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1.John hadn't been able to quit smoking at once; he had to control his smoking desire ________. A.more or less B.by and by C.little by little D.now and then 2.________ other good students, in my opinion, Tom is ________ student. A.Compared with; a most satisfied B.Compared to; the most satisfied C.Comparing to; the most satisfying D.Compared with; a most satisfying 3.In the agreement I saw his name ________ in larger letters by chance. A.designed B.created C.signed D.recorded

4. ________ some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others. A.Whether B.What C.That D.How 5.The stone is at least ________ that one.

A.heavy three times B.as four times heavy as C.three times the weight of D.twice as larger as

6.We have visited the palace which ________ to the king. A.belong B.belonging C.belongs D.is belonged 7.“If the road is busy, don't walk ________,”said the mother. A.cross B.across C.through D.over

8.London is the most beautiful city in Britain, ________the River Thames. A.located in B.situated on C.lied on D.stood in 9.Three-fourths of the homework ________ today.

A.has finished B.has been finished C.have finished D.have been finished 10.— I hear a number of workers in the factory ________ out of work. — Yes, and the number ________ quite huge.

A.are; is B.is; are C.is; is D.are; are II 完形填空(每个1.5分, 共30分)

Mickey was a nice boy. No one could remember having seen him __1__ . He was always cheerful and optimistic. __2__ his teachers admired his good character. His character was so __3__ that people started to say that Mickey's goodness must be because of some special secret. They __4__ Mickey what it was so often that, one afternoon, he __5__ his favorite teacher, Mr Anthony, to tea.

When they had __6__ , Mickey showed Mr Anthony around the house. When Mickey opened his bedroom door, the teacher froze, and a big __7__ spread across his face. The huge far wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of colors and shapes! It was the loveliest decoration Mr Anthony had ever __8__. “Some people at school think that I never __9__ anyone,” Mickey started to explain, “and that nothing at all __10__ me, but that's not true at all. I'm __11__ like anyone else. I used to get angrier

than all the other kids. But years ago, with the __12__ of my parents,I started a small collage. I could __13__ any kind of material and color for it. With every little piece I stuck on I __14__ some bad thought or act.”

It was __15__ . The teacher looked closely at the wall. In each one of the small pieces he could __16__ in tiny letters, “fool”, “idiot”, __17__, and a thousand other bad things.

“This is how I started turning all my bad times into a(n) __18__ to add to my collage. Now I like the collage so much that, each time someone makes me angry, I couldn't be __19__. They've given me a new piece for my work of art.”

The teacher learnt that the __20__ to having a cheerful and optimistic character is to turn the bad times into a chance to smile.

1. A.tired B.moved C.angry D.excited 2. A.Even B.If C.But D.Unless

3. A.important B.unusual C.scary D.interesting 4. A.believed B.showed C.asked D.told 5. A.pulled B.invited C.refused D.forced

6. A.began B.wondered C.prepared D.finished 7. A.picture B.question C.smile D.expression 8. A.seen B.wanted C.required D.made

9. A.keep away from B.think badly of C.make use of D.keep in touch with 10. A.needs B.encourages C.relaxes D.bothers 11. A.just B.never C.hardly D.almost

12. A.dream B.experience C.help D.desire 13. A.build B.use C.change D.imagine 14. A.added B.removed C.created D.learnt 15. A.necessary B.frightening C.possible D.true 16. A.try B.remember C.read D.write

17. A.honesty B.sadness C.love D.joy 18. A.way B.place C.aim D.opportunity

19. A.happier B.cleverer C.better D.stranger 20. A.explanation B.secret C.advice D.wood III 阅读理解(每个2分,共20分)

Passage A

Do you know the earliest London Bridge? Not much is known about it, though its original place is thought to be near the present one. The second bridge, a wooden one that was built in Saxon times, seems to have given rise to the nursery rhyme (童谣) “London Bridge is falling down”, which it did in 1014. In 1176 the first stone bridge was built. Houses appeared on both sides of the bridge and it stood more than six hundred years until it was pulled down in 1813, making room for a new one north of the old London Bridge, which cost more than ten years to build. As it was not wide enough for heavy traffic, the “new” bridge was replaced in 1967. The present London Bridge is more than 100 feet wide.

The London Bridge before the present one was bought in the 1960s by the McCulloch Oil Corporation of

California, which rebuilt it stone by stone at Lake Havens City, in a corner of America's Arizona Desert. There is a rumor (传言) saying that the McCulloch Oil Corporation believed they were buying the much more excellent Tower Bridge.

By the way, the Tower Bridge was built from 1885 and was opened 9 years later by Edward Ⅶ, the Prince of Wales at that time. It is the only bridge in London that is big enough for ships to pass. Since the Thames is no longer used as much as a trade and shipping route (航道), the Tower Bridge is only used 4 or 5 times a week.

The Tower Bridge is often mistaken for London Bridge, which is dull in comparison (相比之下). The Tower Bridge is one of the finest, most recognizable bridges in the world, on which you can enjoy breathtaking views of London.

1.How many “London Bridges” were there before the present one? A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. D.Two.

2.Why did the McCulloch Oil Corporation buy the London Bridge in the 1960s? A.Because they preferred the Tower Bridge to London Bridge. B.Because they thought they were buying the Tower Bridge.

C.Because they thought they could use it to solve the traffic problem.

D.Because they wanted Americans to visit London Bridge in their own country. 3.From this passage we can know that________.

A.London Bridge is more excellent than the Tower Bridge B.the Tower Bridge is more excellent than London Bridge

C.both London Bridge and the Tower Bridge can allow ships to pass D.neither London Bridge nor the Tower Bridge can allow ships to pass 4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.The nursery rhyme mentioned in the passage is about the first London Bridge. B.The present London Bridge is not wide enough. C.The Tower Bridge was opened in 1885.

D.The Tower Bridge was used much more than nowadays.

Passage B

The world's largest mud volcano will continue erupting for another 26 years, scientists said today. Indonesia's Lusi volcano first erupted in 2005,killing 13 people and forced 13,000 families to move in East Java.

Now in the first reliable estimation of how long the volcano will continue erupting, experts believe Lusi will not rest until 2037. Scientists from Durham University used pressure estimations from a nearby hole and

knowledge of the volcano's plumbing (铅锤测探). As the mud continues to spew out,the team estimates that the volcano area itself could sink by up to half a kilometer.

Lead researcher Professor Richard Davies said, “The mud from the Lusi volcano has covered a huge area of the Porong sub-district of Sidoarjo,but how long it will continue to be a hazard has been unknown. Our estimate is that it will take 26 years for the eruption to drop to a level which can be controlled.”

They calculated the flow based on observations of pressure of the source of water from a nearby hole,the properties of the rocks supplying the water to the volcano,and the volumes of mud that had already erupted over the first three years. But they ignored the effect of gas in the mud at Lusi, which could help the volcano to erupt for even longer.

Subsidence (下沉) is causing 166 new vents (火山口). The researchers are now looking at where these vents are likely to form. Professor Davies believes these additional vents will cause further damage to homes,roads and the railway line.

Professor Davies will visit the volcano to conduct further research. His team's findings were published in the Journal of the Geological Society.

5.What is special about the world's largest mud volcano in Indonesia? A.It has caused only a few deaths. B.It used to be a dead volcano.

C.It erupts every several years. D.It will keep erupting for many years. 6.Paragraph 2 DOESN'T tell us________.

A.why the volcano keeps erupting B.when the volcano will stop erupting

C.how much the volcano area will sink D.how experts reached their estimation 7.What does the underlined word“hazard”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Surprise. B.Danger. C.Risk. D.Question. 8.It is implied in Paragraph 4 that________. A.the estimation might be wrong B.gas in the volcano may stop the eruption C.fire is often seen at the top of the volcano

D.it is easy to know how long the volcano will continue to erupt

Passage C

As I was leaving the grocery store yesterday, I noticed an old man walking along the road, struggling with two sacks of food, so I pulled up near him and put the window down to ask if he needed a ride. I think he was a bit skeptical since few people go out of their way to do these sorts of things, but he did accept.

After he got settled in the car, my husband and I introduced ourselves, but he was very quiet and reluctant to give his name. During the drive, we tried to make him more comfortable with some small talk. We talked about the weather and the like. His home was more than two miles away on rough streets. It would have been a difficult walk for anyone, let alone an old man carrying bags.

When we pulled up outside his door, the first thing he asked was, “How much money do you want?” My husband and I both answered, “Nothing, we just wanted to help.”The shock and relief on this man's face made us sad, because we should be able to live in a world where it isn't shocking to have someone help you out of the goodness of their heart without expecting something in return. After realizing we truly didn't want anything, he kept thanking us over and over.

My only words to him were, “Sir, I hope this helped you out and have a good week.” This simple act of kindness, just seeing an old person walking and then doing something about it, is the type of kindness that anyone can do. It doesn't cost a cent. Just be aware of the world happening around you. There is always someone who needs something-holding a door, carrying a bag ...the opportunities are endless. And I truly hope this may be a beginning for this man to practice acts of kindness-of kindness-just because it happened to him.

9.We can infer from Paragraph 2 that________. A.the old man was a very easygoing person

B.the old man didn't like to talk about weather C.the old man introduced himself first

D.the writer and her husband were very caring 10.According to the passage, the writer________. A.called on readers to help those in need of help B.said nothing to the old man as she drove away C.hoped that the old man could help her next time D.thought everyone should care for the elderly


英语试卷 答题卡


Ⅰ.单项填空(每个1分,共10分) 1 1 11 1 2 2 12 2 3 3 13 3 4 4 14 4 5 5 15 5 6 6 16 6 7 7 17 7 8 8 18 8 9 9 19 9 10 10 20 10 II 完形填空(每个1.5分, 共30分) III 阅读理解(每个2分,共20分) IV. 任务型阅读(七选五,每个2分,共10分) A.Set a regular bedtime.B.Be smart about napping.C.Early to bed, early to rise.D.Nap to make up for lost sleep.睡意

F.Wake up at the same time every day.

Keep a regular sleep schedule


Go to bed at the same time every night.Choose a time when you feel tired.Try not to break this routine on weekends when it may be tempting to stay up late.If you want to change your bedtime, help your body adjust (调整) by making small changes daily, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day. 2.

If you're getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm.If you need an alarm clock to wake up on time, you may need to set an earlier bedtime.As with your bedtime, try to maintain your regular wake time even on weekends. 3.

If you need to make up for a few lost hours, choose a daytime nap rather than sleeping late.This strategy (策略)



