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新编大学英语 视听说 book3 Unit 6听力答案与文本

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新编大学英语 视听说 book3 Unit 6听力答案与文本

1Unit 6 Part 1 Listening I

Woman: Why do you think people are afraid of tarantulas?

Man: Well, I guess it's because people are afraid of all spiders, and tarantulas happen to be the biggest of all the spiders. And maybe it's also because some spiders really are very poisonous. In California, for example―in most of the garages in California―you get black widows, which are quite small but certainly more dangerous than tarantulas. Woman: But personally you aren't afraid of tarantulas?

Man: Well, I shouldn't be frightened of tarantulas, simply because I know that they aren't really dangerous―all they can do is give you a small bite, but it's not poisonous. And yet I must say I don't like to pick them up. But you see, some people keep pet mice and pet rabbits and, well, they can give you a much worse bite than a tarantula ever could. And yet people aren't frightened of them.

Woman: Why do you think people are frightened of spiders?

Man: I don't know―it's very strange. People are frightened of spiders and they are frightened of snakes, and, well, obviously some spiders and some snakes really are poisonous. But most snakes are harmless, and it's really strange that people are so frightened of spiders because it's quite difficult to find a spider that's really dangerous. Exercise 1

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B Exercise 2 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5.T 6.F Listening II

Shop Assistant: Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I'm looking for a pet for my son. Can you suggest anything?

Shop Assistant: What kind of pet does he want? A traditional pet, a cat...or a dog? Or something unusual?

Customer: Well, he'd like a snake or a crocodile, but he isn't going to get one. Shop Assistant: We've got a nice Alsatian at the moment. Customer: An Alsatian? Did you say \\They're very big and savage. Shop Assistant: Oh, no, madam. They aren't as savage as some dogs. Customer: Really?

Shop Assistant: Oh, yes. Last week we had a small dog. It was only as big as your handbag, but it was as savage as a tiger―it bit me three times! Customer: Perhaps not a dog, then. Shop Assistant: How about a cat? Customer: A cat? Hmm...they aren't as friendly as dogs, are they?

Shop Assistant: No, but they don't eat as much as dogs either. And they're very clean. They wash themselves every day. Customer: Hmm...

Shop Assistant: Or how about a bird? A parrot or a budgie? We have both. Customer: Which do you recommend?

Shop Assistant: Well, budgies aren't as easy to train and they never speak as well as parrots. Customer: Yes, but budgies don't need as much space as parrots, do they?

Shop Assistant: That's true. Budgies are very popular because they are so easy to keep. Customer: Yes...but they're a bit noisy, aren't they? I want a quiet pet.

Shop Assistant: A quiet pet? Well, how about a goldfish? There's nothing as quiet as a goldfish. Exercise 1

1. snake, crocodile 2. parrot, budgie 3. quiet 4. goldfish Exercise 2 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A Listening III

Over 450 wild horses have been killed in Nevada. The land they were on belonged to the

government. Some people say it is worse than when all the buffaloes were killed. Many of the horses were shot while running.

Wild horses are protected by law. 28 thousand wild horses share the land with six million cattle. Cattlemen say the horses are crowding the cattle out. It is said that there is a war going on. Both the cattle and the horses need the water and grass that is on the land.

The president of the Nevada cattleman group also helps to protect the

horses. He says that he does not like what is happening to the horses. He does want the government to help keep the number of horses low.

Some people think the Navy used the wild horses for target practice.

Pilots flew over the area where the horses were found. The Navy said that they did not let their pilots do that.

The horses were found far from the nearest road. The killings happened over a large area. It has been happening for the last two years.

Some people think that the horses should be gotten rid of. Others think that they should stay. In the meantime, the police will try to figure out who killed the horses. Questions:

1.Which animal has been killed in Nevada recently? 2.What is the number of the animals killed? 3.How long has the killing lasted? 4.Who did the killing? Exercise 1

1. C 2. A 3. B 4.D Exercise 2

1. crowding , war, water, grass 2. what is happening, keep the number of horses low 3. target practice, where the horses were found 4. gotten rid of , stay Listening IV

Narrator: I'm going to tell you about an extraordinary thing that happened the day before yesterday, about eight o'clock at night, a young woman

approached the box office of the best movie theater in the city. She had with her an enormous dog with a beautifully groomed coat. She bought two tickets

新编大学英语 视听说 book3 Unit 6听力答案与文本


