摘 要 随着中国经济的 快速发展和海外扩张的需求,引入战略投资者已经成为了
一种潮流, 而引入战略投资者带来的股权结构的变化也是市场希望看到的, 而阿
思考, 两者对于公司治理的影响其实是一把双刃剑。 本文通过分析股权之争的整
个过程, 力求得出让战略投资者、 股权制衡结构真正能对公司治理水平和投资者
本文采取的是案例研究方法, 全文共两大部分, 第一大部分是案例介绍部分,
从案例所面临的背景出发引出案例, 首先对该案例涉及的公司和行业背景进行介
经理管理防御壁垒理论、 公司治理理论、 博弈 理论和信息不对称理论来具体分析
整个案例的关键点, 从股权之争事件的各种动因出发, 研究在引入战略投资者后
股权制衡结构带给阿里巴巴集团公司治理机制的变化, 重点探讨股权争夺及制衡
结构对投资者保护的影响, 分析各利益相关者在此次事件中的得失, 中小投资者
为何成为了最终受害者。 通过研究分析发现, 在不触及公司内部治理机制及缺乏
完善的法律制度保障的情 况下, 单纯靠引入战略投资者而形成的股权制衡结构难
护。 最后结合案例出现的问题和值得借鉴的地方对我国企业如何利用股权结构和
战略投资者来提高公司治理水平以保护投资者利益提出建议。 [ 关键 词] 战略投资 者,股权制衡,公司治理,投资者保护I Abstract
With China's rapid economic development and the needs of overseas
expansion.The introduction of strategic investors has become a trend, and the equity
structure of the changes by the introduction of strategic investors is also the market
want to see. Alibaba and Yahoo equity competition case let us have more thinking to
strategic investors and large shareholder's counterbalance, both factors is is a
double-edged sword to corporate governance. Through the whole process of analysis
of equity competition between Alibaba and Yahoo, the paper strive to find a way
allow strategic investors and equity balances structure can really play positive
significance to corporate governance and investor protection This paper use a case study method. The paper is divided into two parts, and the
first part is the introductory section, starting from the case background .The first of
the cases involving the company and industry background, and then give a detailed
description to the case. The second part is case studies section,