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Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day,but also the most neglected.Common reasons for not eating breakfast include lack of time,not feeling hungry,traditional dislike for breakfast,and dieting.

Breakfast simply means:break the fast.Your body spends at least 6 to 12 hours each night in a fasting state.In the morning your body needs energy for the day's work ahead.

A good breakfast should provide up to 1/3 of your total calories needed for the day.On average we eat 400 calories less for breakfast than for dinner.If you don't want to have breakfast in the morning,try eating a lighter dinner earlier in the evening or save half of your dinner for breakfast in the morning.

Some people who fear eating breakfast will make themselves hungrier during the day and they will eat more.It is true that eating breakfast is likely to make you feel hungry throughout the day.That's because your body is working.Although you may feel as if you are eating more all day long,in fact you are probably not.

Not eating breakfast can cause you to overeat,since a fall in blood sugar often makes you feel very hungry later.What's worse,since your body is in a slow state it will not be able to burn those extra calories very efficiently(有效率地).

Breakfast is the first and most important.The best breakfast foods are fruits,juice,meat,and grain products such as bread,rice,and noodles.

1.There are many reasons that people don't eat breakfast EXCEPT that ________. A.they don't have enough time B.they don't feel hungry C.they want to be fatter

D.they don't like eating breakfast

C [推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Common reasons for not eating breakfast include lack of time,not feeling hungry,traditional dislike for breakfast,and dieting.”可知A、B、D三项符合,故正确答案是C项。]

2.If you don't want to have breakfast in the morning,according to the writer,you should ________.

A.go to see a doctor to have an examination B.have a small supper

C.go to a restaurant to enjoy a good meal D.have a good supper

B [细节理解题。根据第三段第三句提到“try eating a lighter dinner earlier in the evening or save half of your dinner for breakfast in the morning”可知正确答案为B项。]

3.Eating breakfast,in fact,makes your body________. A.work out of order B.reduce too much energy C.work well

D.feel hungry quickly

C [细节理解题。本文有几处从反面提到不吃早饭的害处,从另一方面说了吃早饭的好处。如“Not eating breakfast can cause you to overeat,since a fall in blood sugar often makes you feel very hungry later.”]

4.In the last paragraph the writer mainly ________. A.persuades us to have a good breakfast

B.tells us what food we should have for breakfast C.tells us when and how we should have our breakfast D.tells us what food is not suitable for breakfast B [段落归纳题。文章在最后列举了最佳早点,给读者以建议。]


In the UK,most children have their midday meal at school,but in many schools,parents can choose what their children eat.The children can have a school lunch-a hot,cooked meal;or they can take a packed lunch with them,which usually includes cold food like sandwiches.

Often parents prepare lunches on_the_basis_of what their children want.Cathy,a mother of three children,told us,“My children have packed lunches,because they say they hate school dinners.I make 3 packed lunches every morning,so we're like a sandwich bar in our kitchen in the morning.”

However,another mother,Susan,made her choice based on the nutritious value of the food.She said,“My daughter always has school dinners.I think she probably gets healthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if I made sandwiches.”

But how healthy are school dinners?Kaz,a father, wasn't impressed with them.“Fizzy(有泡沫的)drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips.”

The question of how healthy school food is was brought to Jamie Oliver,who launched a campaign to improve children's nutrition,after spending a year working in a school kitchen.The TV series about the campaign won an award this week.

He was horrified(惊恐的)at the junk food he saw being served,which included burgers,pizza and chips. He decided to ban the junk,and started cooking good stews(炖菜)and curries for the children instead.

Jamie improved the school dinners in that particular school,and trained the dinner waiters to cook healthy food.Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards of school food across the country.

5.What would be the best title for the passage? A.School Dinners B.Healthy Food C.Dinners in the UK D.Research on Dinners

A [主旨大意题。整篇文章讲述的是学校饮食的问题,故选A项。]

6.The underlined phrase“on the basis of”in the second paragraph probably means“________”.

A.by comparison B.according to C.in spite of D.for the good of

B [词义猜测题。句意为“通常父母会按照孩子的要求准备午饭”。] 7.We can learn from the passage that ________. A.in Britain,all children have their lunch at school B.Cathy's children like school dinners C.stews and curries are healthy food D.Jamie Oliver works in a school kitchen

C [细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,Jamie决定杜绝汉堡包、比萨和薯条这些垃圾食品,用stews和curries来代替,由此可知stews和curries是健康的饮食。]

8.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A.There are many schools in Britain.

B.Susan chooses food for her daughter according to its nutrition.

C.In the past,the food provided by British schools was not healthy enough. D.None of the parents in Britain like school food.



