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2. B

Helenis a secondary school student. Here is her writing of her hometown, Hagley. Hagleyis a small town. It is two hours away by bus from London, the capital ofBritain. Hagley is a very pretty town. In the middle of the town there is asmall lake. There are lots of trees and flowers in the area around the lake. Ioften walk around the lake with my family on Sunday afternoon. Hagley is a longway from big cities so there is no pollution and the air is very clean.

Hagleyhas two schools, a primary school and a secondary school. I go to the secondaryschool and my younger brother goes to the primary school. There is nounderground in Hagley, so I either walk or ride my bicycle to school.

There are lots ofthings to do in Hagley. I like to go to the shops at the weekend. The shopshere are wonderful. Sometimes my parents take me to the local theatre to see aplay. On Tuesdays, I go swimming at the local swimming pool and on Fridays I goto the youth centre to meet my friends. Once a month my family eat at arestaurant. There are a lot of restaurants in Hagley. Most are Westernrestaurants but there is a Chinese restaurant too.

(1)How long does it take to get to London from Hagley by bus? A.Half anhour. B.Onehour. C.Twohours. D.Threehours. (2)Whatdoes Helen usually do on Sunday afternoon?

A.She goesto London. B.Sherides her bike around the lake. C.She goesto the youth centre. D.Shewalks around the lake with her family. (3)Howdoes Helen get to school?

A.By bikeor on foot. B.By busor on foot. C.Byunderground or by bus. D.By bikeor by bus.

(4)Whatdoes Helen like to do at the weekend?

A.Shelikes to go shopping at the weekend. B.Shelikes to go swimming at the weekend. C.Shelikes to eat Chinese food at the weekend. D.Shelikes to meet her friends at the weekend.

(5)Wheredoes Helen see her friends on Fridays?

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A.In theChinese restaurant. B.In thelocal theatre. C.In theyouth centre. D.Nearthe lake. 3. C

Mrand Mrs Brown live in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes MrBrown comes back from work very late and his wife and child are already asleep.Then he opens the front door of his house with his key and goes in veryquietly.

Butone night when he came home late, he forgot to take his key with him. He leftthe key in his office. When he reached his house, he rang the bell. No oneanswered. He rang it again.

Againnobody moved inside the house. Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window andshouted loudly, but his wife did not wake up. At last he stopped and thoughtfor a few seconds. Then he began to speak like a small child. “Mum,” he says,“I want to go to the bathroom.” He spoke quietly, but at once Mrs Brown wokeup.

(1)WhenMr Brown comes back very late, he usually goes into his house ______.

A.withhis wife’s help B.byknocking at the door C.withhis child’s help D.byopening the door with his key (2)Why couldn’t he get in his house?

A.Becausehe lost his key. B.Becausehe left her key in the office. C.Becausehis wife was angry with him. D.Becausehe broke his key.

(3)Whatdid he do first to get into his house after he found he didn’t have his key? A.Heshouted at his wife. B.He rangthe doorbell. C.Heknocked at the bedroom window. D. He spoke to his wife.

(4)MrsBrown woke up because ______.

A.sheheard the sound of the bell B.she hada bad dream C.sheheard a knock at the door D.shethought her son was calling her (5)Whatis probably the ending of the story?

A.MrsBrown opened the door for Mr Brown. B.Thechild opened the door for Mr Brown. C.Mr Brownbroke the door to get in. D.MrBrown opened the door with his wife’s key.

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1.Be ______ (安静的)! I want to listen to the music.

2.The farmers oftenwelcome the visitors with ______ (新鲜的) fruits. 3.Hangzhou is ______ (著名的) for the West Lake.

4.Hurry up, oryou’ll ______ (错过) the train for London.

5.I bought some ______ (明信片) when I was travelling in some European countries. 五、提示词填空(共10题,共10分)

1. I ran into an old friend of ______ (my) in the streetyesterday. 2. Most people in the ______ (West) countries likecoffee very much. 3. Why not put ______ (Simon) pencil casein the desk?

4. Alice is a ______ (friend) girl. Shealways smiles and says hello to others. 5. I think ______ (jog) in the morningis good for old people. 6. —Could I invite you ______ (have) dinner withus? —Yes. I’m very glad to.

7. All the foreigners say the Great Wallis a good place ______ (visit). 8. We are looking forward to ______ (have) the party.

9. You can go to the local museum if youwant to enjoy ______ (work) of art. 10. She likes singing and I can hear her______ (sing) in the nextroom every day. 六、补全句子(共5题,共10分) 1.将来我打算做一名画家。 I ________________ in thefuture. 2.图书馆是一个看书的好地方。 The library is________________.

3. 我打算请尼克明天来帮我检查一下我的电脑。 I am going to ________________ my computertomorrow. 4. 我的家离剧院不远。 My home is ________________. 5. 乘公共汽车到那儿只要二十分钟。

____________ only twentyminutes ________________. 七、任务型阅读(共1题,共10分)

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When peopletravel abroad, they sometimes stay in the homes of the local people. This iscalled homestay.

I am livingwith an old English couple, in the west of London. They have a cleanfour-bedroom house. This is a new house. It has two bathrooms and a garden withmany beautiful flowers. I have a bedroom of my own.

There is ashopping mall and a restaurant next to the house, and the house is close to anunderground station. It takes about 30 minutes to go to the centre of London byunderground.

I thinkhomestay may be a good choice for you if it is your first time to go abroad.The local people are friendly and ready to help. If you have a chance tocelebrate the holidays with them, you will get to know more about their cultureand customs. (1) Homestay What homestay is

When people travel in another (1) ______, they stay in the homes of the local people. ?I live with an old couple in the (2) ______ part of London and I have my own bedroom. ?It is a house with four (3) ______ and two (4) ______.

The house is new and big. There is a garden with many beautiful (5) ______ in it. ?There is a shopping mall and a restaurant (6) ______ the house. It takes about half an hour to get to the city centre by (7) ______ . (8) ______ the writer thinks of homestay

?Homestay is a good choice for people who have (9) ______ gone abroad before.

?The friendly and (10) ______ local people can help you learn more about their culture and customs.

八、短文填空(共1题,共10分) 1.

短文缺词填空,每空一词 (1)

Welcome to Beijing! I’m Lucy. There are many places of interest to (1)v______ in

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We will start the trip this Sunday. The Palace Museum is a (2) w______place to visit. Every day, a lot of people (3) c______ to see it. There are manybeautiful palaces and lots of fine (4) w______ of art. Then we will take a bus toBeihai Park and have some fun. We will have (5) l______ at 12 o’clock in QuanjudeRestaurant. I guess you must know (6) w______ we will have for lunch.

In the afternoon, we will do some (7) s______ in Wangfujing Street. You can(8) b______ some souvenirs there for your friends. (9) A______ that we will take abus back. That’s all. If you are have any question, you can (10) a______ me atany time.


1.你的新朋友们想了解你的家乡,请根据下面提示,以My hometown为题,写一篇70词左右的短文介绍你的家乡。要求包含所有要点,适当发挥,语句通顺,书写整洁。 要点如下:

(1) 我的家乡安静而又现代化; (2) 这里空气清新,有湖泊和河流; (3) 这里有很多事情可以做,例如……; (4) 我认为我的家乡很宜居,我爱我的家乡。

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