会计学原理 概念整理
Chapter 1 Accounting in Business 第一章 商业会计
1. 会计信息使用者
User of accounting information
1. 外部信息使用者: External users of accounting information are not directly involved in running the
External information user organization.
银行 Banks
储蓄贷款机构savings and loans 使 用 债权人 消费合作社 co-ops
Lenders(creditors) 抵押 mortgage
金融机构 finance companies
通用财务报表 股东 、董事会 general-purpose financial statement shareholders(investors)、board of directors 外部审计人员 external (independent) auditors
员工 employees
工会 labor union
美国国税局 the internal revenue service(IRS) 政府管理机构 Regulators 公用事业委员会 Utility boards 证券管理机构 securities regulators 选举人 voters 立法者 legislators
政府官员 government officials 捐赠人 contributors 供应商 suppliers
2. 内部信息使用者: Internal users of accounting information are those directly involved in managing and
Internal information users operating an organizations 研发经理 research and development managers 使 用 采购经理 purchasing managers
人力资源经理 human resource managers 生产经理 production managers 管理会计 销售经理 distribution managers Managerial accounting 营销经理 marketing managers 服务经理 service managers
内部控制: Internal controls are procedures designed to protect company property and equipment, ensure Internal controls reliable accounting reports,promote efficiency , and encourage adherence to company policies.
2. 会计领域的工作机会 Opportunities in accounting
1)四大领域 财务 financial 管理 managerial 税收 taxation
相关领域 accounting-related
(见表 accounting opportunities Page4 )
2)会计工作所占比例 私用会计 private accounting Accounting jobs by area 公共会计 public accounting
政府、非营利机构及教育机构 government,not-for-profit and education
(见表 accounting jobs by area Page4)
3)会计证书 CPA certified public accounting 注册公共会计师
Accounting certificate CMA certificate in management accounting 注册管理会计证书 CIA certified Internet auditor 注册内部审计证书 CB certified bookkeeper 注册簿记员
CPP certified payroll professional 注册薪金专家 PFS personal financial specialist 个人理财专家
Salaries for several accounting position (Page 5)
3. 会计基本原则
Fundamentals of accounting
1.概念 accounting is guided by principles ,standards,concepts and assumptions。
2. 进行理论决策的指导方针 Ethics---a key concept
识别 分析 决策
Identity ethical concerns analyze options make ethical decision 3. Ethics of business and the social responsibility
4. 公认会计原则
Generally accepted accounting principles
1. 目的:make information in financial statements relevant,reliable,and comparable。
setting accounting principles
两家机构 美国财务会计准则委员会 FASB financial accounting standards board (private)
Two main groupes 证券交易委员会 SEC securities and exchange commission (government)
国际会计准则理事会 IASB Inernational accounting standards board
国际财务报告准则 IFRS Inernational financial reporting standards
3. 会计准则 通则 客观性 objectivity Principle Principles of accounting general principles 成本 cost Principle
持续经营 going concern Principle 货币单位 monetary Principle
收入确认原则 取得 revenue is recognized when earned
Recognition principle 收入形式 proceeds from selling products and
services need not be in Cash
现金+实物价值 Cash+any other items 精品文档
会计主体原则 独资企业 proprietary Business entity principle 合伙企业 partnership
公司 corporation 双重课税 S公司是例外 具体准则 specific principles
? 合伙企业 3种合伙人承担的有限责任 1.LP 有限合伙企业 普通合伙人承担无限责任
Limited partnership 有限合伙人以投资额为限承担相应责任
2.LLP 有限责任合伙企业 对自己及其手下的行为负责 Limited liability partnership
3.LLC 有限责任公司 税收与独资企业相同 Limited liability company
5. 财务报表
损益表 income statement ---- revenue/expense
所有者权益表 statement of owner’s equity----beginning capital /ending capital
Increase investment Events Income Decrease withdrawal Net loss assets Cash 资产负债表 balance sheet Supplies Equipment Liabilities operating activities 现金流量表 statement f Cash flows Investing Financing 精品文档
Chapter 2 Analyzing and Recording Transactions
第二章 交易分析和记录
1.分析和记录过程Analyzing and recording process
原始凭证 记录 过入总账 试算平衡表 Source document recording posting to Ledger trial balance 1.原始凭证 Source document
2.账户及其分析 the account and it’s analysis
资产类账户 asset accounts 账户概念及分类 负责类账户 liability accounts 所有者权益类账户 equity accounts
总分类账概念: General Ledger (Ledger)is a recordcontaining all accounts used by a company.
? 资产类账户 现金 Cash account
asset accounts 应收账款 accounts receivable(赊销 credit sales)
应收票据 note receivable accounts /promissory note (期票 )
预付账款 prepaid accounts 保险 prepaid insurance
(预付费用 prepaid expenses) 费用账户 预付租金 prepaid rent Expense accounts 预付服务费 prepaid services 物料 supplies 费用账户 办公用品 (文具纸张笔)
Expense accounts office supplies (stationary、paper、toner、pens)
商店用品 ( 包装材料、塑料袋、纸袋..)