desperate wake disappointing contest worshipping object bankrupt cruelty fancy dignity protects originally protests altitude similarly
Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,” protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you; are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.
你知不知道一些著名的人?如果是这样,你可能已经发现他们和我们(普通人)没有什 么区别。您甚至可能会听到他们反对人们说他们与众不同。“我真的只是一个普通的家伙”,一个最近飙升到聚光灯下的演员抗议道。当然,通常在一个短暂的时期,他们开始相信他们 是伟大的,因为被他们崇拜的粉丝推崇。他们开始穿花哨的衣服,好像每个人都应该在听他 们说话。然而,这样的期间,不会持续太长。他们很快回归到了现实,就在他们把这些(名利)看得太重的时候。 那种感觉就好像是一直翱翔在高空的老鹰俯视其他所有的人?那种飞得高的感觉只是为了唤醒你的梦想从而认清你自己?他们从得到又失去中体会到了残酷。他们常常绝望的想得到他们失去的东西。 这些努力往往导致更大的痛苦。 有些人无论经济和情感上都破产了。只有真正的赢家是那些乐意回到地面与我们(普通人)在一起的人。
underlined induces devoted collision effect consensus successful obligation influence charge inquired rousing sparked rising flashed
Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart? he is currently one of the most popular comics on television. His pessimistic view of the politics and government induces laughter ,thought and even anger . he has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies. His whole show is devoted to making fun of the nonsense that occurs in politics. But ,that makes his show so successful is his ability to tell his jokes with intelligence. It’s not just comedy , said one media expert . his comments have a lot of influence over a very large audience in American. He has a lot of political power. Recently Stewart was a guest on a news show about politics. The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public. Stewart argued that while the content of the script for his show may be political in nature, his primary obligation is to entertain. The host journalist, however ,emphasized the political influence of his performance. The argument ended up rousing anger from both parties. The incident underlined how sensitive some people can be to what others find funny. It also showed how important comedians have become to politics.
你听说过乔恩·斯图尔特(人名)吗?他是目前电视上最流行的喜剧演员之一。他对政 治和政府的悲观看法,引起(人们的)欢笑,思考,甚至愤怒。他经常用他的聪明机智抨击 政府的一些政策。他的整个展会致力于取笑那些没有意义的政策。但是,使他的表演如此成 功,是因为他的笑话充满了智慧。一个媒体专家说,这不只是喜剧。 在美国,他的意见对很大一部分观众有很深远的影响。他有很多的政治权力。最近斯图尔特做客于一个关于政治的新闻节目。主机记者引发了激烈的争论,在当他询问斯图尔特美国政府的责任的时候。斯图尔特认为,虽然他的节目的内容在本质上是说政治的,但他的首要责任是娱乐(大众) 。然而,主机的记者强调,他的表现对政治的影响力。争吵与他们对两方政党的极端愤怒结束。 这件事着重说明了那些给人带来快乐的人相当敏锐,他们展示了将喜剧转化成政治的重要性。
neglected occur protection mislead provision
misunderstand recovery notice compensation notify rewarded fantastic pension ridiculous receipt
What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past? If someone has been injured on the job ,they are supposed to notify the medical worker ,who would certify that there was a problem. Then, they may receive compensation from the company. If the company provides a pension, the person may receive money monthly to make up for lost wages. The person who has been disabled may also take the company to court if safety was neglected at the workplace. This usually results in receipt of a payment to settle the dispute. In addition, all workplaces are required to pay money to the government for a program to take care of people disabled on the job. One provision in this program requires workplaces where more injuries occur to pay more money. For this reason companies that require heavy physical labor take safety very seriously. Most people misunderstand disability insurance. They think it is ridiculous that a person should get paid without working. In fact, this benefit is usually not enough to cover the rent and other bills of those who receive it. Most of the disabled still want to work, but recovery from the injury and training for other types of employment takes time. 在美国,当有人残疾后不能(再)胜任他们以往的工作将会发生什么?若有人已在工作中受伤,应通知医务工作者证明工伤。然后,他们可能会收到来自该公司的赔偿。若该公司提供退休金,工伤者可能会收到弥补每月工资损失的(相应)金额。如果那些已经残疾的人在工作环境里的安全(仍)受忽视,他们也可以将公司告上法庭。这通常会导致为了解决争端而收到付款收据。此外,政府部门为了保护残疾人制定了在所有的工作场所都必须赔偿工伤的条列。在这个方案中的一个条文规定了在那些容易发生伤害的工作场需要赔偿更多金额。出于这个原因,公司需要非常重视重体力劳动的安全。大多数人误解伤残保险。他们认为该保险不可理喻,一个人没有工作却得到了报酬。事实上,此类赔款往往不足以支付住房费用和其他生活开支。大多数残疾人还是要工作,但是从伤病恢复再训练投入到其他类型的工作岗位需要时间。
attends advantage highlights privacy buy
transformation invest transmits telecommunications charge superhighway disposal assess potential access
Mr. Li runs a small trade company in Sichuan province. He used to be worried about the sales of his goods, but now he simply logs on the Internet and transmits the information about his company to almost anywhere. He now has so many resources at his disposal than before. He has even started to invest in foreign and make money almost anywhere.
The telecommunications revolution has certainly changed the way we look at the world. And ,most importantly, it allows people to get equal access to the information. People in less developed areas of the world are taking advantage of the benefits as well. One person says, I used to have a small farm, but now I am doing international business. This is just one of the many benefits of the information superhighway. There are ,however, some potential challenges we will have to face. For example, there is a great deal of concern over privacy in the information age. Mr. Li highlights this point. Hopefully, we can solve this problem in the near future. 李先生在四川省开了一家小型贸易公司。过去他常常担心商品的销售情况,但现在只需轻松地登陆网站并把公司讯息传播到各个地方。比起以前,他现在有更多能够自己自由支配的资源。他甚至开始在国外城市进行投资并且到处赚钱。
share rational belongs commodity relax
therapy reflect interpretation spread interruption stretch connection crude interaction solitude
How do you spend your time when you're alone? Do you turn up your music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal? It has been my observation that these activities can be the best type of therapy for a troubled mind. It is crucial for humans to find some solitude in life. They must find some time to let the universe go spinning on without other's interruption. The portion of this world that belongs to one person is increasingly becoming smaller. And whatever we have we must share with others. Therefore, our ability to maintain a healthy balance between social interaction and personal pursuits is being challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity not only for poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as well. A healthy adult needs \to reflect on what is truly important to them. When you are alone, you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, moving at your own pace. However, it's important to stay rational. Don't forget that in order to be a healthy part of other' lives, you must yourself be healthy. 当你独自一人时你会怎样度过?把音乐尽可能的开到最大自娱自乐?还是买一份最大的牛排然后坐享美食?据我观察,这些活动能成为烦心事的最佳疗法.对于人类来说,在生命中找到一份宁静至关重要.人们必须找到一段时间让自己的生活避免别人的打扰.然而这部分时间所占的比例已经越来越小,我们总是把我们所拥有的与别人分享.因此,我们的维持社交活动与个人追求的平衡能力受到了挑战.孤独中的灵感不仅仅属于诗人和哲学家们,同时也是普通人所能拥有的主要才能.一个健全的人反思其生命的真正重要的东西需要独处的时间.当你独自一人的时候,可以释放自身灵魂使之充斥整个房间,让步伐随自由而动.但是,保持理智很重要.不要忘了,要想成为他人生命中的健康的一部分,首先须确保自己的健康.