【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)018
【摘要】目的探讨甲状腺占位病变的CT特征与组织病理学基础。方法回顾分析经我院体检发现,且经CT扫描和手术病理证实的甲状腺占位病变33例,将 CT影像表现与术后病理进行比较。结果33例中,甲状腺腺瘤12例,表现为孤立性结节,密度均匀,2例见钙化,周围脂肪影清楚,CT增强扫描呈均匀强化;甲状腺癌11例,表现为不规则或分叶状肿块,密度均匀或不均匀,边缘多呈浸润性生长,部分可见淋巴结转移及周围组织器官侵犯,6例可见钙化,增强扫描后呈不规则强化;结节性甲状腺中10例,CT表现为单发或多发结节,可见坏死、出血及囊变,增强扫描病变呈不均匀强化。结论甲状腺占位性病变CT表现有一定特征性,CT扫描有助于甲状腺占位病变的定位、定量及定性诊断,病理学检查是甲状腺占位病变诊断的金标准。%Objective To study the CT features and the Pathology of thyroid massive diseases. Methods 33 patients with thyroid massive diseases confirmed by CT scan and surgery operation,and the CT findings were compared with the pathology. Results 12 cases were thyroid adenoma,and the CT features were solitary nodules with homogenous density,calcification was seen in 2 cases, the fat tissue around the lesions was clear,contrast enhancement CT scan al the lesions had homogeneous enhancement.11 cases were thyroid cancer,and the CT signs were irregular or lobular
mass,some of the mass density was homogeneous, and some of them were heterogeneous,and the margin of the mass was unclear,lymph nodules metastasis and the adjacent tissue and organs were invasive were found in some patients,calcification was found in 6 cases, contrast CT scan the lesions had irregular enhancement.10 cases were thyroid goiter,and the CT manifestations were multiple nodules or single nodule,necrosis, bleeding and cyst change can be seen in some nodules,contrast CT enhancement scan,the lesions had heterogeneous enhancement. Conclusion CT appearances of thyroid occupying diseases have some features and CT scan was helpful for the diagnosis of thyroid occupying diseases. Pathology was the golden standard for the thyroid occupying diseases. 【总页数】3页(220-221,222)
【关键词】甲状腺肿瘤;X线,计算机体层摄影术;病理学 【作者】涂强;阮天羽;石喆
【作者单位】广西柳州市人民医院,广西 柳州 545006;广西柳州市人民医院,广西 柳州 545006;广西柳州市人民医院,广西 柳州 545006 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
1.甲状腺良恶性病变的CT表现与病理对照分析 [J], 盛二燕; 彭卫军 2.甲状腺良恶性病变的CT表现与病理对照分析 [J], 盛二燕; 彭卫军
3.甲状腺乳头状癌的CT表现与病理对照分析 [J], 谭红娜; 顾雅佳; 彭卫军; 杨文涛; 黄丹
4.甲状腺滤泡型乳头状癌的超声表现与病理对照研究 [J], 杨帆; 陈贤翔; 吴火林; 郭美金; 陈媛
5.甲状腺隐匿性癌患者30例临床CT表现与病理比较 [J], 岳新建