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Passage 1

A tourist comes out of the airport . There are a lot of taxis , but the tourist asks every taxi - driver his name . He takes the third taxi . It costs £ 5 from the airport to the hotel . “How much does it cost for the whole day ”the tourist asks . “£ 100 .”says the taxi - driver . This is very expensive , but the tourist accepts the price .

The taxi - driver takes the tourist everywhere . He shows him all the monuments (纪念馆)and all the museums . In the evening they go back to the hotel . The tourist gives the taxi - driver £100 and say :“What about tomorrow ”The taxi - driver looks at the tourist , “Tomorrow It’s another £100 tomorrow . ”But the tourist says :“That’s O. K. If that’s the price , that’s the price . See you tomorrow .”The taxi - driver is very pleased .

The next day the taxi - driver takes the tourist everywhere again . They visit all the museums and all the monuments again . And in the second evening they go back to the hotel . The tourist gives the tai - driver another £ 100 and says:“I’m going home tomorrow .”The taxi - driver is sorry . He likes the tourist and , above all , £ 100 a day is good money . “So you’re going home . Where do you come from ”he asks . “I come from New York .”

“New York !”says the taxi - driver , “I have a sister in New York . Her name is Susannah . Do you know her ”

“Of course I know her . She gave me £ 200 for you .” Multiple choice :

1. The story takes place in ________ .

a. U. S. A. b. England c. France d. Sweden 2. The tourist is _______ .

a. an Englishman b. A Frenchman c. a Swedish d. An American

3. The tourist asks every taxi - driver his name because ________ . a. he is afraid of being cheated b. he knows one of the taxi - drivers

c. he knows of one of the taxi drivers

d. there is a friend of his among the taxi drivers 4. Why is the taxi - driver very pleased with the tourist

a. None but the tourist agrees the price given without arguing with him . b. His sister knows the tourist .

c. His sister has brought so much money to him . d. He wants to be the guide of the tourist . 5. We can conclude that the tourist is _________ . a. a cheat

b. a serious and careful person c. a person who can’t be believed in d. a person who is fond of fun

Passage 2

The world is made up of seven continents and five oceans . The seven continents are :Asia , Africa , Europe , North America , South America . Oceania and Antarctica . The five oceans are :the Atlantic Ocean , the Pacific Ocean , the Indian Ocean , the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean .

Asia is the biggest continent , on the east of which is our motherland . Another country in East Asia is Japan , an island country in the Pacific Ocean , Korea is also in East Asia . India is in South Asia .

Most of the countries in West Asia are Arab countries . The countries in North Africa are Arab countries too . The Arab countries in West Asia and North Africa are usually called “the Middle East .”

Africa is made up of North Afria , South Africa , West Africa , East Africa and Central Africa . It is also a big continent , though not as big as Asia . Egypt is in North Africa . Most people in Africa , except those living in the north , are black people . They speak many different languages . Europe is smaller than Africa . Belgium , France , Germany and Italy are developing countries on this continent . Britain is in Northwest Europe . It is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean , off the European mainland , Part of the Soviet Union(苏联)is in East Europe and part of it is in North

Asia . It is regarded as a European country .

North America and South America are two separate continents between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean . In North America there are three big countries :Canada , the United States and Mexico , with Canada in the north , Mexico in the south and the United States between the two . Oceania is a small continent . It is a big island between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean . Sometimes people call it Australia .

Antarctica is in the farthest south of the world , a very cold yet very rich continent with no people living there . Multiple choice:

6. Africa is generally considered to be made up of _______ parts . a. two b. three c. four d. five

7. Only a small part of African people are white people , living in ___________ . a. Egypt b. Arab countries c. North Africa d. South Africa 8. Japan is an island country , lying _______ the east of China . a. in . to c. toward d. on 9. The Soviet Union is looked upon as ___________ a. an island country b. an Asian country c. a European country d. an Arab country

10. How many big countries are there in North America a. One . b. Two . c. Three . d. Four .

Passage 3

Although the Arabian camel can go without drinking for a long while , its hump(驼峰)does not store water as is commonly believed . The real secret of the animal’s unusual ability to store water lies in the fact that very little of the camel’s water is lost by evaporation(蒸发)through the skin . Instead of sweating out great quantities of water , the camel’s body temperature rises , sometimes as much as eleven degrees , to compensate(低消)for heat outside . When a camel does require water , it replaces only the amount lost since its last drink .



