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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman want to do? A. Mail a letter. B. Use the restroom. C. Find the police station. 2. What will the man do first? A. Go to New York. B. Meet the woman. C. Visit Washington, D.C.

3. What is the relationship between the woman and Dr. Philips? A. Hostess and gardener.

B. Neighbors.

C. Doctor and patient.

4. How does the man feel about the test? A. Confident.

B. Worried.

C. Sleepy.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In an office. C. In a storehouse.



听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. What happened to the man’s sunglasses? A. They fell into the pool. B. He destroyed them by accident. C. He left them back in the room. 7. Where does the woman suggest they go? A. The pool. B. The beach. C. The gift shop.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What is the presentation mainly about? A. The causes of climate change. B. The results of climate change. C. The prevention of climate change. 9. Where did the man get his information? A. From a film.

B. From a website.

C. From a book.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What event took place right after lunch? A. A dance.

B. A ceremony.

C. A play.

11. What grade did Johnny probably just finish? A. Grade 11.

B. Grade 10.

C. Grade 9.

12. Who won an award for their achievement in sports? A. Chris.

B. Paul.

C. Mary.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What course is the woman taking now? A. Criminal behavior. B. Psychology. C. Ecology.

14. How many courses is the man taking? A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

15. What does the man probably want to be in the future? A. A policeman.

B. A math teacher.

C. An engineer.

16. What is the woman’s attitude to her professors? A. She admires them. B. She is afraid of them. C. She is disappointed in them.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. Which city is the closest to Huacachina? A. Ica.

B. Comatrana.

C. Lima.

18. What makes Huacachina so remote? A. It’s in a desert. B. It’s on an island. C. It’s in the mountains.

19. How might the lake in Huacachina be described? A. It is blue like the sky. B. It is deep like the ocean. C. It is shiny like the glass.

20. What is the best way to get around the village? A. Taking a taxi. B. Walking. C. Taking a bus.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Whatever holiday you celebrate, one thing is for sure—you’ll find events for children on Long Island throughout the month of December. From holiday performances to crafts, light shows, Santa breakfasts and more, here are some of our favorites.

The Magical Polar Express


Families travel via trolley (有轨电车) to “The North Pole,” a top-secret spot where families can grab hot cocoa and cookies then meet Santa, elves and other characters (for about 30 minutes) before returning to points of departure. Trolley rides feature music and storytelling. Pajama-wearing is encouraged; photo-taking is free. Trolley departs from All-Star Bowling in Riverhead and The Omni Hampton Jitney Terminal in Southampton; 7 p. m. —9:30 p. m. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays running through Dec. 23 (additional times may be available; arrive 30 minutes in advance)

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Charlie Brown and his friends learn what the true meaning of Christmas is in this touching play Stay after for photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus and to make a holiday craft.

WHEN | WHERE 3 p. m. Dec. 21, 23 p. m. Dec. 27 at the NYCB Theatre at Westbury, 960 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury

Long Island Festival of Trees

The 28th annual Long Island Festival of Trees takes place at Cradle of Aviation Museum (Charles Lindbergh .Blvd.,Garden City). It features display of designers,decorated trees gingerbread creations, cookie decorating, costumed characters and vendors from 10 a. m.—6 p. m. Nov. 24—25 and 10 a. m. —5 p. m. Nov. 26.

Imagination Movers Reindeer Party

The Emmy Award-winning rock band for families is throwing a Reindeer Party for Long Island. Come and listen to their positive hit songs, with a touch of holiday cheer and songs in the mix. Price: $15, $10 for children ages 2 to 12, free ages 1 and younger; tickets available in advance at cradleofaviation, org.

21. At which event will the visitors enjoy a play? A. A Charlie Brown Christmas.

B. The Magical Polar Express. C. Long Island Festival of Trees. D. Imagination Movers Reindeer Party.

22. What can the visitors do at the Magical Polar Express? A. Go on trolley rides. B. Enjoy the live concert.


C. Learn photograph for free. D. Experience traditional crafts.

23. How much will a mother with two 4-year-old children pay to attend a Reindeer Party? A. $50. B. $54. C. $34.

D. $35.


I have learned something about myself since I moved from Long Island to Florida three years ago. Even though I own a home in Port St. Lucie just minutes from the ocean, an uncontrollable urge wells up to return to Long Island even as others make their way south. I guess I am a snowbird stuck in reverse. Instead of enjoying Florida’s mild winters, I willingly endure the severe weather on Long Island, the place I called home for 65 years.

I’m like a migratory bird that has lost its sense of timing and direction, my wings flapping against season.

So what makes me fly against the tide of snowbirds? The answer has a lot to do with my reluctance to give up the things that define who I am. Once I hear that the temperature on Long Island has dipped into the range of 40 to 50 degrees, I begin to long for the sight and crackling sound of a wood fire. I also long for the bright display o£ colors — first in the £all trees, and then in the limits around homes and at Rockefeller Center. Floridians decorate too, but can’t create the special feel of a New England winter.

I suppose the biggest reason why I return is to celebrate the holidays with people I haven’t seen in months. What could be better than sitting with family and friends for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner, or watching neighbors’ children excitedly open gifts on Christmas? Even the first snowfall seems special. I especially enjoy seeing a bright red bird settling on a snow-covered branch ( My wife and I spend winters at a retirement community in Ridge, and I’m grateful that I don’t have to shovel.)

While these simple pleasures are not unique to Long Island, they are some of the reasons why I come back. Who says you can’t go home?

24.What does the underlined word “snowbird” in Paragraph 1 refer to? A.A person spending winter in a warmer climate. B.A bird seen chiefly in winter.

C.A person permanently living in a foreign country.


D.A bird flying to the south in winter.

25.What’s the difference between Florida and Long Island? A.Winters in Long Island are milder. B.The snowbirds in Long Island are rarer. C.Weather in Long Island is severer. D.Long Island is nearer to the ocean.

26.What did the author miss most when he was in Florida? A.The cold temperature. B.The colorful light display. C.The family gathering.

D.The winter landscape.

27.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text? A.To praise the beauty and warmth of his hometown. B.To describe his dream to be a free bird.

C.To explain the reasons for moving from his hometown. D.To express his feeling of missing his hometown.


Have you ever caught yourself saying, \a party? If so, you might be an introvert (内向的人). Introverts hate to chat about \subjects with people. They are fine when you talk one on one but seem to get lost in the crowd when there's a group around.

If you're talking to an introvert, you might find that your first few conversations go one of two ways. Either they'll seem to get bored and not say much or they'll seem to skate over small talk in favor of more in-depth topics. What you need to know is that the introvert is not being rude. It’s just that they don't like small talk. Here's why.

Small talk serves as a gateway toward deeper conversation. Some introverts don’t realize that small talk will actually help them get to the bigger topics. You don't need to stay on small talk forever. However, sometimes introverts feel that even the short amount of time it takes to get into the real conversation is a waste of time. Small talk is very fast. Someone says something and this should be followed up with a quick response. But introverts like to chew on their words before saying them aloud. Before they answer, they’ll mull over different thoughts.

Small talk by its very nature invites more people to join in. The more people who join the conversation, the more the introvert will tend to step back. As a result, they’ll

be quiet. Small talk is about throwing out subjects in the hope that one or more of them can be turned into a common point of interest.

The listening involved with small talk is not in-depth. The purpose is about listening \to be great listeners, but they use active listening rather than light listening. This makes them wonderful friends, but can also make it difficult for new people to understand why they’re so quiet.

28.How do introverts respond to a chat? A.They try to avoid it. B.They get excited about it. C.They give it their full attention. D.They focus on unimportant topics. 29.What do we know about small talk? A.It goes slowly.

B.It costs people a lot of time. C.It contributes to deeper topics. D.It makes no sense.

30.What does the underlined phrase “mull over” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.Give up. B.Think over. C.Write down.

D.Forget about.

31.How can we become a good talker in small conversations? A.Figure out the deep meaning of questions. B.Think twice before answering questions. C.Try to find shared topics. D.Be a quiet listener.


Britain faces social problems as lots of people are set to lose their jobs in technological revolution, Bank of England’s chief economist warned.

Andy Haldane said the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution will make the machine replace humans to do thinking things. The dark side of the change could be a much bigger breakdown of employment than in Victorian times, with professions such as accountancy (会


计) among those at risk.

A report by the accountancy firm PwC last month warned that more than 7 million jobs in Britain had been lost over the next 20 years as technological change sweeps though workplaces.

The majority of these are in jobs in the retail, transport and manufacturing industries. However, other traditional professional sectors could also be at serious risk.

Economists treat the arrival of increasingly intelligent computers and robots as the fourth industrial revolution. The first was the shift from agricultural to urban societies, the second saw the widespread use of electricity and steel, and the third was the digital revolution when computers, the Internet and mobile phones were developed.

Mr. Haldane said the hollowing-out (空洞化) experienced in the past years could be on a greater scale in the future so it is important to learn the lessons of history and ensure that people are given training to take advantage of new opportunities.

“Jobs were effectively taken by machines of various types, there was a hollowing-out of the jobs market, which left many people for a long period out of work and struggling to make a living,” Haldane added, “That heightened social and financial tensions, and led to a rise in inequality. This is the dark side of technological revolution.”

“That hollowing-out is going to be potentially on a much greater scale in the future, when we have machines thinking and doing the cognitive and technical skills of humans.” Mr Haldane said professions like accountancy could be among those hardest hit by the rise of AI. But he suggested economists could escape.

32.What is the dark side mentioned in the text? A.The hollowing-out has become a major social problem. B.Less and less people have the desire to learn accountancy. C.Intelligent computers and robots decrease good workers.

D.The technological revolution causes people to lose jobs.

33.Why are economists the lucky dog in the new technological revolution? A.The study about economy is at a low level. B.Economists work on a traditional professional job. C.There is no machine that can work as an economist.

D.Economists have the chance to avoid technological revolution.

34.What should be done to deal with the serious situation? A.To call for people to devote more to studying history.

B.To teach people to grasp the chances technological revolution brings about. C.To warn people not to work on transport and manufacturing industries.

D.To ask workers to develop and think as the intelligent computers and robots do. 35.What attitude did Haldane have towards the future employment? A.Positive. B.Aggressive. C.Critical. D.Worried.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Dark stairways can be a bit dangerous, especially when it becomes wet or damp. A railing and sufficient lightning is important, but the cost to install wiring can be a bit expensive. So, stop trying to find ways in the dark and opt for stylish alternatives that are safe and effective. ___36___ They also save money on permanent additions that would cost a little bit more.

● Involve Candle Lanterns

If you want to add vintage (复古) style to the outdoor stairway, then add a series of candle lanterns. Surround flameless candles with small smooth stones inside the glass globes. The stones will add natural beauty to the home. ___37___. It will look great and provide adequate amount of light.

● Add weather proof flameless candles on both side of the staircase

Battery operated candles need not to be stored. Weather-proof candles and frameless columns would look great on an outdoor stairway, especially if the steps are surrounded by flowers. ___38___. As long as wind is not a problem, it will work exceptionally well to light way. ● ___39___

In an area where strong winds gushes there are a possibility the window will blow away the candle. Accordingly, consider using solid lights. Surround the posts with low growing flowers. ___40___. Consider impatiens (凤仙花) for dark location in hardiness zones 3-10 and mazus in sunny area. With due care they will grow beautifully and solar lights will light up the stairways adequately. A. Artificial light is not a good choice


B. For the soil will keep the posts firmly on the place C. It is often the most neglected thing while decorating D. Decorate the sides of outdoor steps with solar lights E. Consider these small budget ideas and light the home

F. Arrange the column candles in gradual size on both sides of the steps G. Furthermore, the stones will weigh down the lanterns to prevent gentle wind

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I went to the 50th reunion of my high school on a Saturday evening. ___41___ us dance again on the floor was amazing. We might as well have been 18. I must say, they looked good and were still slim! People seemed to come ___42___, comfortable to be themselves, ___43___ and wiser. We were ___44___ to gather again for a few moments. It was a gift to ___45___ some former classmates right away—and to be recognized. ___46___, we had name tags and our original photos on our clothing to help ___47___ us.

The most ___48___ and moving experience of the night was provided by a schoolmate and neighbor with whom I was once close. ___49___, we had a falling out in high school. I never saw her after ____50____, but this time, I saw her name on a place setting. At first, I was concerned about ____51____ her. But my better self ____52____, and I started to seek her out. I kept looking until I got a ____53____ on my shoulder. There she was, smiling. We hugged as if nothing had ever happened and ____54____ warm words. Then she took my picture with her iPhone. All the ____55____ memories and buried hatred ____56____ in thin air. I felt her sincerity which ____57____ with mine. Our encounter left me with joy.

Sometimes you have to walk back into the past, just for the ____58____, just for the closure (了结), because time, the right attitude and life’s experiences do heal ____59____ wounds. We’re not the same people. We are better people. What better way than to ____60____ for a few hours to find that out? 41. A. Feeling B. Seeing C. Helping D. Making 42. A. genuinely B. unhappily C. constantly D. luckily 43. A. merrier

B. stronger

C. older

D. wealthier



