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授课教师 教 材 授课内容 李林 授课班级 体教 授课地点 2203 《体育英语》. 何庆忠、张惠珍. 2009. 苏州大学出版社. Unit One Football 学时 2 periods Section A 1. Introduce students to the origin and development of football, the required equipment and the rules of football matches; 教学目的 2. Enable students to understand and utilize words and expressions concerning football. 教学重点Teaching emphasis: Acquisition of athletic terminology. 与难点 Teaching difficulties: Understanding of the rules of football. 1.《大学体育英语》. 《大学英语选修课/学科课程系Teaching method: 列教材》项目组. 2008. 高等教育出版社. heuristic teaching 教学方法2.《实用体育英语》. 顾运筠等. 2011. 高等教育出版Teaching aids: 教学参考书 与手段 社. Multi-media and 3.《体育专业英语》. 刘成. 2009. 暨南大学出版社. blackboard 教 学 进 程 I.Teaching Plan (90 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. Lead-in (10 minutes) Vocabulary foundation (35 minutes) Text analysis (40 minutes) Assignment (5 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Lead-in (10 minutes) Teacher asks students to enumerate their favorite football stars and explain why they are drawn to this particular sport. 2. Vocabulary foundation (35 minutes) Teacher asks students to list all the terms they regard related to football, and teacher provides the closest equivalents for these words and expressions in English. Chinese 足球 美式足球 板球 颠球 比赛场地 草坪 围度 外场球员 守门员 替补球员 球员比赛装备 护胫 主裁判 助理裁判;边裁 越位 2 / 27
English football American football cricket juggle field of play pitch dimension outfield player goalkeeper substitute player’s equipment shin pad referee assistant referee offside 犯规 手球 比赛时间 伤停补时 加时赛 平分 开始比赛和重新开始比赛 开球 进球 边线 掷界外球 进攻 防守 任意球 直接任意球 点球 点球决胜 犯规和不当行为 对手 黄牌或红牌 防守队员犯规 罚球区 击中门柱 门球 角球 底线 foul handball duration of the match injury time knockout match tie start and restart of play kick-off score a goal side line throw-in offence defense free kick direct free kick penalty kick penalty-shootout foul and misconduct opponent yellow or red card defended player foul penalty box strike the bar goal kick corner kick goal line 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) Step one: Teacher asks students to glance the text in 15 minutes and consider the following questions: 1) When did football come into being and how did it become a worldwide game? 2) What equipment is required by this sport? 3) What are the specific rules of football matches? Step two: Teacher checks answers with students and draws students’ attention to the actual usage of words and expressions concerning football. 4. Assignment (5 minutes) 1. Group project: Teacher arranges students into groups and asks each group to select one memorable football match and make a full commentary on the match. 2. Teacher asks students to finish the exercises that follow the text. 3 / 27
授课教师 教 材 授课内容 李林 授课班级 体教 授课地点 2203 《体育英语》. 何庆忠、张惠珍. 2009. 苏州大学出版社. Unit One Football 学时 2 periods Section B 1. Introduce students to the football culture and the football legends; 教学目的 2. Consolidate students’ ability to understand and utilize words and expressions concerning football. 教学重点Teaching emphasis: Acquisition of athletic terminology. 与难点 Teaching difficulties: Understanding of the football culture. 1.《大学体育英语》. 《大学英语选修课/学科课程系Teaching method: 列教材》项目组. 2008. 高等教育出版社. heuristic teaching 教学方法2.《实用体育英语》. 顾运筠等. 2011. 高等教育出版Teaching aids: 教学参考书 与手段 社. Multi-media and 3.《体育专业英语》. 刘成. 2009. 暨南大学出版社. blackboard 教 学 进 程 I.Teaching Plan (90 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. Group project (20 minutes) Exercises (25 minutes) Text analysis (40 minutes) Assignment (5 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Group project (20 minutes) Teacher asks students to make a full commentary on the football match chosen by the group member. 2. Exercises (25 minutes) Teacher checks answers to the exercises with students and puts emphasis on the application of athletic terminology. 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) Step one: Teacher asks students to glance the text in 10 minutes and consider the following questions: 1) What made Maradona famous all over the world? 2) Why was Maradona banned from football matches twice? 3) What resulted in his retirement? Step two: Teacher checks answers with students. Step three: Teacher asks students to finish the exercises that follow the text and checks answers with them. 4. Assignment (5 minutes) Composition: Suppose you are the newly-appointed coach of the national football team. Write a package of proposals concerning the ways to improve the performance of the football players. 4 / 27
授课教师 教 材 授课内容 李林 授课班级 体教 授课地点 2203 《体育英语》. 何庆忠、张惠珍. 2009. 苏州大学出版社. Unit Two Basketball 学时 2 periods Section A 1. Introduce students to the origin and development of basketball, the required equipment and the rules of basketball matches; 教学目的 2. Enable students to understand and utilize vocabulary and expressions concerning basketball. 教学重点Teaching emphasis: Acquisition of athletic terminology. 与难点 Teaching difficulties: Understanding of the rules of basketball. 1.《大学体育英语》. 《大学英语选修课/学科课程系Teaching method: 列教材》项目组. 2008. 高等教育出版社. heuristic teaching 教学方法2. 《实用体育英语》. 顾运筠等. 2011. 高等教育出版Teaching aids: 教学参考书 与手段 社. Multi-media and 3. 《体育专业英语》. 刘成. 2009. 暨南大学出版社. blackboard 教 学 进 程 I.Teaching Plan (90 minutes) 1. Lead-in (10 minutes) 2. Vocabulary foundation (35 minutes) 3. Text analysis (40 minutes) 4. Assignment (5 minutes) II.Teaching Steps 1. Lead-in (10 minutes) Teacher asks students to enumerate their favorite basketball stars and explain why they are fond of these stars. 2. Vocabulary Foundation (35 minutes) Teacher asks students to list all the terms they regard related to basketball, and teacher provides the closest equivalents for these words and expressions in English. Chinese 推进 篮筐 投篮 弹跳 破坏性身体接触 运球 进攻的 防守的 中锋 前锋 后卫 能吸引观众的运动 锦标赛 得分超过对手 1节 5 / 27
English propel hoop shoot bounce disruptive physical contact dribble offensive defensive center forward guard spectator sport tournament outscore one’s opponent quarter