中场休息 比赛延长时间 规定时间 选手名单 换人 监督 战术 暂停时间 比赛停止计时 裁判 主裁判 矩形 规模 不利影响 犯规 因被罚而丧失所有权 走步 干预 干扰球 控球后卫 得分后卫 小前锋 打前锋 区域防守 盯人防守 卡位,切入 掩护 跑动战术 立定投篮 跳起投篮 带球上篮 扣篮 传球 胸前传球 反弹传球 头上传球 快攻第一传 不看队友传球 背后传球 half-time break overtime period allot time player roster substitution oversee strategy time-out clock stoppage umpire crew chief rectangle dimension adverse effect violation forfeit traveling interfere with goaltending point guard shooting guard small forward power forward zone defense man-to-man defense cut screen motion offense set shot jump shot lay up slam dunk pass chest pass bounce pass overhead pass outlet pass no-look pass behind-the-back pass 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) Step one: Teacher asks students to glance the text in 15 minutes and consider the following questions: 1) How can we account for the global popularity of basketball? 2) What equipment is required by this sport? 3) What are the specific rules of basketball matches? Step two: Teacher checks answers with students and draws students’ attention to the actual usage of words and expressions concerning basketball. 4. Assignment (5 minutes) 6 / 27
1. Group project: Teacher arranges students into groups and asks each group to select one memorable basketball match and make a full commentary on the match. 2. Teacher asks students to finish the exercises that follow the text.
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授课教师 教 材 授课内容 李林 授课班级 体教 授课地点 2203 《体育英语》. 何庆忠、张惠珍. 2009. 苏州大学出版社. Unit Two Basketball 学时 2 periods Section B 1. Introduce students to the basketball culture and the basketball legends; 教学目的 2. Consolidate students’ ability to understand and utilize words and expressions concerning basketball. 教学重点Teaching emphasis: Acquisition of athletic terminology. 与难点 Teaching difficulties: Understanding of the basketball culture. 1.《大学体育英语》. 《大学英语选修课/学科课程系Teaching method: 列教材》项目组. 2008. 高等教育出版社. heuristic teaching 教学方法2.《实用体育英语》. 顾运筠等. 2011. 高等教育出版Teaching aids: 教学参考书 与手段 社. Multi-media and 3.《体育专业英语》. 刘成. 2009. 暨南大学出版社. blackboard 教 学 进 程 I.Teaching Plan (90 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. Group project (20 minutes) Exercises (25 minutes) Text analysis (40 minutes) Assignment (5 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Group project (20 minutes) Teacher asks students to make a full commentary on the basketball match chosen by the group member. 2. Exercises (25 minutes) Teacher checks answers to the exercises with students and puts emphasis on the application of athletic terminology. 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) Step one: Teacher asks students to glance the text in 10 minutes and consider the following questions: 1) Could you make a bibliographical sketch of Michael Jordan? 2) What brought Jordan enormous fame? Step two: Teacher checks answers with students. Step three: Teacher asks students to finish the exercises that follow the text and checks answers with them. 4. Assignment (5 minutes) Composition: Suppose you are a member of the Chinese Basketball Association. Write an invitation letter to persuade Jordan to take over the Chinese national basketball team.
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授课教师 教 材 授课内容 李林 授课班级 体教 授课地点 2203 《体育英语》. 何庆忠、张惠珍. 2009. 苏州大学出版社. Unit Three Volleyball 学时 2 periods Section A 1. Introduce students to the origin and development of volleyball, the required equipment and the rules of volleyball matches; 教学目的 2. Enable students to understand and utilize vocabulary and expressions concerning volleyball. 教学重点Teaching emphasis: Acquisition of athletic terminology. 与难点 Teaching difficulties: Understanding of the rules of volleyball. 1.《大学体育英语》. 《大学英语选修课/学科课程系Teaching method: 列教材》项目组 2008. 高等教育出版社. heuristic teaching 教学方法2.《实用体育英语》. 顾运筠等. 2011. 高等教育出版Teaching aids: 教学参考书 与手段 社. Multi-media and 3.《体育专业英语》. 刘成. 2009. 暨南大学出版社. blackboard 教 学 进 程 I.Teaching Plan (90 minutes) 1. Lead-in (10 minutes) 2. Vocabulary foundation (35 minutes) 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) 4. Assignment (5 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Lead-in (10 minutes) Teacher asks students to enumerate their favorite volleyball stars and explain why they are drawn to this particular sport. 2. Vocabulary Foundation (35 minutes) Teacher asks students to list all the terms they regard related to volleyball, and teacher provides the closest equivalents for these words and expressions in English. Chinese 投,掷 抛物线,运行轨道 扣球 进攻方 防守方 垫球 回合 连续地 自由人 矩形的 对称的 球队构成 一局 最少领先 球队出场名单 9 / 27
English toss trajectory spike team on offense team on defense dig rally in succession libero player rectangular symmetrical team composition set a minimum lead of team’s starting line-up 教练 位置轮换 比赛进行和终止 发球 发球时遮挡对方视线 拦网 比赛暂停 中场休息 交换场地 裁判组 coach rotation ball in and ball out service screening block regular game interruption interval change of courts referee corps 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) Step one: Teacher asks students to glance the text in 15 minutes and consider the following questions: 1) When did volleyball come into being and who invented this sport? 2) What equipment is required by this sport? 3) What are the specific rules of volleyball matches? 4) How can we account for the fact that volleyball is less popular than football and basketball? Step two: Teacher checks answers with students and draws students’ attention to the actual usage of words and expressions concerning volleyball. 4. Assignment (5 minutes) 1. Group project: Teacher arranges students into groups and asks each group to select one memorable volleyball match and make a full commentary on the match. 2. Teacher asks students to finish the exercises that follow the text.
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