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在他看来,15分钟不呼吸 你的大脑就完了,脑死亡-- 可是当他把我拉出来,我却状态良好, 当时肯定有一个人是觉得没什么大不了, 就是我的前女友。当我在水下第一次打破纪录时, 她却在翻我的黑莓手机, 检查我所有的短信。 (笑声) 我哥哥拍了张当时的照片。那真的是... (笑声) i then announced that i was going to go for sietas' record, publicly. and what he did in response, is he went on regis and kelly, and broke his old record. then his main xxpetitor went out and broke his record. so, he suddenly pushed the record up to 16 minutes and 32 seconds. which was three minutes longer than i had prepared. you know, it was longer than the record. 终于我宣布 公开挑战斯塔斯的记录, 他所做的回应, 就是在regis and kelly节目中, 自己打破他以前的记录。 然后他的主要竞争者又出来,并再次打破记录。 这样,记录离奇被提到 16分32秒。 比我所做的准备长出3分钟。 你知道,比原来纪录长出很多。

now, i wanted to get the science times to document this. i wanted to get them to do a piece on it. so, i did what any person seriously pursuing scientific advancement would do. i walked into the new york times offices and did card tricks to everybody. (laughter)

so, i don't know if it was the magic or the lore of the cayman islands, but john tierney flew down and did a piece on the seriousness of breath-holding. 这下,我打算让科学时代杂志来报道这一切, 我希望他们也能参与, 于是,我做了任何一个 严谨探索科学的人都该做的事, 我走进纽约时报的办公室 给每个人表演纸牌魔术。 (笑声) 我不知道是魔术的原因还是开曼群岛的信仰, 约翰,第尔尼被说服了, 还写了一篇论屏住呼吸之严重性的报道。

while he was there i tried to impress him, of course. and i did a dive down to 160 feet, which is basically the height of a 16 story building, and as i was xxing up, i blacked out underwater, which is really dangerous; that's how you drown. luckily kirk had seen me and he swam over and pulled me up. so, i started full focus. i xxpletely trained to get my breath hold time up for what i needed to do. but there was no way to prepare for the live television aspect of it, being on oprah. 当他在那儿的时候,我试图给他深刻印象 于是我猛地下潜了160尺, 大概有16层楼那么高, 可我在上浮过程中,昏了过去, 那是相当危险的。那就是人们如何溺水的。 幸运的是克尔克看到我 他游过去把我救了上来。 这下我开

始全神贯注了。 我彻底严格的训练延长屏气时间, 做我该做的事。 但不可能完全按照将电视直播的方式而准备, 也就是那个奥普拉的节目。

but in practice, i would do it face down, floating on the pool. but for tv they wanted me to be upright so they could see my face, basically. the other problem was the suit was so buoyant that they had to strap my feet in to keep me from floating up. so, i had to use my legs to hold my feet into the straps that were loose, which was a real problem for me. that made me extremely nervous, raising the heart rate.

练习中,我会面朝下,悬浮在水缸中, 但上电视时,他们却希望我面朝前, 以便观众看见我的脸。 另一个问题是, 那身衣服让我易悬浮, 所以他们不得不用皮带绑住我的脚保持我不至上浮, 同时我得用双腿帮助脚站稳在那个松松的皮带里面, 那对我来说是非常头疼的事, 因为它导致我极度紧张, 提高了心率。

then, what they also did was, which we never did before, is there was a heart-rate monitor. and it was right next to the sphere. so, every time my heart would beat i'd hear the beep-beep-beep-beep, you know, the ticking, really loud. which was making me more nervous.

and there is no way to slow my heart rate down. so, normally i would start at 38 beats per minute, and while holding my breath it would drop to 12 beats per minute, which is pretty unusual. (laughter) this time it started at 120 beats, and it never went down. 除此之外,他们还装了, 我以前从未试过的,就是装了一个心率监测器 它就在放置在我的球型水缸旁边, 所以,每一次我心跳动时,都会听到哔哔的声音。 你知道,那个声音,非常吵。 它导致我更加紧张。 而且我竟然没有办法去降低心率。 一般情况下 我的心率是每分钟38次, 而且当我屏住呼吸时它会降到每分钟12次, 这是可是很不寻常的。 (笑声) 这一次,它却以每分钟120次作为开始, 再也没有降下去。

i spent the first five minutes underwater desperately trying to slow my heart rate down. i was just sitting there thinking, \got to slow this down. i'm going to fail, i'm going to fail.\and i was getting more nervous. and the heart rate just kept going up and up, all the way up to 150 beats. basically it's the same thing that created my downfall at lincoln center. it was a waste of o2. when i made it to the halfway mark, at eight minutes, i was 100 percent certain that i was

not going to be able to make this. there was no way for me to do it.

在水下前5分钟 我疯狂的尝试降低心率, 当时我只不住地想,“我必须让心率减速 我要失败了,我要失败了。” 而且我越来越紧张。 心率一直飙升, 直到每分钟150次。 其实就是出现了和伦敦中心失败时一样的情况, 心跳过快浪费氧气. 当我坚持到一半的时候,大概8分钟时, 我已经百分百确定 我不会成功了。 我根本做不到。

so, i figured, oprah had dedicated an hour to doing this breath hold thing, if i had cracked early it would be a whole show about how depressed i am. (laughter) so, i figured i'm better off just fighting and staying there until i black out, at least then they can pull me out and take care of me and all that. (laughter) 然后,我想,奥普拉贡献一整个小时 来做这个水下屏气的节目。如果我早早失败了 它就会变成一个描述我失败后如何沮丧的节目。 (笑声) 所以,我发现我还是最好强撑着, 直到昏过去, 至少这样他们可以先把我拉出来再抢救什么的。 (笑声)

i kept pushing to 10 minutes. at 10 minutes you start getting all these really strong tingling sensations in your fingers and toes. and i knew that



