【期刊名称】《临床口腔医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)011
【摘要】Objective:To compare the effect of extraction of mandibular impacted wisdom teeth with the minimally in-vasive technology and traditional method. Method:91 chosen patients had both sides of impacted third molars extracted in this study. Patients were given extraction of impacted mandibular wisdom teeth with either minimally invasive technology or the traditional method randomly at each side. The operation time,postoperative complications were recorded and evaluated statistically by means of t-test and Chi-squared test to assess the effects of the methods. Result:Using minimally invasive technology,the extraction time is shorter(P <0.05),postoperative pain and edema reaction is lighter(P <0.05). Conclusion:Minimally invasive extraction technology with higher efficiency,lighter postoperative reaction, can be used as conventional methods of mandibular impacted wisdom teeth extraction.%目的:比较应用微创技术与传统凿骨劈冠法拔除下颌阻生智齿的临床效果。方法:选择需双侧下颌阻生智齿拔除的患者91例,同一患者双侧分别随机采取微创技术或传统凿骨劈冠法拔除阻生智齿,比较两组的拔牙时间、术中患者的主观感觉及术后水肿和痛疼情况,按两样本t检验和X2检验行统计分析。结果:与传统拔牙方法相比,微创拔牙技术拔牙时间