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U6Short conversations1 Q: What do we know from the conversation about Addison? B He changes jobs quite frequently. 2 Q: What does the man say about his job? D He works to support his family. 3 Q: What does the woman think about her future? A She has no idea about her future plan. 4 Q: What does the man say about his job? C His well-paid job requires a lot of hard work. 5 Q: Why doesn’t the woman take the position? C Because it will take her along the wrong career path.Long conversation1 Q: How does the woman prepare for the working world? A She does not know where to start for her jobs. 2 Q: How did the man find his internship? D He got information from the Internet. 3 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman? B Seek help from the Career Center. 4 Q: What does the man think the woman needs most right now?11

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B A good plan.Passage 11 Q: How has the number of working women with college degrees in the United States changed? B It has increased 200 percent since 1970. 2 Q: What is the current situation of working women in the United States? B Most women are engaged in lower-end jobs. 3 Q: What is the best-paying job for women? A A physician or a surgeon. 4 Q: What does the speaker think of the job prospects for women in the United States? D It is promising.Passage 21) evaluate 2) compensation 3) negotiating 4) confirm 5) schedule 6) circumstances 7) turn down 8) start over 9) work out 10) informed12


U7Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? B Search for information on the Internet. 2 Q: What do you think Mr. Johnson will most probably do? C He will tell his son not to take his phone to school. 3 Q: What does the woman say about people aged 50 to 65? D They are not very likely to get involved in online dating. 4 Q: What does Jennifer want to know? D Which online platform suits her needs. 5 Q: What does the woman imply? C The man’s personal information was leaked online.Long conversation1 Q: What did the man do for his grandmother? B He taught his grandmother how to use electronic gadgets. 2 Q: What problem does the man’s grandmother have? B She is unable to use her household electronic items. 3 Q: What do the man’s grandmother and the woman’s aunt have in common? A They are both reluctant to learn how to use electric items. 4 Q: What will the man do to help his grandmother?13

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C Try to make her interested in electronic items.Passage 11 Q: What does the writer compare “wilfing” to? D Window shopping. 2 Q: What websites are the most popular among wilfers? A Shopping websites. 3 Q: What did the poll find out about wilfing? A People under 25 were more likely to wilf than those aged 55 and above. 4 Q: How do adult entertainment websites attract users? D By using pop-up technology and bulk emails.Passage 21)response 2)illegal 3)in charge of 4)consequently 5)relied heavily on 6)linked to 7)anticipate 8)familiar with 9)remedy 10)betraying14


U8Short conversations1 Q: What does the man mean? B He hopes that the woman can stay at this job for along time. 2 Q: What’s the relationship between Robert and Rose? C Half-brother and half-sister. 3 Q: How will identity thieves use the stolen personal information? C They will use the credit cards in your name without paying the bills. 4 Q: What does the woman think of her female boss? D She is considerate. 5 Q: Why didn’t the woman see Barry yesterday? A He has already changed his job.Long conversation1 Q: Why did Charlie feel stressed? C Because he had to make a crucial decision. 2 Q: What does Ms. Parker say about changing majors? D Most students change their major at least once. 3 Q: What kind of person is Charlie? A He is a big picture kind of guy. 4 Q: What major does Ms. Parker suggest that Charlie may choose?15

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