《Puzzles in Geography》教学设计
教学题目 Unit 2 Puzzles in Geography 所选教材 一、学习内容分析 1.学习目标描述(语言能力、思维品质、文化素养、交际能力) 语言能力: 1.掌握Reading语篇的体裁与结构; 2.学会应用clarify, be linked to, accomplish, conflict,to one’s credit, for convenience等单词和短语和do表强调; 3.了解副词的应用 思维品质: 1.培养学生通过查找关键词概括段落大意的能力; 2.通过分析标题培养学生的批判性思维; 文化素养: 1.通过学习英国历史了解英国多个名称的由来; 2.了解英国的地理、文化、和行政管理: 交际能力: 1.培养表达观点并陈述理由的能力 2. 学习内容与重难点分析 本堂课以M5U2 Reading部分为研究课例。这篇课文为说明文,主要围绕Why different words are used to describe these four countries:England、Wales、Scotland and Northern Ireland?这一问题展开,讲述了英国的历史、组成英国的四个部分的行政管理、England的地理分布以及伦敦。从表面看,整篇文章就解决了一个puzzle,而课文标题是Puzzles in Geography,正文和标题似乎是矛盾的。 所以,帮助学生解决这一矛盾是本节课的重点。 项目 内容 应对措施 《普通高中课程标准实验教科书》模块五 Unit 2 解读标题,挖掘正文探讨了几个通过逐段分析,层层深入,最后总结puzzle 归纳的方法,总结puzzles 通过字里行间的阅读寻找段落中的关概括每段的段落大意 教学难点 键字,协助概括段落大意 二、学习者特征分析 1.一般特征:学习本单元的学生是已经开始高二上学期学习的学生。教材模块五第二单元的话题是The United Kingdom,主要谈论的是英国的地理文化和伦敦的名胜古迹,学生们对这一话题非常感兴趣。 2.入门技能:本堂课是本单元的第二课时,通过warming-up,学生们已经对英国的各个方面有了一定的了解;对于相关词汇和表达也已进行了一定的预习。 教学重点
1.学习环境选择( A )
A.简易多媒体教室 B.交互式电子白板 C.网络教室 D.移动学习环境 四、流程规划与活动设计 一、导入
教师呈现Westlife的图片,播放他们的歌曲Season in the Sun,并设置填空Seasons in the Sun is sung by Westlife, a band from _________________________(England, Britain, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , 让学生回答,通过回答,教师提出puzzle: why are there so many names for one country? 设计意图:
通过学生喜欢的一个英国乐队导入课文,并设置他们是哪个国家的乐队,不仅能引起学生的兴趣,而且能激起他们的好奇心,为下文的学习作好情感基础。 二、阅读 1. 速读
给学生三分钟时间,让他们快速阅读全文,为每个段落找出能概括其大意的关键词。 (this question, history, the four countries, England, London, trip) 设计意图:
这一环节的设计,主要是为了培养学生快速抓住文本的主要信息的能力。 2. 细读
Para 1: this question
教师在ppt上呈现第一段,People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question if you study British history.并提问
1. What does ‘this question’ refer to?
2. What is the function of the last sentence of this paragraph? 设计意图:
Para 2: history
教师首先提问: How did the UK come into being? 让学生回答英国形成的过程。 然后,用动态的图片展示。紧接着教师继续提问:Generally speaking, in which way was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formed? 引导学生寻找相关词汇。(happily/ in the same peaceful way) 设计意图:
Para 3:the four countries
To their credit (worth praising) the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example,
Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!
1. Do the four countries work together?
(To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas)
(教师追问:what does “to their credit” mean? Why did the author use “do” before “work”) 2. Do they work together in all areas?
(but they still have very different institutions)
(教师追问:what did the author put emphasis on? How do you know?) 设计意图:
把这一段呈现在ppt上,一方面是为了直观的展示这一段要表达的两个意思(四个国家在某方面相互合作,但也有各自的机构)中,作者通过but一词强调后者;另一方面是为了突出’to their credit’ 和’do work”这两个短语,学习它们的意思和用法。 Para 4: England
本段主要引导学生探讨Why is England mentioned? 对于这个问题,学生很容易找到的原因是本段中的England is the largest of the four。其实,关于这个问题,还有两个隐含的原因。教师可引导学生回忆英国历史,通过回忆,他们就不难发现第二个原因England was the first of the four。还有一个原因,教师可在ppt上展示England的地图,通过分析每个地区的特征,学生就能轻而易举地发现第三个原因:In England there are older but smaller towns where you will find out more about British history and culture. 设计意图:
Para 5:London
就本段,教师先提出问题. Why is London mentioned?
学生回答:London the greatest historical treasure of all? 教师接着问:
Why is London the greatest historical treasure of all?(以填空形式回答) There were four sets of ________(invaders) of England and they left the historical treasure in London.
the Romans left their __________________( towns and roads)
the Anglo-Saxons left _______________(their language) and their government.
the Vikings ___________(influenced) the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England
the Normans left castles and ____________(introduced) new words for food. 设计意图:
本段通过填空的方式探讨为什么伦敦是最大的历史宝藏,旨在培养学生快速查找信息的能力。 Para 6: trip
If you look around the British countryside you will find ________(evidence) of all these invaders. You must ___________________(keep your eyes open) if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom _________(enjoyable) and __________(worthwhile).
人教版英语必修五Unit 2(Puzzles in Geography)表格教学设计