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高级职业英语(第二版)教师参考书1-Extended Book

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Inviting and Receiving VisitorsKey to the exercises:Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks2) first impression 5) notifying 8) false information3) purpose6) not availableTask 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage.1) public face 4) have made an appointment 7) assistance Task 2 Match A with B.1–j 2–a 3–c 4–d 5–h6–b 7–i 8–g 9–f 10–eTask 3 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. There are more words than you need.1. relevant 5. reception 2. make an appointment 6. assistance 3. notify 7. assure 4. available8. documentsActivity 3 Make an AgendaAgenda for the Visit of American Businessmen1. At 2:30 p.m. : Mr. Liu and Mr. Lewiston will go to the airport to meet them.2. At 3:30 p.m. : check in at the Sunny Hotel 3. At 6:30 p.m. : have dinner with them Morning: The guests will see the products. Afternoon: They will tour the plant.8:00 a.m. : have a meeting with the guests to discuss how to raise the quality of our products and lower the production costOctober 27October 28October 29October 30Mr. Liu and Mr. Yang will go to see the guests off at the airport.Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Finding the Main IdeaThe main idea of the passage: Cowboys were some of the most colorful people in the history of the American West.The details supporting the main idea: Cowboys were free people, unafraid to battle with animals, living close to nature, with the trees, sky, and the stars.The writer’s attitude: To give praise to cowboys by using such words as “colorful”, “unafraid”, “national hero” and “treasured.”11Advanced Career English Extended BookUnit 5Managing Daily Office WorkSection 1 Activity 1 More Things to DoRead More about Managing Office Work参考译文如何做一个好的办公室经理什么是办公室经理?这个头衔可能意味着许多不同的角色,但它主要是指担任一般行政职责的人。根据公司规模的大小,有些人负责整个办公室,有些人负责一个部门。以下是做好办公室经理必须具备的优良素质。做一名强有力的领导者。这个角色需要良好的领导能力和组织技巧,时间管理技巧以及如何确定工作的优先次序也都是必不可少的,因为你要应付的不仅是你本身的工作,而且还有其他人的工作,例如给予评估或提出建议。良好的沟通技巧也很重要。做一个好的倾听者,同时让人们了解你所说的,最好的方式通常是明确和简洁。专业素质也是非常重要的,因为人们把你看作是他们的“领导”。赢得尊重的最好方法是在每个方面都表现得很专业:你说话的方式、表达的方式、对待人的方式和上班穿着的方式。知道如何成为优秀的激励者。这可能需要一些时间,但鼓励人们可以很简单:项目完成之后赠与礼品卡或工作到很晚时请大家吃比萨饼。当然不止这些,良好的激励者永远激励着人们。当某人完成一个了不起的工作时,要让他们知道我们心存感激。令人惊奇的是,当某人感受到赞赏时,他们的工作能力也会提高。12Managing Daily Office WorkKey to the exercises:Activity 2 Fulfill the Following TasksTask 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage.1. general administrative responsibilities 2. leadership and organizational 3. good communication skills4. professionalism5. motivator6. appreciate/praiseTask 2 Match A with B.1–i 6–c 2–f 7–e 3–d 8–j 4–a 9–h 5–b10–gTask 3 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. There are more words than you need.1. required 4. administrative 7. deal with 2. appreciate 5. depend on 8. professional3. motivation6. prioritizeActivity 3 Write a MemoMEMOFrom: CEO of the ABC companyTo: Department managersDate: 8/05/2014Subject: in-service English classesContent: From Monday, 19 May, English classes will be held in the training centre (Room 102). Please attend on time.Section 2 Reading Skill Exploration: Major Supporting DetailsThe main idea: 1The major supporting details: 2, 8, 9, 1013Advanced Career English Extended BookUnit 6Organizing MeetingsSection 1 Activity 1 More Things to DoLearn more about organizing meetings 参考译文商务活动座次安排商务活动座次安排必然牵涉到一种商务礼仪。精心安排好座次,你就能掌控整个商务会议朝着自己预想的方向发展。在安排商务会议座次时,要考虑多方面的因素。参加会议的人数和会议的正式程度常常决定着你采用什么形状的会议桌、如何安排座次。你还要考虑的是会议是否有一个中心人物,或者你是否需要与会者更多的参与和互动。你还要考虑与会者中是否有特别的客人或新的商务联系人,以便你能给他们留下较深的印象。如果你想寻找解决问题的方案,或者你希望所有与会者都能积极参与、发表见解,那么圆桌是最好的选择,因为圆桌上没有任何形式的中心,也不能显示人物的重要性。而方形桌子的上席给人一种权利的感觉,因此,如果你不想给人以这种印象,你最好坐在方形桌子的两侧,这样会给人一种你希望大家一起协商、交流和互动的印象。很显然,如果你主持一次商务会议,一个永远不错的做法就是:自己坐在桌子的中间位置,与每个与会者保持同样的距离。因为如果你坐在桌子的边远角落,你就可能会失去那些坐在桌子的另一头的与会者对你的兴趣。如果你主持一个宴会,而宴会上有很尊贵的客人,那么这个客人就应安排坐在你的右边。如果有几个重要客人,那么第二重要的客人就要坐在你的左边,而第三重要的客人安排在你右手边的最重要客人的右边,以此类推。商务礼仪告诉我们,在商务宴会上,安排座次是由一个人的身份和地位而不是性别来决定的。14Organizing MeetingsKey to the exercises:Activity 2 1. 3. 5. 7. Fulfill the Following Tasksyour desired outcome purpose a rectangular table rank 2. 4. 6. 8. formal (or informal)A round tablein the middleto your rightTask 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage.Task 2 Match A with B.1–j 2–f 3–a 4–g 5–h6–c 7–e 8–d 9–b 10–iTask 3 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. There are more words than you need.1. ranks 3. dictate 5. troubleshoot 7. inevitably 9. implies 2. impressed 4. be attached to6. manipulate8. interact10. be open toSection 2 Reading Skills Exploration: Guessing信息来源 2. 5. 恐高症实习工作3. 1. 略读 4. 龙卷风;潮湿的????15

高级职业英语(第二版)教师参考书1-Extended Book


