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路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库



1. 考试时间

(1)口语考试时间: 第16周星期二 (12月13日,11,22班)

第16周星期四 (12月15日,33,44班) 第17周星期二 (12月20日,11,22班) 第17周星期四 (12月22日,33,44班) 第18周星期二(12月27日,11, 22班) 第18周星期四(12月29日,33, 44班)

(2)写作考试时间: 可能18周周四(12月29日)晚,由研究生院统一安排, 请留意研究生院网页通知

2. 考试形式及题型



15分钟考试, 其中10分钟考生就话题展开活动,形式不限,5分钟老师提问。每个话题附有若干子话题:每组考生可以共同选择其中某一个子话题进行交谈等(形式不限),也可以分别选择不同的子话题。列出的子话题仅供参考,考生也可以在不脱离抽到的话题的条件下自由发挥。


* 请各组考生按任课老师安排的时间到平时上课的教室参加考试并签到。 * 考试时考生如果查看甚至照读准备的内容,不给成绩。

* 考生必须自己制作醒目的姓名卡,考试时别在衣服上,以供考官记录成绩。


题型:信函写作10分+摘要句子排序5分+摘要汉译英15分 形式:开卷

时间:60分钟 注意事项:

* 由研究生院安排统考,具体考场安排届时见研究生院网页。

* 考试安排中会列出班号,上课的时间,教室,教师姓名等信息,各考生一定要到自己上课所在班级相应的考场参加考试并签到,否则造成成绩缺失的,后果自负。

口语考试话题、子话题见2-12页! 1

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库

Class 11 Topics

Topic 1 Health and Diet Sub-topic 1 What important factors contribute to or influence people’s health nowadays? Sub-topic 2 What do you think of the health situation of today’s Chinese university students? What are the main problems of their physical and mental health? Sub-topic 3 What are the main threats to people’s health in modern society? How to cope with the problem?

Topic 2 Traffic and Transportation Sub-topic 1

What are the reasons that cause more and more traffic accidents in China today? Sub-topic 2 Should people in our country be encouraged to take public transportation or own their private cars? Why or why not? Sub-topic 3 What do you think of the public transportation in Wuhan or in our school?

Topic 3 Interpersonal relationship Sub-topic 1 What interpersonal relationships we are facing every day in our life? What are important in ensuring good human relationships? Sub-topic 2 What is real friendship? (Or How many real friends you have and why you think they are real friends with you? You can use your own experience as example) Sub-topic 3 Has the Internet brought people closer or not? How do you consider net-friend?

Topic 4 Traveling Sub-topic 1:

What do people often do before leaving home for traveling? Sub-topic 2:

Where do you dream to go to? Why? Sub-topic 3: Which one do you prefer, joining a group traveling arranged by a travel agency or traveling by yourself with a free line?

Topic 6 Job and Career Sub-topic 1

What jobs are popular? Do you know some newly arisen careers? Sub-topic 2 What factors will you take into consideration when you’re looking for a job in the job market?


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库

Sub-topic 3 Where will you work after you graduate from school? In big cities with high salary and high house price, or smaller cities with lower salary and lower house price? Why?

Topic 7 Success and Happiness Subtopic 1 What is success? Does success means happiness? Subtopic 2 How to succeed? Are people with higher degree easier to succeed? What kind of people is easy to succeed? Subtopic 3 What is happiness? Are you happy now? Why or why not? More money more happiness?

Topic 8 Past and Future

Subtopic 1 What is the thing you cherish most in your childhood? Why? Subtopic 2

What are your ambitions and what is your dream for the future from life (family, money, position, career...)? Subtopic 3 Can you name a few scientific advancements that have greatly changed human life in the past centuries? What impacts will new technologies have on human life, like cloning, invisible cloak? Subtopic 4 What will be the main problems of the future? Can scientific development solve these problems?

Topic 10 Chinese and Foreigners Subtopic 1 What words we can use to describe the characteristics of Chinese or China? (or American, Indian, Japanese, British people…)? Subtopic 2 Do you have any plan to go abroad, either for study or for tour? If so, which country do you want to go and why? If not, why? Subtopic 3 Can you mention some cultural differences or even shocks between Chinese and foreigners? Use real examples to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of them.

Class 22

Topic 1 Health and Diet Sub-topic 1 What important factors contribute to or influence people’s health nowadays?




