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导读:本文是关于2020关于爱的演讲稿(3篇),希望能帮助到您! 我是一名普通的小学教师,1990年7月带着对未来美好的信心追求,我走上了初为人师的道路,望着孩子们天真无邪的眼睛,望着孩子们幼稚可爱的笑脸,我体会到他们的纯洁质朴,也就从那时起,我就树立了一个信念:在教育事业百花园里默默耕耘,无私奉献,以一片绿叶的精神,托起花的甜美,果的珍贵,以一片真诚的爱心托起明天的太阳。十三年来我依法执教,爱岗敬业,尽职尽责,关心爱护每一个学生。多年的教学经历使我深深体会到:教育当中充满了爱,有爱的教育才是成功的教育。 记得那是一个新学期星期一的早上,我和往常一样走进教室开晨会,“砰砰”一阵敲门声,打断了我的讲话,我闻声快步走出教室,在走廊里站着一位男学生和一位中年男子。我上下打量了几眼,习惯地说:“刚转来的学生吧。”我还没说完,那好象是家长的男子低声说:“不,是留级的。我想让他再学好点。”我一听是留级的二话没说就跑道到教导处找李主任,李主任说明了原因,我知道了这个学生叫耿舜。他思想品德极差,学习成绩往往是倒数;因打架斗殴,小偷小摸,时常家长告到学校,也因屡教不改,常常受到老师的谴责和批评,同学们更是不喜欢他,因此,他连降两级从五年级留到我班,(他的年龄不大),当我了解到他的情况后就会到教室,说实话真不想要他,但是校长的批条我不能不接受,再一个是他的父亲含着眼泪恳求我:“李老师,帮帮忙,让孩子留级是叫他重新开始,我们当家长的这会一定管好他,给孩子一个改过的机会吧。”他的父亲说了很多,从他的眼神中不难看出是在求我,我为难了,这时我看见耿舜背着一个崭新





那样努力拼搏,争取取得好成绩。从那以后他真地变了,学习刻苦了,作业认真了,学习有了很大的进步,现在他的学习成绩在班里中等以上。由于我始终用一颗炽热的心关心、爱护他,又经常表扬,鼓励他,同时,他的思想行为有了极大的转变,他能帮助同学们值日了,也愿意把自己的学习用品借给别人了,他还拿自己的零花钱帮助我班的特困生齐苗苗……一次偶然的机会,我发现他聪明伶俐,有一定的组织能力.我选他为值日班长,真是“沙里淘金”,我发现了人才,他把我们原先纪律松弛的班集体管理得井井有条,他成了我的得力助手。家长对孩子的进步非常高兴,感激地对我说:“李老师,太谢谢你了,你不愧是一位好老师。”是啊,想想过去的耿舜、看看现在的他,我心里有一种说不出的愉快和欣慰。今学期我不教耿舜了,他送给我一个日记本,并在本中写到:老师,我爱您!从这几个中,我知道了自己的爱之所在,这几一直激励我,使我充满力量,使我暗下决心,决不让一个孩子掉队,我要用爱去浇灌每一个幼小的心灵。 是的,情感教育是教育的核心,教师只有真正地思学生之所思,想学生之所想,缩短了师生距离,增进了师生沟通,才能触动孩子的心灵,提高教育的质量,从而培养出有个性,有发展,有创新的学生。 情Love

ever since the dawning of the history of mankind, there have been myriads of diversifed inventions, discoveries, and even explorations of the mysteries of the universe. in fact, the human beings are so intelligent that we have solved almost all kinds of problems we have confronted with .

however, nobody has ever made out what the word “love” really connotes, not even the most famous people such as great politicians,


saints and philosophers can clarify the meaning of “love”, neither can they deal with the various affairs concerning love. love is like a huge boundless net that shrouds us all in. we can neither break away from it nor escape from it. like it or not, we are always entangled in it. it is an invisible net without any form, that shrouds in different people from different angels; it is a merciless net that upsets us or even tortures us to death. it is also a supreme net which almost no human can surpass. even if they are heroes, emperors, wise men or saints, they can do nothing but show their helplessness in its face. those who can breathe through the holes of the net should be regarded beyond commonness and vulgarity. love can bring us temporary comfort and happiness, but mostly they bring about annoyance and sufferings. maybe this is the reason why many people have seen through the illusions of the mortal world. however it is not so easy to break away from this boundless, ever-existing and indifferent net of love.

love is varied and changeable, but roughly it can be divided into three categories: family love, fraternal love and amatory love. not like monkey king who jumped out of the rocks, we were all born after mother's pregnancy of about nine months, hence we have countless relatives without any choice: parents, grand-parents, and grand-parents-in-law, uncles and aunties, brothers and sisters, etc. and once looking at the genealogical tree, we'll see no end. family love is what everyone longs for, but the warmth and support from our


beloved ones are what everyone yearns for the most. but how many of us are determined to contribute to our beloved one? and how many don't expect repayment and relaxed. conscience even if they have the desire and preparation to contribute to their beloved. the distance between relatives is different and so are their expectations. but since it's very difficult to know how much we should expect, a lot of worries and distresses emerge.

parents always expect their children to show their filial obedience, or at least pay them frequent visits after they have got married. if the children fail to do this, they feel hurt and upset, and they'll even complain about their children, because they just can't understand why their children don't care about them after what they have done for the children for so many years to bring them up. nevertheless, one's experience determines his ideology. young children are naturally attached to their parents, but when they grow up, specially when they have made their own friends, and got married, what they need most is independence and freedom, and parents sometimes might become their burden. once there is generation gap, it becomes more difficult to communicate and this keeps them away from their parents. objectively speaking, they need more independence in order to achieve success. in the present society, what the children want to have most is the economic support from their parents, not their moral support or guidance. they would complain if your economic support is not up to their expectations. the love



