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9A unit6单元练习题



( )1. It is reported that the victim was attacked _______ a gun_______ a short, fat man.

A. by, with

B. with, by

C. for, to

D. to, for

( )2. The missing boy was the last ______ near the river.

A. to be playing B. playing C. play D. to play ( )3. He had a criminal record _____ theft.

A. for B. with C. on D. as ( )4. Nobody but Mr Smith and his sons ______.

A. knows who she is B. knows who is she C. know who she is D. know who is she ( )5. He told us he _______ more detective stories.

A. would read B. will read C. will watch D. would watch ( )6. He was ________ with breaking _______ several computer systems. A. charging; on B. to charge; in

C. charged; into D. charges; to

( )7. What can help the police solve a case or find who is the real criminal?

A. Fingerprints

B. Footprints

C. Blood

D. All the above

( )8. He told us that the earth ________ round. A. was

B. is

C. to be

D. being

( ) 9. The young man ________ prison for two years since he robbed the bank.

A. has been in

B. had been in C. has been in the

D. had been in the

( )10. She said that she would do it ________. A. tomorrow (

B. next day C. the second day D. the next day

) 11. ---Why does he look so_______? --- Because his watch has gone_______.

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A. serious; wrong B. seriously; wrongly C. seriously; wrong D. serious; wrongly ( )12. We’re not sure ________ it will rain or not tomorrow.

A. if

B. whether

C. that

D. why

( )13. “Do you like the music The Moonlight Sonato?” “Yes, it ______ really beautiful.”

A. feels

B. sounds

C. listen

D. hears

( )14. _____ between 8 am and 10 am this morning, the jewel store was robbed.

A. Sometimes

B. Some times C. Sometime

D. Some time

( )15. “Excuse me, Is Li Ming in?” “No , He __ the town. But he will __ back soon.”

A. went; come

B. has been to; return C. has gone to; come D. went; return

( )16. When and where _________ the robbery _______ place?

A. was, taken B. did, take

C. has, taken

D. has, been taken

( )17. Sandy said he ______ the action film twice. He didn’t want to go with us.

A. has seen B. saw C. had seen D. watched ( )18 The mother with her little son ______ at my home ______ that snowy night.

A. were, at

B. was, at

C. were, on

D. was, on

( )19. ‘____ exercise every day, my child. It’s good for your health,’ Father said.


B. To take

C. Take

D. Takes

( )20. --- Did you take part in the sports meeting in our school in October?

--- Yes. Tom and I were in the boy’s __________.

A. 800-metre race B. 800-metres race C. 800-metres-race D. 800 metre race ( ) 21. - I don’t think it is difficult and you just need to spend half a day doing it.

- Getting a visa (签证) isn’t as simple as you __________. A. suppose B. make C. want ( ) 22. - Hurry up! You’re __________ arrest for theft.

- Oh, sir. I’m innocent(清白的). You must make a mistake. A. in

D. hope

B. at C. on

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D. under

( ) 23. The greedy(贪婪的)man even _______ that old woman ____ all her money.

He should be punished.

A. robs…of B. robbed…of C. robbed…from D. rob…from ( ) 24. The suspect has found enough __________ to prove he __________ shoplifting.

A. evidence; isn’t guilty of

B. evidences; isn’t guilty of

C. evidence; isn’t guilty with D. evidences; isn’t guilty with ( ) 25. - What happened to the young men?

- They are wanted __________ theft and they are also charged __________ murder.

A. by, with

B. for, with

C. to, for

D. with, for

( ) 26. - What do we call such a person who steals things from the shop or supermarket

without paying any money? - We call him a __________.

A. robber B. kidnapper C. shoplifter

D. murderer

( ) 27. She said ____ she had time she would go to Yushu.

A. whether B. that if C. that D. that whether ( ) 28. What do you mean ___ ‘clean the house’?

A. on B. by C. for D. with ( ) 29. Be careful when ____ the road.

A. to cross B. cross C. you’ll cross D. crossing ( ) 30. - Why are you working so hard recently?

- Our time is ___________, so we should take every chance. A. putting up B. passing out

C. running out D. adding up

( ) 31. The police will offer __________ $ 10000 __________ any useful clues. A. a prize of; for B. the reward for; of C. the prize for; of ( ) 32. I wonder __ you would like to come to my birthday party.

A. that B. whether C. that if

D. that whether

D. a reward of; for

( ) 33. - I saw Ann __________ a green dress at the school meeting.

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