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flower in China, in which more than 70 markets and 3800 stores are built. The sales reached RMB 665 million in 2006.

2. To face the new requirement and new situation, there are several major problems in flower industry to be solved:

Lack of germ plasma resources of flower; comparatively low productivity; lack of specialists and staff; decentralized industry structure; low level of specialization; inconsistent management; the main function of Shanghai Flower Association cannot be acted; imperfect marketing system; the cut-flower business centre reveals no special characteristics with a large scale; social service has not been fully provided.

3. There are five main measures to be taken in Shanghai flower industry:

(1) Increase investment on science and technology, emphasize on germ plasma innovation.(2) Reasonable lay-out with local characteristics.(3) Develop system of flower markets.(4) Optimize system of social service. (5) Strengthen protective policy.

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In summary, Shanghai flower industry must prompt the economic, social and environmental function of the industry; take good advantage of the holding of Shanghai World Exposition and suburban flower production to construct an advanced centre with high scientific level and model of productivity; form a business pattern of combination of flowers and plants distribution and retailing markets; integration of domestic and international markets and marketing industry step by step; push the leading role of some most important enterprises and combination of flower and agricultural cooperative society; construct a flower exporting base and scientific study and developing base with standardization and brand.

KEYWORDS: Shanghai; flower industry; actuality;


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目 录

摘要 1 引言 7

第一章 文献综述 9

1 世界花卉业进展态势 9 1.1 生产与消费现状 9

1.2 花卉产业市场竞争日趋激烈 10

1.3 世界花卉生产和经营企业由独立经营向合作经营进展 11

1.4 花卉品种向新、特、优和多样性进展,花卉科研力度不断加大 11

1.5 广泛采纳新技术,推动了花卉产业的快速进展 12 2 要紧花卉生产国家 12 2.1 花卉生产先进国家 13 2.2 花卉生产贸易后起国 16 3 我国花卉产销现状及特点 18 3.1 不同类型花卉种植结构 18 3.2 各种类型花卉销售结构 20

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3.3 各省市花卉产销排名 22

3.4 要紧生产省市花卉产业进展概况 24 3.5 我国花卉业进展特点 25 第二章 上海花卉产业现状分析 28 1 自然条件与研究方法 28 1.1 区位与面积 28 1.2 自然资源 28 1.3 研究方法 28 2 结果与分析 28

2.1 产业进展历程及取得的成果 28 2.2 区域布局和种植结构 31 2.3 设施建设和种质资源 32 2.4 市场培育与产业治理 33 2.5 花卉企业与专业合作社 35 2.6 产业政策与科技投入 36 3 讨论 38

3.1 先进生产经营方式的探究 38 3.2 与先进国家花卉产业的差距 39

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第三章 上海花卉产业进展对策分析 42 1 研究方法 42 1.1 资料采集 42 1.2 实地调研 42 1.3 座谈、访谈 42 2 结果与分析 42

2.1 加大科技投入,注重种质创新 43 2.2 合理规划布局,形成地点特色 48 2.3 培育和壮大花卉市场 49 2.4 完善花卉业社会化服务体系 51 2.5 加强政策保障,营造良好环境 54 3 讨论 55

3.1 新时期上海花卉业进展要适应世界花卉业进展特点 3.2 上海花卉产业创新进展具有一定基础 56 3.3 上海花卉产业进展前景宽敞 58 结论与建议 59 参考文献 60-62

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