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小学 二年级英语小学二年级英语上册期末复习试卷(二)及答案 共(10页)

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Vocabulary (15 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks)

( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty ___________.

A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop

( ) 2. She strung the __________ into a beautiful necklace.

A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters

( ) 3. Mr Tan's __________ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have __________ to hide from enemies.

A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips

( ) 5. Adrian plays the ___________ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet

( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was ___________. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried __________ when she lost her pen.

A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously

( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _________. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas

A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _________ to make the bread.

A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed

( ) 10. The __________ arrested the burglar.

A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for ________.

A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles ( ) 12. Charles woke up at dawn to see the _________.

A. sunrise B. sunset C. dusk D. clouds ( ) 13. Tim dived into the river to ________ the drowning boy. A. flap B. rescue C. push D. flip ( ) 14. The ________ is especially round tonight.

A. sun B. stars C. moon D. planet ( ) 15. The frogs __________ from the rocks into the pond. A. push B. leap C. run D. glide

Grammar (35 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (15*1=15 marks)

16. Reptiles ( is, are, was ) cold-blooded vertebrates.

17. ( Which, When, Who ) movie do you prefer, 'Holy Man' or 'Prince of Egypt'? 18. Mandy alerted the police when she ( see, sees, saw ) the burglar at her neighbour's house.

19. Jackson ( is, are, was ) praised by the teacher yesterday. 20. The two boys always ( dress, dresses, dressing ) alike.

21. We should ( learn, learns, learnt ) to be independent at a young age. 22. The bait ( is, are, am ) for attracting the fish.

23. Weiming ( hear, hears, heard ) the cries of his brother and ran to the kitchen.

24. The leaves rustle when the wind ( blow, blows, blowing ). 25. The actors put ( up, on, in ) their make-up behind the stage. 26. Irene likes the story ( onto, in, about ) the fox and the cow. 27. The culprits have not been ( arrest, arrests, arrested ) yet.

28. Would you mind ( pass, passes, passing ) me the sugar, please? 29. The baby will cry if you take his toy ( in, off, away ). 30. She went to the doctor ( as, in, on ) she was ill.

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (10*2 = 20marks)

31. returned have in They just from a holiday London ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 32. picture the Look at on wall beautiful the ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 33. because forgive an You should him it was mistake unintentional

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 34. aching are the My bones after exercise strenuous ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 35. accompanied to Doreen me yesterday the bookshop ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 36. noodles awful plate tastes of that

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 37. was the Tony water bottle of he so thirsty finished that

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

38. eat the to monkey bananas loves

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 39. lives a hard in snail shell a

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 40. its young kangaroo its pouch carries the in ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

tired twisted

John and Mary took a big step to (41) __________ the muddy ground as they made their (42) __________ home. The sky was very (43) ___________ as it was a starless night.

'Plod!' Mary (44) __________ and fell. She suffered a (45) ___________ ankle. Suspecting that Mary might have (46) __________ her ankle, John put a bandage on her leg. Though (47) __________, John decided to carry Mary for the remaining (48) _________. When they reached home, their parents were (49) __________ to learn that Mary had (50) __________ herself.

Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)

Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.

slipped avoid upset broken dark injured way journey I was nicknamed 'dreamer' since childhood days. Oblivious to the happenings, surroundings and people, I lived in my own small world.

'She is very quiet'. that's what my primary school teachers wrote on my report card. Indeed, I never talked in class. I always kept to myself. While my sister and brother played and skipped with other children, I dreamt of being an actress. My time was spent in acting out roles I imagined myself to be in. Sometimes my mother would see me talking to the empty air. She would stop at the door and ask, \you alright May?\

My brother often laughed at my self-invented songs. \that! It's horrible. Do you know what you're singsing?\

( ) 51. The writer was nicknamed 'dreamer' because ____________. A. she always dreamed at night B. she always had nightmares C. she liked dreams D. she liked to daydream

( ) 52. In primary school, the writer ___________. A. was noisy B. daydreamt a lot C. was very talkative D. was very quiet

( ) 53. Which of the following is false?

A. The writer did not notice what happened around her.

B. The writer spent her time acting roles she imagined herself to be in. C. The Writer sang well.

D. The writer did not play with her sister and brother. ( ) 54. The writer pretended to sing because ____________. A. she imagined herself to be a sheep B. she felt embarrassed

C. her mother asked her to sing

小学 二年级英语小学二年级英语上册期末复习试卷(二)及答案 共(10页)


