【期刊名称】《国际脑血管病杂志》 【年(卷),期】2013(021)003
【摘要】Understanding of the classification of intracerebral hemorrhage may help to better manage the patients with intracerebral hemorrhage.Selecting the appropriate diagnosis and treatment measures as well as preventive strategies for different subtypes in order to improve the prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage and prevent the recurrence.This article reviews the present common classification methods of intracerebral hemorrhage studied and reported in the world.%了解脑出血分型,有助于临床更好地管理脑出血患者,针对不同亚型选择适宜的诊治措施和预防策略,从而改善脑出血的预后和预防再发.文章综述了目前国际上研究和报告较多的脑出血分型方法. 【总页数】4页(207-210) 【关键词】脑出血;分类法;高血压 【作者】蒋小群;刘鸣;游潮
【作者单位】610041成都,四川大学华西医院神经内科;610041成都,四川大学华西医院神经内科;610041成都,四川大学华西医院神经外科 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】