【期刊名称】《计算机与现代化》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)007
【摘要】提出一种通过类自然语言输入在海量源码库中进行代码搜索的方法,旨在提高开源代码在方法层面的重用性。相比于传统的关键字匹配的海量源码搜索方案与基于自然语言的上下文相关的项目内定位方法,本文的程序分析结合语义网络的算法既可解决前者由于源码中缩写与近义词问题带来的目标无法匹配的问题,同时也可解决基于自然语言的源码定位受限于指定项目无法在应用于海量源码搜索的限制。最后通过实验验证引擎的可靠性与可用性。%This paper proposes an analyzing and searching method which is capable of searching massive source codes whose function is close to the natural language input .Compared with traditional massive source code search engine based on keyword matching algorithm and source code location algorithm based on natural language , this approach solved the mismatch problem in keyword matching algorithm caused by abbreviation and similarity word in source code and the limitation to a specified project of later solution by innovative approach .Experiment is practiced to prove the reliability and usability of this engine . 【总页数】5页(19-23)
【关键词】大数据挖掘;代码推荐;程序分析;语义网络 【作者】胡翔;舒礼莲