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交际英语试题及答案 (1)1、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! This is not the end of the world.

luck.up.ahead.problem. 答案:B

2、 Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.

mind'm glad you like it.don't say so., It's not so good答案: B 3、 - Is it possible for you to work late tonight

like it.'ll do that.'d love to.think so. 答案: D

4、 What's the problem with your bike

at all., thank you.serious. 答案: C

5、 Would you like something to drink What about a cup of tea

, thanks., I wouldn't., I want., I like. 答案: A

6、 How can I get to the cinema 's very far., there is a cinema near here.

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's well known.down this street and turn left. 答案: D

7、 What a beautiful dress you have on today!

is suitable for me., it isn't.want to have one, tooyou. 答案: 8、 Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.

a pleasure.to meet you.don't know.a lot. 答案:B

9、 I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.

too bad.'s all right.'s a pleasure.you. 答案: B

10、 Are you going on holiday for a long time

was a long time.weeks ago.. Only a couple of days. 答案: C 11、 Is John there

.'m not Mary.are youis well today. D 答案:A

12、 Thank you for your invitation.

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-- ________ long time ago.doesn't matter.'s a pleasure.'s a small thing.'llappreciate it. 答案: B

13、 Good morning, John. How are you doing

'm pleased.night.so bad. And youdo you do 答案: C

14、 - What's wrong with you, dear

didn't go to school.have a terrible headache. took the kids shopping today.is a beautiful dress. 答案: B

15、 I think he is a good lecturer.

, it doesn't matter.do I.. It's a good idea.don't mind. 答案: 16、 What are you majoring in

a university.hard..nine in the morning. 答案: C

17、 What's the matter, John B

failedmyFrenchtest.doesn'tmatter.'swrongwithhim.don'tthinkI can. 答案:3 / 17


18、 Let's go to the library this afternoon.

, that's right.. I can't.about you's a good idea. 答案: D

19、 How tall is your sister

is not very well.is 28 years old.is very nice.is as tall as I ar答案: D20、What do you think of this novel

've read it.'s well-written.was written by ry uncle.bought ityesterday. 答案: B 21、 Good rorning, ray I speak to Mark, please

's there's that speakingare youwants to speak to Mark答案:B 22、 What does Tor's wife do for a living

is a doctor.loves his wife.has a happy life」ives far from here答案: A23、How ruch is this necklace

's very nice.'s a birthday present from my parents.costs fifty pounds.'s a bargain. 答案:C

24、 Hello, how are you

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, how are youdo you do, thank you.'s OK. 答案: C

25、 Good-bye for now.

same to you.'s OK.you. 答案: C

26、 What day is today

's March 6.'s a fine day today. 答案: D

27、 How are you getting on today

well.do you do'm a doctor. 答案: A

28、 Is that seat taken don't worry.don't think so. 答案:B

29、 Thank you for calling. -- ________ 's March.'s Monday. to have known you. not's very nice. time no see.

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