紫云移动通信综合楼 摘要
关键词:招标文件;招标控制价;招标策划;招标审计 ABSTRACT
Since the introduction of bidding system construction field in China, project contracting market transactions by bidding activities.In the process of the whole bidding, bidding documents play an important role.The tender documents is not only the basis for the preparation of bidding documents, bidders is the basis of the tenderer and the winning bidder contract signing contracts.The tender documents or a focus of attention in engineering project bidding activity, bidding documents preparation quality is a prerequisite for success of the project bidding.The in-depth analysis ziyun mobile communication will lead to the bidding documents of the complex building project, provide a reference for the smooth progress of the bidding activities, thus to ensure that the contractors to choose a reasonable, so that the project is completed.This article through to ziyun mobile communication engineering design for complex process, by a high quality of the bidding documents.For its complete bidding procedures, and put forward the specific technical standards and trade terms, the main content of the provisions of the draft of contract, to ensure that the bidding activities smoothly.Finally, in view of the ziyun mobile communication in the process of the
complex building project in the tender analysis of possible problems, and puts forward some countermeasures for the relevant audit, and really put an end to frequent problems in the bidding process.
Key words: the bidding documents;The bidding controlled-pric;The bidding planning;the bidding audit
1.1 工程概况 表1-1 项目概况 序号项目内容
1 工程名称紫云移动通信综合楼工程
2 建设单位中国移动通信集团贵州有限公司安顺分公司 3 设计单位江苏省邮电规划设计院有限责任公司 4 工程地点贵州省安顺市紫云县塔山东路57号 5 建筑面积 3499.5㎡ 6 结构形式框架结构 7 基础形式独立基础 表1-2 建筑设计概况 序号项目内容
1 建筑规模建筑高度 26.25m
建筑面积建筑面积为3499.5㎡,建筑基地面积677.1㎡ 建筑层数地上主体6层 地下局部地下1层 2 工程设计使用年限 50年 3 耐火等级一级