of life on the islands. For example, those working in fishing have responsibility ___16___ the marine life, so we teach environmental protection and discourage destructive fishing practices.

The Floating School is a wooden boat that can ___17___ up to twenty people and it goes to the students, not the other way around -- we use it to transport educational materials, tools, and teachers to young people living on the islands. Our teachers are local young ___18___— so far we have had journalists, photographers, computer engineers and musicians — and students who want to ___19___ their skills.

At first, many of the young people thought the Floating School would be the same as their schools on the islands. They had thought of the teachers to be _____20_____. But our students learn through art, media and literature. They don't have to wear uniforms or shoes, and the teachers treat the students as equals, without judging them. This means our students can be themselves.


III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

School Counselors (辅导员) Matter

Overwhelmed (压垮) by homework? Worried about a friend? Feel like you don't fit in? Sometimes it's impossible to ___21___ tough times alone. Problems can build up and you may suffer from insomnia (失眠), have difficulty concentrating, or even become depressed. It's time for you to talk to someone. Your school counselor can be a great place to start.

A high school counselor who is a licensed professional offers a variety of ___22___ to high school students. He or she often provides advice and resources to students regarding their future college and ___23___ plans. A counselor may also help students who are ___24___ behavioral problems, family issues and stress. He or she often acts as a grief counselor to students in the event of an accident or other ___25___ situations. The job is quite demanding. ___26___, high school counselors are often very knowledgeable about developmental and family psychology, and skilled at providing direct therapy for troubled individuals.

Counselors meet with students individually or in small groups. Group meetings can really help people who are dealing with ___27___ issues. Not only do you get great ideas in a group setting, but it can also help to know that other students are experiencing the same thing and that they understand. How ___28___ you meet with your counselor depends on the issue. Some concerns are dealt with in a one-time meeting. Others require regular meetings for a while.

School counselors are all about helping to make your school experience the best it can be. The role of the school counselor today is very ___29___ what it was like in the past. Instead of just focusing on schoolwork and careers, today's counselors are there for students in a broader way. They help students address almost any problem that might get in the way of learning, guide students to productive futures, and try to create a _____30_____ environment for everyone at school. 21. A. get off 22. A. services 23. A. housing 24. A. accustomed to 25. A. unfamiliar 26. A. Otherwise

B. get through B. activities B. career B. sticking with B. unreasonable B. However

C. get in C. opportunities C. training C. committed to C. unforgettable C. Therefore

D. get to D. arguments D. family D. struggling with D. unexpected D. Rather



