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make laws to prevent them from being caught and killed. Second, the governments should educate people to love nature and protect it. Third, as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to protect our living environment.

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[1.ÏÖÏó/ÏÖ״˵Ã÷¶Î]The majority of people would agree that cigarette smoking has caused serious problems. But the tobacco companies insist that they contribute greatly to the world economy by paying taxes to the government and employing hundreds of workers.

[4.Àû±×˵Ã÷¶Î]Personally, I believe that cigarette production and consumption threatens to do more harm than good. Firstly, smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer, heart

diseases and so on. According to the survey, tobacco consumers account for about 20% of the world population, and among them, three million people die from smoking-related diseases every year. The fact that the output of tobacco production is reduced from 143.64 billion pounds in 1994 to 142 billion pounds in 1995 also suggests that people have come to realize the negative effects of smoking. Secondly, tobacco consumption is extremely wasteful of money. As is indicated in the pictures, 200 billion US dollars is lost due to smoking each year. Obviously, the total loss of money around the globe substantially exceeds the gain in the industry.

[8.¹éÄɽáÂÛ¶Î]In conclusion, as the economic development aims at making our life better, we cannot sacrifice our health for short-term financial


benefits. If we have to spend more and more money providing medical services for those who suffer from smoking-related illnesses, the notion of promoting economy via tobacco production is not justifiable. It increased respectively by 9% and 7%. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another.

[6.Ô­ÒòÁоü¶Î]There are two factors accounting for is high time that we fought for the total tobacco ban. 7. ÈÕÓû¨Ïúͳ¼Æ

Statistics in People's Daily Expenses in Xi'an YearItem 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Food 66% 61% 48% 41% 36% Clothing 9% 10% 12% 15% 18% Recreation 4% 5% 8% 9% 11%

[2.ͼ»­/ͼ±íÃèÊö¶Î]What is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in the daily expenses in Xi' an from 1995 to 1999. The expenses on food have declined by 30% while those on clothing and recreation have

these changes. Development in economy is an essential one in the five years. The increased income resulting from economic growth plays an important part in the less expense on food. Hence, a small percentage of total income is enough to cover food expense. Another one is the changes in life style. When food presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time. As a result of such a shift, spending on clothing and recreation increased year after year.

[9.Ç÷ÊÆÔ¤²â¶Î]From the analyses made above, we


may come to the conclusion that people's living standards in Xi' an have been constantly improved between 1995 and 1999. With the further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information. First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course tendency indicated in the table will continue in the table will continue in the better direction. µÚÈý²¿·Ö ÊÂÎñÐź¯ £¨Èýƪ£© 8.×ÉѯÐÅ

A letter of Inquiry

You wish to study at a certain foreign university. Write a letter inquiring about the situation there as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications.

Dear Sir

I am a Chinese citizen who wishes to study at your

of study at your university? I already have a master¡¯s degree from a university here in China, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self ¨C supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation? I would prefer a single room, which is more conducive to studying, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your


esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

9. ÇëÇóÐÅ A Letter of Request

You find that your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher explaining why you need to withdraw from two courses. Ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.

Dear Prof. James,

I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education (EDU 602) and Teaching Methods (EDU 619).

The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses. In the beginning of the term, I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full ¨C time studies and my part ¨C time job (20 hours/week). Because I really must work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. I am planning on taking the two courses during the summer semester, if they are available, so that I will be able to complete all the courses for the degree program by the following year.

I would also like to request a tuition refund, and hope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans. This decision was not taken


lightly, and I do appreciate the king consideration you have shown to me.

Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 277-9144. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours, Jane Carter

10£®½¨ÒéÐÅ A Letter of Advice/Suggestion

You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in ¨C history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers better job prospects.

Dear John,

You have asked me for my advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university, and I will try to make some useful suggestions.

You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career. Therefore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a

living. There is no doubt that the field of computers offers far job opportunities than history.

Besides, we are now in the age of the high - technology revolution. For the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to be


computer - literate, it will also be necessary for them to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living! History, I'm afraid, however fascinating it may


be, offers few career prospects.

Of course, you don't have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else. On the contrary, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time. That way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computers.

Yours sincerely, James

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