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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn




[摘要] 目的 通过该次活动,提高手术患者健康教育知晓率,增加就医依从性,促使术后康复。方法 科室人员自觉自愿组圈,通过头脑风暴选出改善主题,根据医院外科健康教育记录单结合专科实际设计调查问卷,对该科室2016年9—10月的手术患者96例进行问卷调查,找出知晓不好的原因,经过柏拉图找出改善重点(要因),再科学设定改善目标值,所有圈员脑力激荡找出真因,进行对策拟定和实施。结果 经过改善,健康教育知晓率从77.10%提高到92.71%,并且在解决问题方法、沟通协调能力、自信心、团队凝聚力、工作积极性、QCC手法等方面都有了长足的进步。结论 通过品管圈活动,加强了医护、医患及护患之间的沟通、协作能力,不仅获得有形成果,提高手术患者健康教育知晓率;更为重要的是获得许多无形成果,如增强了整个团队的凝聚力、协调性、积极性以及个人价值得到了充分体现,患者的“依从性”得到了提高,提升了手术质量,增加了患者满意度。 [关键词] 品管圈;健康教育;知晓率

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)05(c)-0104-03 [Abstract] Objective Through this activity, we can improve the awareness rate of health education in surgical patients, increase medical compliance, and promote postoperative recovery. Methods The department staff voluntarily formed a circle and selected the improvement theme through brainstorming. According to the records of surgical health education in the hospital, combined with the actual design questionnaire, 96 cases of surgical patients in the department from September to October 2016 were surveyed to find out Bad reasons, through Plato to identify the focus of improvement(cause), and then set the target to improve the scientific value of a circle of all brainstorming to find out the real reason for the formulation and implementation of

countermeasures. Results The awareness rate of health education increased from 77.10% to 92.71%, and great progress has been made in solving problem methods, communication and coordination, self-confidence, team cohesion, enthusiasm in work and QCC practices. Conclusion Through the QA activities, the communication and collaboration between doctors, nurses and nurses and patients are strengthened. Not only tangible results are obtained, but also the awareness of health education among surgical patients is improved. More importantly, many invisible results are obtained, for example, enhanced The team's cohesion, coordination, enthusiasm and personal value have been fully reflected in the patient's \, improve the quality of surgery and increase patient satisfaction.

[Key words] Quality control circle; Health education; Awareness



