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deplorable. Everybody knows that the nicest men become monsters behind the wheel. It is all very well, again ,to have a tiger in the tank, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter. You might tolerate the odd road-hog(占道者), but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule. Perhaps the situation calls for a \Kind to Other Drivers\, otherwise it may get completely out of hand. Road courtesy is not only good manners, but good sense too, It takes the most good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to hit back when subjected to uncivilized behavior. A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of courtesy helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modem traffic conditions. But such acknowledgements of courtesy are all too rare today. Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize courtesy when they see it.

Contrary to general opinion, young drivers have better manners than their seniors. But this is short-lived in the world of modern driving where many drivers neither expect nor give any mercy. This may be encouraged on the battlefield but is out of place on the roads.

Lorry drivers say they have almost abandoned the practice of signaling cars to overtake when the road is clear, because many of the cars took too long to pass. They couldn't be bothered to select a lower gear. The car drivers, after overtaking, slowed down again and hogged the road. Again, a motoring magazine has recently drawn attention to the

increasing number of drivers who never wait for gaps.\manufacture them by force, using their direction indicators as a threat rather than a warning.\打群架)are quite common. It can't be long before we hear of pistols and knives being used.

Driving is essentially a state of mind. However technically skilled a driver may be,he can't be an advanced motorist if he is always arrogant and aggressive.

43. The author is most concerned about .

A. traffic jam B. road manners C. fast pace of life D. high cost of petrol

44. The word \ \


A. more serious 1 B. more tempting C. disturbing D. noticeable

45. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. Many drivers tend to fight back against rude behaviors. B. A little courtesy may help ease the tensions on the road. C. Goodwill and tolerance may help relieve traffic jam. D. Many drivers nowadays lack a good sense of courtesy. 46. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that .

A. young drivers are more aggressive

B. young drivers would soon lose their good manners C. elder drivers are more cautious

D. elder drivers should improve their driving skills 47. An example of good manners on the roads is .

A. signaling cars to overtake B. manufacturing a gap

C. selecting a lower gear D. using the direction indicator 48. According to the author, a good driver should .

A. be technically skilled B. have a good state of mind C. be sympathetic with others D. take good care of his vehicle Passage Four

On how the world has changed over the last 50 years,not all of it has been good. As you are looking for organic food information, you have obviously become aware that a better alternative exists and you are taking a critical look at the source and production practices of the companies producing the world's food supplies.

The purpose of organic food information is to give you an

understanding of what is going into your food. You will see that there


材料来源于中国人民大学在职研招办 http://zaizhi.ruc.edu.cn/yingyu/


are many benefits to organic food that you didn't know before. The basis behind knowing about organic food information is the fact that farmers are resorting to using artificial fertilizers and pesticides(杀虫剂)to control disease and insect attack in order to produce more crops to satisfy growing demand. These artificial fertilizers leave something poisonous in and on the fruit and vegetables we consume which in turn is absorbed and stored by our bodies.

Even the quality of food has gone down in recent years. Today's fruits have nowhere near the Vitamin C levels they did at one time. However,with organic food information you learn that organic food has fifty percent more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than any other form of produce that has been grown under intensive farming. If you are eating non-organic produce you will have to eat more fruit in order to make up for this deficiency. But then the dangerous cycle continues since you will be eating more chemicals that are worse for your health than they are good for you.

Another aspect of organic food information is the production of meat and poultry (家禽). Most only consider produce when it comes to organic food information disregarding the antibiotics and hormones that are given to both cattle and poultry that are being force fed. Ask yourself what happens to all these antibiotics and hormones when the animal is killed, the remaining of these antibiotics and growth hormones reside in the meat which are then consumed, digested and stored in human bodies. There is no way that an animal that isn't kept in healthy conditions can produce healthy food for humans to eat.

You have nothing to lose by trying organic product,not only will it be healthy for you but you will also be able to eat produce and meat the way they are supposed to be. You will likely be so impressed with the taste of organic fruit that you will never return to the mass-produced fruit again. While cost and availability can be a big issue for some,you can do a bit of research online and find a local store that stocks organic produce for a reasonable price.

49. It is stated in Paragraph 1 that organic food .

A. is considered as a better choice

B. is mostly supplied by world-famous companies C. has become popular over the last 50 years


D. r1eflects the change of production practices

50. Farmers use artificial fertilizers and pesticides to .

A. satisfy people's critical demand B. develop better farming technology C. get a higher crop yield D. keep people in better health

51. According to Paragraph 3,organic food .

A. has gone down in quality B. has more nutrients C. can replace mass-produced food D. lacks Vitamin C 52. What does the author say about meat and poultry?

A. Organic meat and poultry is hardly available. B. A great amount of meat is consumed every year.

C. Merciless killing of the animals lowers their quality. D. They may contain antibiotics and growth hormones. 53. In the last paragraph, people are advised to .

A. eat traditional produce and meat B. return to mass-produced fruits C. do the cost and availability research

D. try organic product for better health and taste 54. This passage is mainly about .

A. the benefits of organic food information B. the challenges facing the world food industry C. changes in food production practices


材料来源于中国人民大学在职研招办 http://zaizhi.ruc.edu.cn/yingyu/


D. a growing demand high quality food Passage Five

Drinking wastewater? The idea may sound distasteful,but new federally funded research says more Americans are doing so-whether they know or not-and this reuse will be increasingly necessary as the U.S. population expands.

Treated wastewater poses no greater health risks than existing water supplies and, in some cases, may be even safer to drink,according to a report released by the National Research Council. “We believe water reuse is an option to deal with growing water scarcity, especially in coastal areas,” says Jorg Drewes, an engineering professor at the Colorado School of Mines. \can be done reliably without putting the public at risk,\he says, citing technological advances. He says it's a waste not to reuse the nation's wastewater, because almost all of it is treated before discharge. This water includes storm runoff(径流) as well as used water from homes, businesses and factories.

In many places,the report says,the public does not realize it's drinking water that was treated after being discharged as wastewater somewhere upstream: For example, wastewater discharged into the Trinity River from Dallas/Fort Worth flows south into Lake Livingston,the source for Houston's drinking water.

Despite the growing importance of this reuse,the report says there's been no systemic analysis of its extent nationwide since a 1980 study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Alan Roberson of the American Water Works Association says wastewater reuse is common, so the council's report is important but not surprising. Roberson expects this recycling will continue to increase,especially for irrigation and industrial needs. He says it will take longer to establish potable(适于饮用的) uses because of public nervousness about drinking wastewater, however treated.

“We have to do something to address water scarcity”,says Olga Naidenko, a senior scientist at the non-profit Environmental Working Group. “Less than 10 of potable water is used for drinking,cooking,showering or dishwashing. We flush it down the toilet,literally.” Technologies exist to safely treat the water,she says, although some are expensive.




