【期刊名称】《煤炭学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(037)011
【摘要】依托范各庄煤矿12号煤层底板的砂岩巷道工程实际,应用岩体结构面非接触测量(Sha-peMetriX3D)系统,对巷道开挖面进行岩体结构面数字摄影测量及识别,得到岩体结构面的几何分布参数;在此基础上,利用Mont-Carlo方法生成裂隙网络,分别利用离散介质渗流方法和几何损伤理论计算岩体的渗透张量和弹性张量,研究了岩体力学参数各向异性和尺度效应;最后,建立了平面应变情况下的巷道围岩各向异性渗流力学模型,采用COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场分析软件,计算得到了可以考虑节理分布特征的巷道围岩应力场和渗流场,并讨论了岩体力学性质主方向对围岩应力场、渗流场及损伤区的影响。研究表明,岩体的各向异性对数值模拟结果影响显著,等效连续介质的各向异性模型能考虑岩体结构面的影响,更符合工程实际。Tpending on the sandstone roadway on the floor of No. 12 coal seam in Fangezhuang Coal Mine,a 3D con- tact-free measuring system, named as ShapeMetriX3D, was employed to capture discontinuities on the face of the road- way and obtain statistical parameters for each set of discontinuities. And then, fracture network was generated by Mont- Carlo method. Permeability tensor of rock mass was calculated by the discrete medium seepage method, and the elastic- ity tensor of rock mass was obtained by geometrical damage theory. Then, scale effect and anisotropic behaviors of rock