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专业: 公共事业管理 题目: 农村养老保险基金的筹集问题研究 指导教师:
中 文 摘 要
关键词 : 农村养老保险必要性 基金筹集 筹集设想
The village endowment insurance system is an importance of society policy, to guarantee village advanced age population of basic life, change farmer of tradition idea, promote planned parenthood, perfect village society guarantee system, maintenance village society stability, promote village economy development and society progress, all have importance of function.It not only matter pass the slice of large farmer body benefits,
also direct relation arrive the whole society stability and development of general situation.Currently our country village endowment insurance existence of the most problem be a raise of funds, but our country the village be densely populated and old age population specific weight more big, the farmer income be lower and pay fee pressure to lead big, lack nation of public finance support with collective unit of the kit hand over a fee, and retire to enjoy life a fund of luck camp and management not reasonable.These will beg our country to village endowment insurance gold of raise and build up science efficiently of system, practice personal, collective, government three raise to combine together, establishment multilayers of pay fee standard and pay a fee way, establish specialized of funds management organization, reasonable science of usage raise of funds, make it creation the biggest effect and performance.
[ Keyword] Village endowment insurance necessity The fund raise Raise to conceive