【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)019
【摘要】目的分析阿替卡因(碧兰麻)在拔牙术中的麻醉效果。方法选取2008年3月~2013年3月在我院口腔科就诊的拔牙患者200例,300颗牙齿,随机分为阿替卡因组和利多卡因组,分别行局部浸润及阻滞麻醉。结果阿替卡因组有效率为96%,利多卡因组有效率84%,阿替卡因组麻醉优良率明显高于利多卡因组(P<0.05)。结论阿替卡因用于拔牙术中的浸润麻醉,起效快,效能高,是理想的局部麻醉药物。%Objective To analyze the articaine (Primacaine) anesthesia in tooth extraction. Methods Select the 2008.3~2013.3 in our hospital, 200 cases were admit ed to Department of Stomatology, 300 teeth, were randomly divided into articaine group and lidocaine group, respectively, for local infiltration and block anesthesia. Results articaine group ef ective rate was 96%, lidocaine group was 84%, excellent rate of articaine anesthesia group was significantly higher than that of lidocaine group ( <0.05). Conclusion Articaine used as infiltration anesthesia, the extraction operation of fast acting, high ef iciency, is an ideal local anesthetic drug. 【总页数】1页(219-219)
【关键词】拔牙术;局部麻醉;阿替卡因 【作者】黄丽梅;赵连生