【期刊名称】《原子与分子物理学报》 【年(卷),期】2017(034)006
【摘要】在密度泛函理论框架下通过平面波赝势的第一性原理计算,研究了块体材料NiSe2的电学,光学和热力学性质.根据计算得到的立方晶体(空间群:PM3,No:200)的能量-体积曲线,获得了最低能量的最优结构.基于能带结构和电子态密度结构计算的结果表明,NiSe2为半金属.当有电磁波穿过块体NiSe2时,通过非自洽计算,分析介电函数的实部和虚部得到了能量损失函数谱,反射率,吸收谱,折射系数和消光系数.在准谐波德拜模型的基础上,我们还研究了NiSe2的热力学性质.%The electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of NiSe2 were investigated via the first-princi-ples calculations within the plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory. According to the calculated Energy-volume curve of the cubic crystal ( space group of PM3 , No:200 ) , the optimal structure of the lowest energy is obtained. Based on the calculations of band structure and electronic structure, it show that NiSe2 is a semi-metal. When the electromagnetic waves pass through the NiSe2 , we have the non-self-consistent calcu-lations of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function. The energy loss function spectrum, absorption spectra, refraction coefficient and extinction coefficient are obtained, reflectivity. On the basis of the quasi-har-monic Debye model, this article also researches the
thermodynamic properties of NiSe2. 【总页数】7页(1180-1186)
【关键词】电子;光学;德拜温度;NiSe2 【作者】雷金桥;黄莎;刘科;周晓林
【作者单位】四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院, 成都610101;四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院, 成都610101;四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院, 成都610101;电子科技大学微电子与固态电子学院, 成都610054;四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院, 成都610101 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】O521 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-atomic-molecular-physics_thesis/0201254824682.html 【相关文献】
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