(一天早晨,在乡间的小路上,the rabbit和the tortise见面了.)Rabbit: Hi!Mr Tortoise.How are you?
Tortoise: Fine, thank you.And you? Rabbti:I'm fine,too. What are you doing? Tortoise: Oh, I'm running...
Rabbit:(面露讥笑的神色)Ha ha...,running?Can you run?Tortoise:(一脸真诚的)Certainly!Do you believe me? Let's havea race, Miss Rabbit,Ok?
Rabbit: OK!(手指着远处的一棵大树)Can you see that bigapple tree over there? Tortoise: (奋力伸长了脖子想远处看,然后慢吞吞的)Yes, Ican. Rabbit: Let's see who can get there first,OK?
Tortoise: OK,But we need a referee, What about Mr Parrot? Rabbit: Good.(Mr Parrot is coming.)
Parrot: I'm very glad to be your referee. NOw,you two, stand onthe line,please.(兔子和乌龟站在同一起跑线上做准备赛跑状)
Rabbit and Tortoise: (异口同声)Yes, I'm ready.
Parrot: One, two ,three. Go!(兔子撒腿向前面的大苹果树跑去,而乌龟则在后面慢慢的,一步一步的向前爬.)
Rabbit:(跑到一棵梨树附近,回头看乌龟)Oh, I'm fast. MrTortoise is so slow.He is behind me far away. I'm tired now.Letme have a reast near the tree.
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Tortoise:(吃力的爬到梨树附近,左顾右盼)Where is MissRabbit! I can't see her. Oh,she is over there, sleeping under thepear tree.(看了看兔子,然后又慢慢的向前爬去)
rabbit:(一觉醒来,天色已晚,揉揉惺忪的双眼)Oh, God!Myrace!Where is Mr Tortoise?Let me go and see!(飞快的想目的地-----大苹果树跑去.大苹果树下,Mr Tortoise和Mr parrot已经等待多时了)
Parrot and tortoise:(异口同声)Hi!Miss rattit! YOu're late.Rabbit:(满脸羞愧)I had a rest just now.
Parrot: So ,Mr Tortoise is the winner now.Rabbit: (有所感悟)I fall behind just because I am proud.
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