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一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrow’s exam. - ________.、 A. It’s none of your business. B. What are you doing?

C. Sure. Sorry to disturb you. D. No, I don’t think so. 正确答案:C

2. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ____________ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover 正确答案:A

3. Are you getting a new flat this year? ______ I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.、 A. Without question. B. You must be joking. C. Good idea! D. Are you sure? 正确答案:B

4. The town is about _________ ride from here. A. two hour B. two hour's C. two hours' D. two-hours 正确答案:C

5. 一That’s a beautiful dress you have on! — _________. A. Oh,thanks.I got it yesterday. B. Sorry,it’s too cheap. C. You can have it. D. See you later. 正确答案:A

6. The landlady ___ us bread and milk. A. offered B. recovered C. received D. confronted


7. —This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. — ______.、 A. You may ask for help. B. Let me give you a hand. C. Please do me a favor. D. I'd come to help. 正确答案:B

8. Intelligent students can always ___ good solutions to problems. A. carry out B. come up with C. look into D. catch up with 正确答案:B

9. How are you feeling? Much better. _________.、 A. Thanks for coming to see me. B. You look great. C. You are so tire D. Don’t mention it. 正确答案:A

10. I won’t make the ___mistake next time. A. A.like B. same C. near D. similar 正确答案:B

11. —Thanks for your help. —————— A. My pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Quite right. D. Don’t thank me 正确答案:A

12. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —_________. A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on

C. Yes, help yourself D. It doesn't matter 正确答案:C

13. Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. Oh, really? I _____. I ______ visit her.、 A. didn’t know; will go to B. don’t know; will go to C. didn’t know; am going to D. haven’t known; am going to 正确答案:A

14. The manager will not _______ us to see use his car.、 A. have B. let C. agree D. allow 正确答案:D 15. It’s bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.、 A. behavior B. action C. manner D. movement 正确答案:A

16. 一Haven’t seen you for ages!What are you busy doing now? ________. A. 1 hate the weather here.

B. My hair is getting a bit longer. C. Yeah,thanks for coming.

D. I am working part time in a bookshop,you know. 正确答案:D 17. The film brought the hours back to me _____I was taken good care of in that remote village. A. when B. where C. that D. until 正确答案:A

18. 一Marilyn,I'm afraid I have to be leaving now. —_____ A. That sounds wonderful. B. Oh,so early? C. Not at a11. D. Good luck! 正确答案:B

19. Would you like something ______________? A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. for drinking 正确答案:B

20. Tomorrow is my birthday. - __________.、 A. Oh, I have a good ide B. I am glad you like it.

C. Many happy returns of the day! D. You must be very happy. 正确答案:C

21. It was getting ___________ , he had to stop to have a rest.

A. very darker B. dark and dark C. darker and darker D. darkest and darkest 正确答案:C

22. —You have lovely children. —_______________. A. No, no, no. They are not B. Oh, no, no

C. You're talking too much D. Thanks 正确答案:D

23. — How was your trip to London, Jane? — ______________. 、 A. Oh, wonderful indeed. B. I went there alone.

C. The guide showed me the way. D. By plane and by bus. 正确答案:A

24. It's high time that he settled down in the country and___________a new life. A. start B. started C. starting D. to start 正确答案:B

25. —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —_________. A. Don't worry about it

B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course C. Mr. Brown is very good D. Good luck to you 正确答案:B

26. Please let me sit down; I’m ___. A. worn down B. worn off C. worn out D. worn away 正确答案:C

27. We all know knowledge begins ___ practice. A. at B. from C. in D. with 正确答案:D 28. What will you buy for your boyfriend’s birthday? — I want to buy a ______ wallet for him.、

A. black leather small

B. small black leather C. small leather black D. black small leather 正确答案:B

29. 一Paul,_____? 一Oh,that’s my father! And beside him,my mother. A. what is the person over there B. who’s talking over there C. what are they doing D. which is that 正确答案:A

30. Would you like something ___ A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. for drinking 正确答案:B

31. — Did the medicine make you feel better? — No. The more ___________, ___________ I feel.

A. medicine I take; and the worse B. medicine I take; the worse C. I take medicine; the worse D. I take medicine; worse 正确答案:B

32. __is your girl friend like? ----She is very kind and good-looking A. How B. What C. Which D. Who


33. 一Hello.I’m Harry Potter.一Hello,my name is Charles Green,but______ A. call my Charles B. call me at Charles C. call me Charles D. call Charles me 正确答案:C

34. 一___is your girl friend like? 一 She is very kind and good-looking A. How B. What C. Which D. Who


35. I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A. no possibility

B. there was impossibility



