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1. Could you please introduce yourself?

My Chinese name is Shang Yue. If you know Chinese, you will find my first Name, Yue, a character not commonly used. Yue is a battle-axe used in ancient China. My father named me Yue because he wanted me to be as strong and useful as the Yue is in battlefield.

I am in my 12th grade at Xiangjiang High School in Guangzhou, and I have been an exchange student in Canada at People Christianity Academy during my 10th grade. So I have international experience and I am quite interested about studying abroad.

I like playing the drum set, and I would play them every day in my vacation, also two hours a week despite of my heavy study load. I am interested in studying Industrial Design, and I wish to design an exquisite drum set of my own one day when I become a designer, for this dream I want to study abroad.

2. What is your strength /personality?

I am an easy-going and friendly boy, and people around me all like my personality. I can easily make friends with different people, I enjoy being with people and always feel happy to

3. What do you think you can attract us? /contribute to us?

Firstly, with my study in Canada during my 10th grade as an exchange student, I have international experience, so I can easily adapt to new environment. Also as a Chinese student, I am fluent in both Mandarin and Cantonese .I can teach my languages to other students, as well as my knowledge about Chinese culture and traditions.

Secondly, I am good at Mathematics, and I am sure I contribute to the study of math in my class.

Then I am also enthusiastic about music, and with my interest in playing the drum set, I wish to join in such student club, and contribute my skills to performance during school events.

4. Subjects need to learn? Activities need to take

I would like to learn some design and art courses because I think it is interesting and helpful for my dream to be a designer. It would be also great to learn some foreign languages. Also, I want to take part in music club and make my extracurricular life colorful.

5. why do u want to study in America?

The education in US is the best in the world. There are more than 4000 universities, among which some has occupied half of the world top university list. Going to the USA is one of my dreams as well.

In USA it is easy to meet the world’s elites from different cultural backgrounds and religions. I hope I can communicate with them and learn more.

The American school is quite different from Chinese school. In China, teachers think highly of student’s studying rather than their all round development. But in America, we are encouraged to say out our ideas and try new things.

6. What do u think will be most difficult while you study in USA?

I think language may be some problem for some time; But I’ll spend me more time to improve my communication, and adapt to my new study environment. I believe my classmates can help me with my study as well as dispel my homesickness.

7. what’s the name of ur current school? Can u tell me more detail about ur school?

Xiangjiang high school. This school was established in ***, with classes from grade 10 to 12.There are many outstanding and hard-working students there. The teachers are professional too and they are responsible to students. The bad thing is that there are not many cultural activities or sports there. I only have music class and PE class once a week.

8. What is ur favorite subject? What subject do not like ?why?

Although I like almost all subjects, Mathematics is my favorite subject, because I did quite well on it.

My least favorite subject is biology. I think it is quite boring. All I can do is to memorize. So I prefer to something more interesting.

9. What is ur academic target? And how about ur career goal?

I hope I can get admitted to college, and pursue my study toward industrial design. I look forward to being a designer, and design a lot of different things creative and useful in people’s life. Of course I also want to design a drum set of my own because I like playing drum set very much. 10. What are ur expectations to our school?

I hope your school can have flexible courses; good counseling on my study plan, and proper social activities to enhance my practical skills. Also, a big library full of books is also attractive.

11. How about ur SAT and TOEFL score?

My Toefl is ***. I am not quite satisfied with it, and I believe English will not be a problem for me to study in the USA, because I actually like English and I believe I can do well with it.

12. How much do you know about our school, why do you want to study with us?




