Bill of Lading 提单
B/L is the short form of Bill of Lading which is one of the most important documents in international business. A Bill of Lading represents both a receipt for goods shipped and a contract for shipment between the shipping company and the shipper. It is also a document of entitlement to the goods, giving the holder or the assignee the right to possess the goods. It is issued and signed by a shipping company or its authorized agent. B/L是Bill of Lading的缩写形式,是在国际贸易中最重要的单据之一。提单既作为承运货物的收据,又代表承运人和托运人之间的运输合同。它也是货物所有权的证件,因而给予持有人或受让人提货的权力。它由承运人或其授权代理签署。
1. The main functions of a B/L 提单的主要作用
1. It is a cargo receipt made out by the ship owner; 它是船方填制的货物
2. It is the evidence of a contract of carriage between the consignor and
the shipping company; 是托运人与承运人间的运输合同证明;
3. B/L is a document of title to the goods. 是货物所有权证明单据。
2. Types of B/L 提单类型
On board B/L 已装船提单; Direct B/L
Shipped B/L
Received for Shipment B/L 备运提
Transshipment B/L 转船提单; Clean B/L
Through B/L
Unclean B/L 或Foul B/L
Straight B/L 记名提单; Bearer B/L
Open B/L
不记名提单; Order B/L
Long Form B/L
Short Form B/L
On Deck B/L 舱面提单; Ante Dated B/L 倒签提单;
Stale B/L
Freight at Destination B/L 运费到付提
Advanced B/L 预借提单;
Freight prepaid B/L
3.Specimen B/L 提单样本 Shipper CHINA WEIFANG RC OIL AND FAT CO., LTD. 2, BEIHAI, KUIWEN, WEIFANG, SHANDONG, 261041 CHINA Consignee TO OPENING BANK’S ORDER Notify Party GISBERT BRINKSCHULTE GMBH & CO., KG UNIVERSITAETSALLEE11-13, D-2800 BREMEN 33.F.R.GERMANY Pre-carriage by Ocean Vessel Voy. No. YUN FENG 9455 Port of Discharge ROTTEDAM Place of Receipt Port of Loading QINGDAO Final Destination Freight Payable at QINGDAO Numbers of Original B/L THREE (3) B/L NO.: COS271234 中国远洋运输总公司 CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING CO. DIRECT TRANSPORT BILL OF LADING ORIGINAL
Marks & Nos. Container. No./Seal No. No.of Containers or packages Kind of Packages: Destination of Goods Gross Weight Measurement 180CBM
GB BREMEN NO.1-UP DIN-NO. Container No./Seal No. 1×20’FULL FBZU 0032453-0032462 Total Packages (in words): ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY PALLETS ONLY Freight & Charges CLEAN ON BOARD 180 PALLETS 3600 BAGS FIRST GRADE 12-HSA IN 50KG BAG 180,000KGS Place and Date of Issue: QINGDAO OCT 23, 2007 Signed for the Carrier: FREIGHT PREPAID (盖章) FOR THE CARRIER NAMED ABOVE
4.The Main Contents and Notes of B/L 提单内容及说明 1. Shipper or Consignor 发货人或托运人 It is the exporter who is the beneficiary in the L/C.
提单 bill of lading 样本 及 内容解析