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The debeamed luminosity, sychrotron peak frequency and black hole mass of BL Lac objects

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The debeamed luminosity, sychrotron peak frequency and black hole mass of BL Lac objects

Zhong-Zu Wu;Min-Feng Gu;Dong-Rong Jiang

【期刊名称】《天文和天体物理学研究》 【年(卷),期】2009(009)002

【摘要】We estimate the intrinsic luminosities and synchrotron peak frequencies using the derived Doppler factor for a sample of 170 BL Lac objects, of which the synchrotron peak frequency is derived by fitting the SED constructed with the collected multi-band data from the literature. We find that the debeamed radio and optical core luminosities follow the same correlation found for FR I radio galaxies, which is in support of the unification of the BL Lac objects and the FR I galaxies based on orientation. For the debeamed luminosity at the synchrotron peak frequency, we find a significant positive correlation between the luminosity and intrinsic synchrotron peak frequency. This implies that the more powerful sources may have the majority of jet emission at higher frequency. At the synchrotron peak frequency, the intrinsic luminosity and black hole mass show strong positive correlation, while mild correlation is found in the case of jet power, indicating that the more powerful sources may have more massive black holes.


The debeamed luminosity, sychrotron peak frequency and black hole mass of BL Lac objects


